1.1996.09–1999.06 中国科学院数学研究所 数学 博士
2.1993.09–1996.07 湖北大学 数学 硕士
3.1986.09–1989.07 湖南常德师专 数学
1.2016.06-至今 华南农业大学 数学系 教授
2.2007.05-2016.06 广东外语外贸大学 思科信息学院 教授
3.2008.02-2010.10 葡萄牙Aveiro大学数学系(5年研究职位)
4.2004.09-2007.05 湖北大学 数学系 教授
5.2002.01-2002.12 美国西弗吉利亚大学数学系 博士后
6.2001.05-2004.08 中山大学 科学计算与计算机应用系 副教授
7.1999.07-2001.05中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 博士后
[1]Qiuhui Chen,Tao Qian, Yuan Li, Weixiong Mai, Xinfa Zhang, Adaptive Fourier tester for statistical estimation, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2016, 39: 3478~3495.
[2]Pei Dang, Tao Qian, Qiuhui Chen, Uncertainty Principle and
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[3]Qiuhui Chen, Luoqing Li, Yi Wang,,Amplitudes of mono-component signals and the generalized sampling functions
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[4]Tao Qian, Qiuhui Chen, Tan, Lihui, Rational orthogonal systems are Schauder bases Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2014, 59(6):841~846.
[5]Qiuhui Chen, Guangbin Ren, Paula Cerejeiras, Uwe Kaehler, Non-separable multivariate filter banks from univariate wavelets, Mathematische Nachrichten, 2013, 286: 951~969.
[6]Qiuhui Chen, Luoqing Li, Helmuth Malonek, The construction of generalized B-spline low-pass filters related to possibility density, Sciences China Mathematics, 2012, 55(12): 2481~2491.
[7]Guangbin Ren, Qiuhui Chen, Paula Cerejeiras, Uwe Kaehler,
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[8]Qiuhui Chen, Tao Qian, Guangbin Ren, Yi Wang, B-spline of Blaschke product type, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2011, 62: 3669~3681.
[9]Qiuhui Chen, Charles A. Micchelli, Yuesheng Xu, On the matrix completion problem for multivariate filter construction,
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[10]Qiuhui Chen, Norden E. Huang, Sherman Riemenschneider, Yuesheng Xu, A B-spline approach for emperical mode decomposition, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2006,24: 171~195.
[1]Qiuhui Chen, Luoqing Li, Tao Qian, Time-frequency transform involving nonlinear modulation and frequency-varying dilation, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/17476933.2019.1664486.
[2]Qiuhui Chen, Pei Dang, Tao Qian, Spectra of rational orthonormal systems, Sciences China Mathematics, 2019, 62, no. 10:1961~1976.
[3]Qiuhui Chen, Pei Dang;,Tao Qian, A frame theory of Hardy spaces with the Quaternionic and the Clifford Algebra settings,
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[4]Qiuhui Chen,Weixiong Mai,Liming Zhang,Wen Mi,System
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[5]Qiuhui Chen,Charles A. Micchelli,Bedrosian identity for functions,analytic in a neighborhood of the unit circle,Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 2012,6 : 781~798.
[6]Qiuhui Chen,Luoqing Li; Tao Qian,Two families of unit analytic, signals with nonlinear phase, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena,2006, 221: 1~12.
[7]Qiuhui Chen,Charles A. Micchelli, Silong Peng; Yuesheng Xu,
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