2008-09--2013-07 中国科学院大学 工学博士
2004-10--2008-07 西安电子科技大学 工学学士
2020-12~现在, 中国科学院国家空间科学中心, 研究员
2015-12~2020-12,中国科学院国家空间科学中心, 副研究员
2013-07~2015-11,中国科学院国家空间科学中心, 助理研究员
2008-09~2013-06,中国科学院国家空间科学中心, 研究助理
(1) 中国科学院战略高技术创新人才(B类), , 部委级, 2019
(2) 科技部遥感青年科技创新人才, , 部委级, 2017
(3) 空间中心杰出青年, 研究所(学校), 2015
(4) 空间中心铜质奖章, 研究所(学校), 2014
(5) 中国科学院院长优秀奖, 部委级, 2013
(6) 军队科技进步奖, 一等奖, 部委级, 2012
(1) 李东, 张云华, 张祥坤. 一种用于干涉合成孔径雷达图像精配准的快速相干系数法, 发明, 授权, 2011, 专利号: ZL201110249109.5.
(2) 李东, 张云华. 一种面向保积仿射变换的图像配准方法, 发明, 授权, 2015, 专利号: ZL201510040855.1.
(3) 李东, 张云华. 一种面向全极化合成孔径雷达图像的散射金字塔分类方法, 发明, 授权, 2015, 专利号: ZL201510056210.7.
(4) 李东, 张云华. 基于随机散射相似性的全极化合成孔径雷达图像分类方法, 发明, 授权, 2015, 专利号: ZL201510080989.6.
(5) 李东, 张云华. 基于随机相似性的全极化合成孔径雷达图像快速分类方法, 发明, 授权, 2015, 专利号: ZL201510882288.4.
(6) 朱飞亚, 张云华, 李东. 一种全极化合成孔径雷达的基于模型的目标分解方法, 发明, 授权, 2015, 专利号: ZL201510361096.0.
(7) 朱飞亚, 张云华, 李东. 自适应选择酉变换的全极化合成孔径雷达目标分解方法, 发明, 授权, 2015, 专利号: ZL201510112693.8.
(8) 朱飞亚, 张云华, 李东. 一种全极化合成孔径雷达图像斑点噪声滤波方法, 发明, 授权, 2016, 专利号: ZL201610839218.5.
(9) 李东, 张云华. 一种复相干信号三维可视化方法, 发明, 授权, 2018, 专利号: ZL201810825750.0.
(10) 李东, 张云华, 石晓进, 董晓, 翟文帅. 一种干涉SAR复图像和光学图像的融合方法, 发明, 授权, 2018, 专利号: ZL201810842295.5.
(11) 李东, 张云华. 一种基于拓展G4U的极化SAR图像目标分解方法, 发明, 授权, 2018, 专利号: ZL201811592035.3.
(12) 李东, 张云华. 一种基于干涉合成孔径雷达图像的场景分类方法, 发明, 授权, 2018, 专利号: ZL201810843085.8.
(13) 李东, 张云华. 一种极化SAR图像的对偶G4U目标分解方法, 发明, 授权, 2018, 专利号: ZL201811593988.1.
(14) 梁莉婷, 张云华, 李东. 基于散射相似熵自适应拓展的地表取向角估计方法及系统, 发明, 授权, 2019, 专利号: ZL201910256903.9.
(15) 梁莉婷, 张云华, 李东. 基于全极化SAR的陡峭地形取向角的估计方法及系统, 发明, 授权, 2019, 专利号: ZL201910256641.6.
(16) 刘加方, 张云华, 李东. 一种基于回波极化度的有源转发式干扰识别方法, 发明, 授权, 2019, 专利号: ZL201910048306.7.
(17) 李东, 张云华, 石晓进, 董晓, 翟文帅. 一种基于HSL和图像熵的SAR图像和光学图像融合方法, 发明, 实审, 2018, 专利号: 201810841624.4.
