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洪林君,华南农业大学首聘副教授,动物科学学院动物遗传育种与繁殖系教师,国家生猪种业工程技术研究中心核心研究人员。2016年12月在华中农业大学获动物遗传育种与繁殖专业博士学位,在读期间曾获博士研究生国家奖学金、国家公派出国留学奖学金等荣誉。曾以国家公派研究生身份在美国农业部贝尔茨维尔农业研究中心Joan K Lunney实验室学习研究一年。目前主持国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、广州市科技计划项目、华南农业大学人才引进科研启动等多个科研项目。主要致力于母猪繁殖性能的遗传改良研究。在猪胎盘发生与发育、胚胎附植及早期发育、猪胚胎骨骼肌发育、卵泡与精子功能调控、性别控制等领域取得众多研究成果,先后在Biology of reproduction、eLife、Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology、Frontiers in genetics、Frontiers in Veterinary Science、Reproduction、Reproduction in Domestic Animals、Scientific Reports、BMC Genomics、Gene、Cellular reprogramming、Journal of Reproduction and Development、Molecular Reproduction and Development、Animal reproduction science、BioMed Research International、Animals等国际知名学术期刊发表多篇学术论文,获得多项由国家知识产权局授权的发明专利,是Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology编委,BMC Genomics、Livestock Science、Gene、中国畜牧兽医、中国畜牧杂志等期刊审稿人。 工作经历 2017/01/01-至今,华南农业大学,动物科学学院,国家生猪种业工程技术研究中心 教育经历 2015/11-2016/12,Beltsville Agricultural Research Center,USDA,国家公派博士联合培养 2010/09-2016/12,华中农业大学,动物科学技术学院,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业, 博士; 2006/09-2010/06,湖北师范大学,生命科学学院,生物科学专业,学士。 获奖、荣誉称号 2020年获广东省农业技术推广奖一等奖(13/20) 2020年获得广东省第五届青年教师教学比赛三等奖 2020年度华南农业大学动物科学学院青年教师教学观摩比赛一等奖 2020年度华南农业大学动物科学学院“青年教师优秀奖” 2019年度华南农业大学动物科学学院“青年教师优秀奖” 2019年度华南农业大学动物科学学院“教学十佳” 2019年华南农业大学2018-2019学年“青年教师教学优秀奖”一等奖 2019年第三届全国动物科学专业技能大赛优秀指导教师一等奖 2019年第二十次全国动物遗传育种学术讨论会优秀墙报奖 2018年度华南农业大学动物科学学院青年教师教学观摩比赛一等奖 2016年第35届国际动物遗传育种大会(ISAG)资助奖,美国犹他州盐湖城 2015年国家留学基金委公派出国留学奖学金 2015年第十八次全国动物遗传育种学术讨论会优秀墙报奖 科研项目 1、 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目(项目编号2019A1515011835),2019/10/01-2022/09/30,10万元,主持; 2、 广州市科技计划项目(项目编号201904010434),2019/04/01-2022/03/31,20万元,主持; 3、 国家自然科学基金-青年基金(项目编号31802033),猪妊娠早期子宫腔液外泌体差异表达miRNA的鉴定及其对胚胎附植的机制研究,,2019/01/01-2021/12/31,26万元,主持; 4、 广东省自然科学基金团队项目(项目编号2018B030313011),基于全基因组重测序的种猪育种关键技术研究,,2018/07-2023/04,300万,核心成员。 5、 华南农业大学人才引进科研启动项目,2018/01/01-2018/12/31,6万元,主持; 出版专著和教材 生猪养猪管理关键技术问答(54万字),中国农业科学技术出版社,2018年12月出版, 主编:吕建秋,副主编:田兴国,洪林君,蔡更元 科研创新 1. 猪初生重性状相关HAI-1基因分子标记的克隆及其应用(申请号:201610898124.5),排名2/8 2. 猪初生重性状相关PLAC1基因分子标记的克隆及应用(授权号:ZL201510014211.5),排名2/8 3. 一种分子标记在猪初生重性状关联分析中的应用(授权号:ZL201210039581.0),排名11/11 教学活动 1. 《养猪学》 2.《动物繁殖学》 3.《动物育种学》 指导学生情况 指导本科生参加全国动物科学专业技能大赛 指导多名本科生参加创新创业训练计划项目2项,指导硕士研究生10名,指导博士研究生3名 我的团队 我所在的团队—国家生猪种业工程技术研究中心(以下简称“中心”),是经科技部批准,依托于华南农业大学和广东温氏食品集团股份有限公司组建的国家级研发平台。“中心”目前有教授(研究员)5人、副教授3人。课题组近五年来先后承担农业部“转基因重大专项”、科技部“863”、国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金重点项目等国家和省级重点项目 40 余项,先后获得了国家科学技术进步奖二等奖2项(其中1项为主持单位,一项为主要完成单位)、大北农科技奖一等奖 1 项、广东省科技奖一等奖 2 项及广东省农业推广奖 2 项。近5年先后在《eLife》、《Biology of reproduction》、《BMC Genomics》、《Reproduction》、《Journal of Reproduction and Development》、《Mammalian Genome》、《Frontiers in Genetics》、《Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology》、《Scientific Reports》、《Gene》、《International Journal of Biological Sciences》、《PLoS ONE》、《Transgenic Research》、《Animal Reproduction Science》、《畜牧兽医学报》、《中国农业科学》等刊物发表研究论文140余篇。在猪的繁殖性状功能基因挖掘、家猪数量性状遗传解析、猪的表观基因组学与体细胞克隆、转基因技术与育种以及种质资源评价等研究方面具有优势。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

SCI收录论文: 1. Xupeng Zang†, Chen Zhou†, Wenjing Wang, Jianyu Gan, Yaokun Li, Dewu Liu, Guangbin Liu* and Linjun Hong*(洪林君). Differential MicroRNA Expression Involved in Endometrial Receptivity of Goats. Biomolecules,2021, 11, 472. 2. Xupeng Zang, Ting Gu, Qun Hu, Zhiqian Xu, Yanshe Xie, Chen Zhou,Enqin Zheng, Sixiu Huang, Zheng Xu, Fanming Meng, Gengyuan Cai,Zhenfang Wu* and Linjun Hong*(洪林君). Global Transcriptomic Analyses Reveal Genes Involved in Conceptus Development During the Implantation Stages in Pigs. Frontiers in Genetics,2021,12:584995. 3. Baohua Tan#, Linjun Hong#(洪林君), Jiaxin Qiao, Jian Zhou, Pingping Xing, Guanhao Yan, Enqin Zheng, Gengyuan Cai, Sixiu Huang, Zhenfang Wu, and Ting Gu. Identification and Expression Pattern of EZH2 in Pig Developing Fetuses. BioMed Research International,2020, 5315930, 10. 4. Zhiqian Xu, Yanshe Xie, Chen Zhou, Qun Hu, Ting Gu, Jie Yang, Enqin Zheng, Sixiu Huang, Zheng Xu, Gengyuan Cai, Dewu Liu, Zhenfang Wu*, and Linjun Hong* (洪林君). Expression Pattern of Seminal Plasma Extracellular Vesicle Small RNAs in Boar Semen. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2020,7:585276. 5. Linjun Hong (洪林君), Qun Hu, Xupeng Zhang, Yanshe Xie, Chen Zhou, Xian Zou, Yaokun Li, Ming Deng, Yongqing Guo, Guangbing Liu* and Dewu Liu*. Analysis and Screening of Reproductive Long Non-coding RNAs Through Genome-Wide Analyses of Goat Endometrium During the Pre-attachment Phase. Frontiers in Genetics, 2020, 11:568017. 6. Yanshe Xie, Zhiqian Xu, Zhenfang Wu*, and Linjun Hong* (洪林君). Sex Manipulation Technologies Progress in Livestock: A Review. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2020, 7:481-481. 7. Chen Zhou†, Gengyuan Cai†, Zhiqian Xu, Yanjuan He, Qun Hu, Enqin Zheng, Sixiu Huang, Zheng Xu, Ting Gu, Bin Hu, Fanming Meng, Zhenfang Wu*, and Linjun Hong* (洪林君). Deep-sequencing identification of microRNA biomarkers in serum exosomes for early pig pregnancy. Frontiers in Genetics, 2020, 11:536. 8. Linjun Hong (洪林君), Yanjuan He, Chengquan Tan, Zhenfang Wu* and Mei Yu*, HAI-1 regulates placental folds development by influencing trophoblast cell proliferation and invasion in pigs. Gene, 2020, 749:144721 9. Linjun Hong (洪林君), Ting Gu, Yanjuan He, Chen Zhou, Qun Hu, Wang Xingwang, Enqin Zheng, Sixiu Huang, Zheng Xu, Jie Yang, Huaqiang Yang, Zicong Li, Gengyuan Cai*, and Zhenfang Wu*, Genome-Wide Analysis of Circular Rnas Mediated Cerna Regulation in Porcine Embryonic Muscle Development, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2019, 7:289. 10. Linjun Hong (洪林君), Ruize Liu, Xiwu Qiao, Xingwang Wang, Shouqi Wang, Jiaqi Li, Zhenfang Wu, and Hao Zhang*, 'Differential Micrornas Expression in Porcine Endometrium Involved in Remodeling and Angiogenesis That Contribute to the Embryonic Implantation', Frontiers in genetics, 2019, 10:661. 11. Ting Gu, Junsong Shi, Lvhua Luo, Zicong Li, Enqin Zheng, Gengyuan Cai, Linjun Hong* (洪林君), and Zhenfang Wu, Comparison of Carcass Traits, Meat Quality, and Chemical Composition of Tissues from Progeny Derived from Cloned and Noncloned Pigs, Cellular reprogramming, 2019. 12. Ting Gu, Junsong Shi, Lvhua Luo, Zicong Li, Jie Yang, Gengyuan Cai, Enqin Zheng, Linjun Hong (洪林君), and Zhenfang Wu*, Study on Hematological and Biochemical Characters of Cloned Duroc Pigs and Their Progeny, Animals, 2019, 9(11):912. 13. Xuqiong Yang, Xiao Wu, Yang Yang, Ting Gu, Linjun Hong (洪林君), Enqin Zheng, Zheng Xu, Fang Zeng, Junsong Shi, Rong Zhou Rong, Gengyuan Cai, Zhenfang Wu* and Zicong Li*: Improvement of developmental competence of cloned male pig embryos by short hairpin ribonucleic acid (shRNA) vector-based but not small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated RNA interference (RNAi) of Xist expression. Journal of Reproduction and Development 2019. 14. Rongrong Ding, Ming Yang, Jianping Quan, Shaoyun Li, Zhanwei Zhuang, Shenping Zhou, Enqin Zheng, Linjun Hong (洪林君), Zicong Li, Gengyuan Cai, Wen Huang, Zhenfang Wu* and Jie Yang*. Single-Locus and Multi-Locus Genome-Wide Association Studies for Intramuscular Fat in Duroc Pigs, Frontiers in genetics, 2019,10, 619. 15. Zheng Ao, Zicong Li, Xingwang Wang, Chengfa Zhao, Yanmin Gan, Xiao Wu, Fang Zeng, Junsong Shi, Ting Gu, Linjun Hong (洪林君), Enqin Zheng,Dewu Liu, Zhenfang Wu* and Gengyuan Cai*. Identification of Amniotic Fluid Metabolomic and Placental Transcriptomic Changes Associated with Abnormal Development of Cloned Pig Fetuses, Molecular Reproduction and Development , 2019, 86, 278-91. 16. Guoling Li, Dewu Liu, Xianwei Zhang, Rong Quan, Cuili Zhong, Jianxin Mo, Yaoqiang Huang, Haoqiang Wang, Xiaofang Ruan, and Zheng Xu, Enqin Zheng, Ting Gu, Linjun Hong (洪林君), Zicong Li, Zhenfang Wu*, Huaqiang Yang*,Suppressing Ku70/Ku80 Expression Elevates Homology-Directed Repair Efficiency in Primary Fibroblasts, The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 2018 (99), 154-60. 