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Dr. Kai Leng obtained her Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from National University of Singapore (NUS) in February 2019. She then worked as a research fellow in NUS and University of Cambridge before joining the Department of Applied Physics, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) as an Research Assistant Professor (Independent PI) in October 2020. She was promoted to Assistant Professor in September, 2021. She has received multiple awards including Prof Lee Soo Ying Early Career Gold Award (2020) from Singapore National Institute of Chemistry and Outstanding Student Award (2018) from Chinese Government. Career Milestone Awards 1. MIT Technology Review "Innovators Under 35" in the Asia Pacific region 2023 (麻省理工科技評論「亞太地區35歲以下創新35 人」2023) 2. Croucher Tak Wah Mak Innovation Award 2023 (裘槎麥德華前瞻科研大獎) 3. China’s Excellent Young Scientists Fund 2023 (港澳优青) 4. PolyU Young Innovative Researcher Award 2023 5. Early Career Scheme Awardee 2022-The Reseach Grants Council (HK) 6. Prof Lee Soo Ying Early Career Gold Award 2020-Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC) 7. Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Student Abroad 2018 group webpage: https://kathykaileng.wixsite.com/mysite-1


Leng's research group at the Department of Applied Physics, PolyU focuses on the chemical design, synthesis, physics and device applications of low-dimensional materials such as organic-inorganic hybrid 2D materials. 1.Quantum confined 2D systems 2.Low dimensional physics 3. Charge, energy and phonon dynamics 4. Atomic-Scale Microscopy Exploring how the quasi-2D physics of hybrid materials is modulated by compositional and dimensional engineering helps to understand their intrinsic photophysical property and optimize device performance.


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Weixin He, Yali Yang, Chuanzhao Li, Walter PD Wong, Fanica Cimpoesu, Ana Maria Toader, Zhenyue Wu, Xiao Wu, Zexin Lin, Qing-hua Xu, Kai Leng*, Alessandro Stroppa* & Kian Ping Loh* "Near-90° Switch in the Polar Axis of Dion–Jacobson Perovskites by Halide Substitution" Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145, 25, 14044-14051 (2023). Yuanyuan Jin, Jian Sun, Ling Zhang, Junqiang Yang, Yangwu Wu, Bingying You, Xiao Liu, Kai Leng* & Song Liu* "Controllable Oxidation of ZrS2 to Prepare High-κ, Single-crystal m-ZrO2 for Two-dimensional Electronics" Advanced Materials, https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202212079 (2023). Chuanzhao Li, Kian Ping Loh* & Kai Leng* "Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites and their heterostructures" Matter, 5, (12), 4153-4169, (2022). Tingting Yin*, Hejin Yan, Ibrahim Abdelwahab, Yulia Lekina, Xujie Lü, Wenge Yang, Handong Sun, Kai Leng, Yongqing Cai*, Ze Xiang Shen*, Kian Ping Loh* "Unlocking surface octahedral tilt in two-dimensional Ruddlesden-Popper perovskties" Nature Communications, 13, 138 (2022). Mykola Telychko#, Shayan Edalatmanesh#, Kai Leng#, Ibrahim Abdelwahab, Na Guo, Chu Zhang, Jesus I Mendieta-Moreno, Matyas Nachtigall, Jing Li, Kian Ping Loh*, Pavel Jelinek* & Jiong Lu* "Sub-angstrom Non-invasive Imaging of Atomic Arrangement in 2D Hybrid Perovskites" Science Advances, 8 (17), eabj0395 (2022). Yan Shao, Wei Gao, Hejin Yan, Runlai Li, Ibrahim Abdelwahab, Xiao Chi, Lukas Rogee, Lyuchao Zhuang, Wei Fu, Shu Ping Lau, Siu Fung Yu, Yongqing Cai*, Kian Ping Loh* & Kai Leng* "Unlocking surface octahedral tilt in two-dimensional Ruddlesden-Popper perovskties" Nature Communications, 13, 138 (2022). Maoxin Li, Feier Fang, Xiao Huang, Guangyou Liu, Zheng Lai, Zhihao Chen, Jiahao Hong, Yu Chen, Rong-jia Wei, Guo-Hong Ning, Kai Leng*, Yumeng Shi* & Bingbing Tian* "Chiral Ligand-Induced Structural Transformation of Low-Dimensional Hybrid Perovsktie for Circularly Polarized Photodetection" Chemistry of Materials. 34, 7, 2955-2962 (2022). Kai Leng*, Runlai Li, Shu Ping Lau, Kian Ping Loh* "Ferroelectricity and Rashba effect in 2D organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites" Trends in Chemistry, 3, 716-732 (2021). Alan Baldwin, Geraud Delport, Kai Leng, Rosemonde Chahbazian, Krzysztof Galkowski, Kian Ping Loh, Samuel D Stranks* "Local Energy Landscape Drives Long-Range Exciton Diffusion in Two-Dimensional Halide Perovskite Semiconductors" The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12, 4003-4011 (2021). Kai Leng, Wei Fu, Yanpeng Liu, Manish Chhowalla & Kian Ping Loh* "From bulk to molecularly thin hybrid perovskites" Nature Reviews Materials, 5, 482-500 (2020). Kai Leng, Lin Wang, Yan Shao, Ibrahim Abdelwahab, Gustavo Grinblat, Ivan Verzhbitskiy, Runlai Li, Yongqing Cai, Xiao Chi, Wei Fu, Peng Song, Andrivo Rusydi, Goki Eda, Stefan A. Maier & Kian Ping Loh* "Electron tunneling at molecularly thin 2D perovskite and graphene van der Waals interface" Nature Communications, 11, 5483 (2020). Kai Leng, Ibrahim Abdelwahab, Ivan Verzhbitskiy, Mykola Telychko, Leiqiang Chu, Wei Fu, Xiao Chi, Na Guo, Zhihui Chen, Zhongxin Chen, Chun Zhang, Qing-Hua Xu, Jiong Lu, Manish Chhowalla, Goki Eda and Kian Ping Loh* "Molecularly thin two-dimensional hybrid perovskites with tunable optoelectronic properties due to reversible surface relaxation" Nature Materials, 17, 908-914 (2018). Feng Zhou#, Ibrahim Abdelwahab#, Kai Leng#, Kian Ping Loh* & Wei Ji "2D Perovskites with Giant Excitonic Optical Nonlinearities for High-Performance Sub-Bandgap Photodetection" Advanced Materials, 31, 1904155 (2019). Xiao Chi#, Kai Leng#, Bo Wu, Dong Shi, Yufong choy, Zhongxin Chen, Zhihui, Chen, Xiaojiang Yu, Ping Yang, Qing-Hua Xu, Tze Chien Sum, Andrivo Rusydi* & Kian Ping Loh* "Elucidating Surface and Bulk Emission in 3D Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Lead Bromide Perovskites" Advanced Optical Materials, 6, 1800470 (2018). Zhongxin Chen#, Kai Leng#, Xiaoxu Zhao, Souradip Malkhandi, Wei Tang, Bingbing Tian, Lei Dong, Lirong Zheng, Ming Lin, Boon Siang Yeo, Kian Ping Loh* "Interface confined hydrogen evolution reaction in zero valent metal nanoparticles-intercalated molybdenum disulfide" Nature Communications, 8, 14548 (2017). Kai Leng, Zhongxin Chen, Xiaoxu Zhao, Wei Tang, Bingbing Tian, Chang Tai Nai, Wu Zhou, Kian Ping Loh* "Phase Restructuring in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Highly Stable Energy Storage" ACS Nano, 10, 10, 9208-9215 (2016). Bingbing Tian#, Wei Tang#, Kai Leng#, Zhongxin Chen, Sherman Jun Rong Tan, Chengxin Peng, Guo-Hong Ning, Wei Fu, Chenliang Su, Guangyuan Wesley Zheng, Kian Ping Loh* "Phase Transformations in TiS2 during K Intercalation" ACS Energy Letter, 2, 8, 1935-1840 (2017). Kai Leng, Fan Zhang, Long Zhang, Tengfei Zhang, Yingpeng Wu, Yanhong Lu, Yi Huang, Yongsheng Chen* "Graphene-based Li-ion hybrid supercapacitors with ultrahigh performance" Nano Research, 6, 581-592 (2013).