(18) 李东, 张云华. 一种基于酉变换的PolSAR图像广义目标分解方法, 发明, 实审, 2018, 专利号: 201811592014.1.
(19) 李东, 张云华, 梁莉婷. 一种极化SU(2)群到SU(3)群的转换方法及系统, 发明, 实审, 2020, 专利号: 202011000596.7.
(20) 李东, 张云华, 梁莉婷. 一种极化SU(3)群到SU(2)群的测试转换方法及系统, 发明, 实审, 2020, 专利号: 202011000608.6.
(21) 李东, 张云华, 梁莉婷, 杨杰芳, 王勋. 一种极化KHT分解的快速实现方法及系统, 发明, 受理, 2020, 专利号: 202011223258.X.
(22) 梁莉婷, 张云华, 李东. 基于快速Huynen-Euler分解的受灾建筑物损坏等级估计方法及系统, 发明, 实审, 2021, 专利号: 202110104630.3.
(23) 王勋, 李东, 张云华, 刘博, 杨杰芳, 陈洪彦. 一种极化目标三分量分解结果彩色可视化方法及系统, 发明, 实审, 2020, 专利号: 202011224654.4.
(24) 王勋, 李东, 张云华, 刘博, 杨杰芳, 陈洪彦. 一种合成孔径雷达数据图像可视化增强方法及系统, 发明, 实审, 2020, 专利号: 202011223253.7.
(25) 杨杰芳, 张云华, 李东, 唐月英, 石晓进. 一种基于FPGA的实时产生混沌雷达发射信号系统及方法, 发明, 受理, 2021, 专利号: 202110104630.3.
(1) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang, Liting Liang, Jiefang Yang, Xun Wang. Monitoring of tsunami/earthquake damages by polarimetric microwave remote sensing technique, chapter in Tsunami -- Damage Assessment and Medical Triage (ISBN: 978-953-307-431-3), pp. 1-21, IntechOpen, 2020. (invited) (2020.10.20空间中心新闻报道《空间中心科研人员在极化雷达目标信息解译研究中取得系列新进展》:http://www.nssc.cas.cn/xwdt2015/kydt2015/202010/t20201020_5719447.html)
(2) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang, Xiaojin Shi. On feature-based SAR image registration: Appropriate feature and retrieval algorithm, chapter in Advanced Remote Sensing Technology for Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications, Tsunami Disasters, and Infrastructure (ISBN: 978-1-78985-618-7), pp. 15-45, IntechOpen, 2019. (invited)
(3) 王振占, 徐曦煜, 李 东, 朱 迪, 何杰颖. 卫星微波遥感技术新进展, 2019高技术发展报告 (ISBN: 978-7-03-064290-5), pp. 158-171, 科学出版社, 2020. (本人负责其中的SAR技术部分撰写) (2020.03.31中科院新闻报道《《2019科学发展报告》《2019高技术发展报告》发布》:http://www.cas.cn/sygz/202004/t20200401_4739488.shtml)
( 1 ) 中国科学院青年创新促进会人才专项, 主持, 部委级, 2014-01--2018-12
( 2 ) 遥感青年科技人才创新资助计划, 主持, 国家级, 2017-10--2018-12
( 3 ) ××极化雷达技术, 参与, 国家级, 2017-07--2017-12
( 4 ) ××雷达技术研究, 参与, 国家级, 2017-06--2018-05
( 5 ) Huynen极化分解理论的广义延拓及在复杂地物目标分类中的应用, 主持, 国家级, 2015-01--2017-12
( 6 ) 电磁波散射极化特性研究, 参与, 国家级, 2015-07--2016-06
( 7 ) xx极化雷达研究, 参与, 国家级, 2018-11--2020-12
( 8 ) xx雷达探测技术, 参与, 国家级, 2018-11--2020-07
( 9 ) 极化目标分解方法的量子力学诠释及其统一, 主持, 国家级, 2019-01--2022-12
( 10 ) ××极化雷达探测、成像和识别技术, 主持, 部委级, 2019-07--2022-06
( 11 ) 宽带矢量噪声雷达技术, 参与, 国家级, 2020-01--2023-12
( 12 ) 雷达自适应极化×××软件, 主持, 院级, 2020-08--2020-12
( 13 ) 行星表层及电离层联合观测技术研究, 主持, 部委级, 2021-01--2025-12
( 14 ) 金星电离层、表层和地质构造勘测, 参与, 部委级, 2021-06--2021-11
(1) Liting Liang, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. Fast Huynen-Euler decomposition and its application in disaster monitoring, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, vol. 14, pp. 4231-4243, 2021. (通讯作者)
(2) Liting Liang, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. A novel method for polarization orientation angle estimation over steep terrain and comparison of deorientation algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 4790-4801, 2021. (2020.10.20空间中心新闻报道《空间中心科研人员在极化雷达目标信息解译研究中取得系列新进展》:http://www.nssc.cas.cn/xwdt2015/kydt2015/202010/t20201020_5719447.html)
(3) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang, Liting Liang. A mathematical extension to the general four-component scattering power decomposition with unitary transformation of coherency matrix, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 58, no. 11, pp.7772-7789, 2020. (2020.10.20空间中心新闻报道《空间中心科研人员在极化雷达目标信息解译研究中取得系列新进展》:http://www.nssc.cas.cn/xwdt2015/kydt2015/202010/t20201020_5719447.html)
(4) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Adaptive model-based classification of PolSAR data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.56, no.12, pp.6940-6955, 2018.
