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2015年获中国人民大学统计学院博士学位,2006年至今在华南农业大学工作,现为数学与信息学院、软件学院副院长。近年来主持国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,教育部人文社科基金规划项目,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,全国统计科学研究重点项目各1项。在国内外学术期刊和国际学术会议上发表论文30余篇,发表专著2部。 教育经历 2012/9–2015/6 中国人民大学统计学院, 统计学, 博士 2003/9–2006/6 华东师范大学统计系, 概率统计, 硕士 1993/9–1997/6 徐州师范大学数学系, 数学教育, 学士 工作背景 2018/12-至今 华南农业大学,数学与信息(软件)学院,教授 2015/1-2018/11 华南农业大学,数学与信息(软件)学院,副教授 2011/12-2014/12 华南农业大学,理学院,副教授 2006/7-2011/11 华南农业大学,理学院,讲师 1997/8-2003/8 江苏省徐州第七高级中学,中学教师 访问背景 2018/9-2019/6 东北师范大学,统计与数学学院,访问学者 2018/7-2018/8 香港大学,统计与精算系,Research Associate 2016/12-2017/12 美国德州农工大学,统计系,国家公派访问学者 2015/7-2015/8 香港理工大学,应用数学系,Research Associate 2013/11-2014/2 香港浸会大学,数学系,访问学人(王宽诚教育基金会和香港浸会大学合办的中国内地访问学人计划) 2013/7-2013/8 香港理工大学,应用数学系,Research Associate 授课课程 高等数理统计;时间序列分析;回归分析;多元统计分析;非参数统计;数理统计;统计计算 专著 [2] 刘金山,夏强,基于MCMC算法的贝叶斯统计方法,科学出版社,420000,2016. [1] Qiang Xia, Heung Wong, Identification of Threshold Autoregressive Moving Average Models, Springer-Verlag New York, 8500, 2016. 教材 [1] 夏强,刘金山,概率论与数理统计,人民邮电出版社,380000,2018. 主持课题 6. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,高维时间序列因子自回归模型的统计推断及应用研究(91746102),2018.1-2020.12,在研; 5. 教育部人文社科基金规划项目,高维时间序列静态的近似因子模型的因子个数估计理论及 应用研究(17YJA910002),2017.7-2020.7,在研; 4. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,高维数据中因子模型的统计推断及应用 (2016A030313414),2016/6-2019/6,已结题; 3. 全国统计科学研究重点项目,高维时间序列因子模型的统计推断方法的改进及应用研究(2015LZ48),2015/12-2017/11,已结题; 2. 国家社会科学基金青年项目,两类门限型计量经济学模型的贝叶斯检验及应用研究(2CTJ0191),2012/09-2015/08,已结题; 1. 教育部人文社科基金青年项目,PTGARCH模型的贝叶斯检验及其在经济金融波动问题中的应用(11YJCZH195),2011.8-2014.8,已结题;


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[19] Jinshan liu, Qiang Xia. Some finite results for a system of seemingly unrelated regression equations, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2020. (accept, SCI, 通讯作者). [18] Qiang Xia, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wai Keung Li. A Portmanteau Test for Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2020, 41:722-730. (SCI) [17] Dabing Zhang, Shanying Chen, Liwen Ling, Qiang Xia. Forecasting agricultural commodity prices using model selection framework with time series features and forecast horizons, IEEE Access, 2020, 8:28197-28209. [16] Liwen Ling, Dabin Zhang, Amin W. Mugera, Shanying Chen, Qiang Xia. A forecast combination framework with multi-time scale for livestock products price forecasting, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 10:1-11. [15] Jianhong Wu, Guodong Li, Qiang Xia. Moment-based tests for random effects in the two-way error component model with unbalanced panels, Economic Modelling, 2018, 74: 61-76. (SSCI) [14] Qiang Xia, Rubing Liang, Jianhong Wu, Heung Wong. Determining the number of factors for high-dimensional time series, Statistics and Its Interface, 2018, 11: 307-316. (SCI) [13] Shuxia Ni, Qiang Xia, Jinshan Liu. Bayesian Subset Selection for Two-Threshold Variable Autoregressive Models, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics,2018, 22, 4:1-16. (SSCI, 通讯作者) [12] Qiang Xia, Kejun He, Cunzhen Niu. A Model adaptive test for parametric single index time series model, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2017, 38(6):981-999. (SCI) [11] Qiang Xia, Rubing Liang, Jianhong Wu, Transformed Contribution Ratio Test for the Number of Factors in Static Approximate Factor Models, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2017, 112:235-241. (SCI) [10] Jiazhu Pan, Qiang Xia, Jinshan Liu, Bayesian analysis of multiple thresholds autoregressive model, Computational Statistics, 2017, 32: 219-237. (SCI) [9] Rubing Liang, Qiang Xia, Jiazhu Pan, Jinshan Liu, Testing a Linear ARMA Model against Threshold-ARMA Models: a Bayesian Approach, Communications in Statistics - Simulation andComputation, 2017, 46: 1302-1317. (SCI, 通讯作者) [8] Qiang Xia, Heung Wong, Jinshan Liu,Rubing Liang, Bayesian Analysis of Power-Transformed and Threshold GARCH Models: A Griddy-Gibbs Sampler Approach, Computational Economics, 2017, 50(3): 353–372. (SSCI&SCI) [7] Qiang Xia, Wangli Xu, