孟立,男,2016年12月毕业于荷兰瓦赫宁根大学动物科学学院生理生殖专业,2017年到华南农业大学动物科学学院动物遗传育种与繁殖专业从事教学科研工作。2019年入选“香江学者人才计划”,在香港中文大学和荷兰伊拉姆斯大学医学院进行博士后研究。讲授全英和双语《动物繁殖学》等,研究方向为动物营养能量与繁殖调控、卵泡发育、转基因克隆动物生产等。近五年在国内外权威学术期刊发表论文10余篇,其中以第一作者在Biology of Reproduction, Antioxidants, International Journal of Molecular Science, Journal of Ovarian Research, Theriogenology 等杂志发表论文多篇。
2010.7―2012.4 南京农业大学动物科学学院教学实验中心工作
2003.9—2007.7 山东农业大学动物科学学院 动物科学学士学位;
2007.9―2010.6 南京农业大学动物科学学院 动物遗传育种与繁殖硕士学位
2012.5―2016.12 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学动物科技学院 人和动物生理生殖专业
2016.9―2016.11 瑞典哥德堡大学医学院Kui Liu 实验室交流学习
2019.12-至今 香港中文大学及荷兰伊拉斯姆斯大学医学院博士后。
3. 2016年12月,获得荷兰瓦赫宁根大学优秀毕业生称号;
4.2015年6月,获得第七届"Ovairan Club"优秀墙报奖。
2020.1-2022.12, 主持国家青年科学基金:circANGPT1调控氧化应激诱导的猪颗粒细胞凋亡的机制;
1.参编杨利国主编的《动物繁殖学》国家规划级教材 (第三版,2020,中国农业出版社);
省畜禽基因组学与分子育种重点实验室,主持或参与了多项省部级课题,实验条件达到国际先进水平,实验设备完整齐全。主要设备有:DNA 片段分析系统、流式细胞仪、活细胞工作站、激光共聚焦荧光显微系统、全自动生化分析仪、超高效液相色谱仪、ABI 实时荧光定量PCR 仪、高速冷冻离心机、分子成像系统、DNA测序装置、紫外分光光度仪、远红外线烘箱、原子吸收分光光度计、旋转细胞培养系统、相差倒置显微镜、体视显微镜、酶标仪、-80℃低温冰箱、超净工作
台、CO2 培养箱、凝胶成像系统等。
1. Meng, L.; Coleman, V.; Zhao, Y.; Ost, M.; Voigt, A.; Bunschoten, A.; Keijer, J.; Teerds, K.; Klaus, S. Pseudo-Starvation Driven Energy Expenditure Negatively Affects Ovarian Follicle Development. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 3557 (IF=4.556,JCR1区).
2. Meng, L.; Zhao, K.; Wang, C.C.; Tao, J.; Wu, Z.; Teerds, K.; Zhang, S. Characterization of Long Non-Coding RNA Profiles in Porcine Granulosa Cells of Healthy and Atretic Antral Follicles: Implications for a Potential Role in Apoptosis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 2677 (IF=4.556,JCR1区).
3. Meng, Li; Wu, Zhenfang; Zhao, Kun; Tao, Jian; Chit, Tam; Zhang, Shouquan; Wang, Chi C.; Teerds, Katja. 2021. "Transcriptome Analysis of Porcine Granulosa Cells in Healthy and Atretic Follicles: Role of Steroidogenesis and Oxidative Stress" Antioxidants 10, no. 1: 22. (IF=5.02, JCR1区).
4. Meng, Li; Teerds, Katja; Tao, Jian; Wei, Hengxi; Jaklofsky, Marcel; Zhao, Zhihong; Liang, Yaodi; Li, Li; Wang, Chi C.; Zhang, Shouquan. 2020. "Characteristics of Circular RNA Expression Profiles of Porcine Granulosa Cells in Healthy and Atretic Antral Follicles" Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, no. 15: 5217. (IF=4.556,JCR1区).
5. Meng L, Jan S Z, Hamer G, et al. Preantral follicular atresia occurs mainly through autophagy, while antral follicles degenerate mostly through apoptosis[J]. Biology of reproduction, 2018.(IF=3.2,生殖领域TOP 期刊)
6. Meng L, Rijntjes E, Swarts H, et al. Dietary-induced chronic hypothyroidism negatively affects rat follicular development and ovulation rate and is associated with oxidative stress[J]. Biology of reproduction, 2016, 94(4): 90, 1-11.(IF=3.3,生殖领域TOP期刊)
7. Meng L, Rijntjes E, Swarts H J M, et al. Prolonged hypothyroidism severely reduces ovarian follicular reserve in adult rats[J]. Journal of ovarian research, 2017, 10(1): 19.
8. Meng L, Jia RX, Sun YY, Wang ZY, Wan YJ, Zhang YL, Zhong BS, Wang F. Growth regulation, imprinting, and epigenetic transcription-related gene expression differs in lung of deceased transgenic cloned and normal goats. Theriogenology 2014.
9. Meng L, Wan YJ, Sun YY, Zhang YL, Wang ZY, Song Y, Wang F. Generation of Five Human Lactoferrin Transgenic Cloned Goats Using Fibroblast Cells and Their Methylation Status of Putative Differential Methylation Regions of IGF2R and H19 Imprinted Genes. PLoS One 2013.
10. Li Meng, The effects of chronic hypothyroidism on ovarian follicular development in rats, 11th Nugoweek Nutrigenomics of Foods, The Vesuvian Institute, 2014.09.08-2014.09.11
11. Li Meng; Katja Teerds; Jaap Keijer, Superoxide dismutase 2 and thioredoxin reductase 2 in the adult rat ovary during follicular development, Mitochondrial Physiology, Copenhagen University, 2013.08.26-2013.08.30
12. Li Meng; Eddy Rijntjes; Hans Swarts; Jaap Keijer; Katja Teerds, Chronic mild hypothyroidism severely reduces ovarian follicle reserve in adult rats, Ovarian Club VI , Barcelona, Spain, 2015.11.14-2015.11.15
同时,担任国际著名期刊 Frontiers in Endocrinology, Frontiers in Physiology 编委, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology guest 编委, 在Human Reproduction, molecular Human Reproduction, Frontiers in Endocrinology 担任审稿人工作。