(5) Feiya Zhu, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. Eigenvalue/eigenvector-based serial decomposition of the polarimetric synthetic aperture radar coherency matrix, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 209-217, 2018.
(6) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Random similarity-based entropy/alpha classification of PolSAR data, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 5712-5723, 2017.
(7) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Unified Huynen phenomenological decomposition of radar targets and its classification applications, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 723-743, 2016.
(8) Feiya Zhu, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. An extension of the complete model-based decomposition of polarimetric SAR data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 287-291, 2016.
(9) Feiya Zhu, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. A novel deorientation method in PolSAR data processing, Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 1083-1092, 2016.
(10)李丹霜, 张云华, 李东, 董晓. 基于双向转动因子的加权误差函数最小化逆合成孔径雷达方位标定方法, 测试技术学报, 30(5): 375-382, 2016.
(11) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Random similarity between two mixed scatterers, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 2468-2472, 2015.
(12) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. A rigorous SAR epipolar geometry modeling and application to 3D target reconstruction, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 2316-2323, 2013.
(13) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. A fast offset estimation approach for InSAR image subpixel registration, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 267-271, 2012.
(14) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. A novel approach for the registration of weak affine images, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 33, no. 12, pp. 1647-1655, 2012.
(15) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Corrections to impact of DEM-assisted coregistration on high-resolution SAR interferometry, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 4677-4677, 2011.
(1)Liting Liang, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. Complete Huynen-Euler decomposition based on SU(3) Group, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Science and Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry (POLINSAR), Online, pp. 1-5, 2021.
(2) Liting Liang, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. Polarimetric scattering characteristic analysis of disaster affected area based on Huynen-Euler parameters, Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Hawaii, U.S. (Virtual Symposium), pp. 1-4, 2020.
(3) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang, Liting Liang, Jiefang Yang, Xiaojin Shi, Xun Wang. Adaptive model-based classification of polatrimetic SAR image, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), Xiamen, China, pp. 1392-1397, 2019.
(4) Liting Liang, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. Range extension of polarization orientation angle estimation over steep terrain, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), Xiamen, China, pp. 1198-1201, 2019.
(5) Moxin Zhao, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. A novel ship wake detection method based on white top-hat transformation, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), Xiamen, China, pp. 598-602, 2019.
(6) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang, Xiao Dong, Xiaojin Shi, Wenshuai Zhai. A HSV-based fusion of InIRA SAR and GoogleEarth optical images, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 1-3, 2018.