17. Zicong Li, Zhimin Yue, Zheng Ao, Chengfa Zhao, Junsong Shi, Chengcheng Zhao, Fang Zeng, Gengyuan Cai, Enqin Zheng, Jie Yang,Ting Gu,Huaqiang Yang, Linjun Hong (洪林君), Zheng Xu, Dewu Liu*, Zhenfang Wu*, Maternal Dietary Supplementation of Arginine Increases the Ratio of Total Cloned Piglets Born to Total Transferred Cloned Embryos by Improving the Pregnancy Rate of Recipient Sows, Animal reproduction science, 2018 (196), 211-18. 18. Linjun Hong (洪林君),Kun Han,Kejia Wu,Ruize Liu,Ji Huang,Joan K Lunney,Shuhong Zhao,Mei Yu*, E-cadherin and ZEB2 modulate trophoblast cell differentiation during placental development in pigs, Reproduction, 2017, 154 (6):765-775. 19. Linjun Hong (洪林君), Xiangdong Xu, Ji Huang, Minggang Lei, Dequan Xu, Shuhong Zhao, Mei Yu*, Difference in expression patterns of placental cholesterol transporters, ABCA1 and SR-BI, in Meishan and Yorkshire pigs with different placental efficiency, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6(20503): 1-14. 20. Jamie M. Wilkinson *, Hua Bao, Andrea Ladinig, Linjun Hong (洪林君), Paul Stothard, Joan K. Lunney, Graham S. Plastow, John C. S. Hardin, Genome-wide analysis of the transcriptional response to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection at the maternal/fetal interface and in the fetus, BMC Genomics, 2016, 17(383): 1-17. 21. Liu Teng, Linjun Hong (洪林君), Ruize Liu, Ran Chen, Xinyun Li, Mei Yu*, Cellular Localization and Regulation of Expression of the PLET1 Gene in Porcine Placenta,International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016, 17(12): 1-16. 22. Linjun Hong (洪林君), Chunyan Hou, Xiaoping Li, Changchun Li, Shuhong Zhao, Mei Yu*, Expression of Heparanase Is Associated with Breed-Specific Morphological Characters of Placental Folded Bilayer Between Yorkshire and Meishan Pigs, Biology of reproduction, 2014, 90(3): 1-9. 23. Linjun Hong (洪林君), Chunyan Hou, Xiaoping Li, Changchun Li, Mei Yu*, Expression Pattern of CD34 at the Maternal-Foetal Interface During Pregnancy in Pigs, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2013, 48(5): 762-767 中文期刊论文: 1. 谢言射,徐志谦,蔡更元,吴珍芳,洪林君*,黄思秀*.猪精液冷冻保存技术研究进展[J].家畜生态学报,2020,41(10):78-83. 2. 臧旭鹏,胡群,吴珍芳,蔡更元,黄思秀*,洪林君*.影响附植期猪胚胎形态转变相关基因研究进展[J].中国畜牧杂志,2020,56(09):21-25. 3. 贺艳娟,刘德武,吴珍芳,洪林君*,蔡更元*.外泌体在哺乳动物胚胎附植中的作用研究进展[J].中国畜牧杂志,2020,56(02):23-28. 4. 周臣,胡群,贺艳娟,顾婷,郑恩琴,刘德武,吴珍芳,洪林君*,蔡更元*.猪重要经济性状QTLs定位研究进展[J].中国畜牧杂志,2019,55(10):35-41. 5. 高威,周臣,洪林君*.哺乳动物子宫腔胞外囊泡的组分及功能研究进展[J].现代畜牧兽医,2019(06):53-59. 6. 周臣,胡群,贺艳娟,徐志谦,顾婷,郑恩琴,徐铮,黄思秀,刘德武,吴珍芳,洪林君*,蔡更元*.母猪妊娠诊断技术研究进展[J].饲料与畜牧,2019(09):38-43. 7. 邓大栋,洪林君,潘丽,刘榜,余梅*.猪胎盘特异基因1(PLAC1)的克隆、组织表达及遗传方式研究[J].畜牧兽医学报,2019,50(01):37-43. 8. 胡群,叶南,史泽宇,顾婷,蔡更元,刘德武,吴珍芳,洪林君*.猪妊娠过程中胎盘发育及其调控基因研究进展[J].中国畜牧兽医,2018,45(06):1633-1638.