(7) Liting Liang, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. Visualization and interpretation of PolSAR data based on polarimetric coherence, Proceedings of IET Radar Conference, Nanjing, China, pp. 1-4, 2018.
(8) Yunhua Zhang, Xiao Dong, Xiaojin Shi, Wenshuai Zhai, Qingshan Yang, Dong Li, Xueyan Kang, Jingshan Jiang. Demonstration of ocean target detection by Tiangong-2 interferometric imaging radar altimeter, Proceedings of International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON), Poznan, Poland, pp. 261-264, 2018.
(9) Yunhua Zhang, Xiao Dong, Xiaojin Shi, Wenshuai Zhai, Qingshan Yang, Dong Li, Xueyan Kang. Interferometric radar compressive sensing imaging with direct downsampling, Proceedings of International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON), Poznan, Poland, pp. 267-270, 2018.
(10) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang, Feiya Zhu. PolSAR image fast classification based on random similarity, Proceedings of Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), St Petersburg, Russia, pp. 883-888, 2017.
(11) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Unified phenomenological decomposition of radar targets, Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Beijing, China, pp. 4679-4682, 2016.
(12) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Scattering preference pyramid classification of PolSAR data based on canonical Huynen dichotomy, Proceedings of European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 697-700, 2016.
(13) Feiya Zhu, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. A novel deorientation method for PolSAR data, Proceedings of European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), Hamburg, Germany, pp. 431-435, 2016.
(14) Feiya Zhu, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. A novel interpretation of the PolSAR coherency matrix data, Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Beijing, China, pp. 4730-4733, 2016.
(15) Feiya Zhu, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. A novel polarimetric interferometric SAR coherence parameter and its application in buildings detection, Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Shanghai, China, pp. 1730-1733, 2016. (Best student paper)
(16) Yunhua Zhang, Xiaojin Shi, Xiang Gu, Wenshuai Zhai, Xueyan Kang, Yuan Deng, Dong Li, Xiao Dong, Jiefang Yang, Qilun Yang, Qingshan Yang, Yueying Tang, Xiangkun Zhang. Introduction to the researches on radar conducted in MIRSL/CAS, Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Guangzhou, China, pp. 454-460, 2016.
(17) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Canonical Huynen decomposition of radar targets, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 9642, no. 96420A, pp. 1-8, 2015.
(18) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang, Yueying Tang. Characterization of mixed target using random similarity, Proceedings of IET Radar Conference, Hangzhou, China, pp. 1-5, 2015.
(19) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Epipolar geometry comparison of SAR and optical camera, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 9901, no. 99010V, pp. 1-10, 2015.
(20) Feiya Zhu, Yunhua Zhang, Dong Li. Model-based decomposition with adaptive selection of unitary transformations, Proceedings of IET Radar Conference, Hangzhou, China, pp. 1-4, 2015.
(21) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Fast PolSAR data visualization and classification based on Huynen canonical decomposition, Proceedings of European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), Berlin, Germany, pp. 1-4, 2014.
(22) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Huynen dichotomy-based radar target adaptive extraction, Proceedings of Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 881-885, 2013.
(23) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Huynen dichotomy-based unsupervised terrain classification, Proceedings of Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 886-890, 2013.
(24) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang, Yueying Tang. An analytical modelling of geometrical warp for general SAR images, Proceedings of IET International Conference on Radar Systems, Glasgow, UK, pp. 33-36, 2012.
(25)Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. On the appropriate feature for general SAR image registration, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 8536, no. 8536X, pp. 1-13, 2012.
(26) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. The appropriate parameter retrieval algorithm for feature-based SAR image registration, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 8536, no. 8536Y, pp. 1-10, 2012.
(27) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. A fast normalized cross-correlation algorithm for InSAR image subpixel registration, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), Seoul, South Korea, pp. 738-741, 2011.
(28) Dong Li, Yunhua Zhang. Geometric feature-based image coregistration approach for InSAR, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), Xi'an, China, pp. 1026-1030, 2009.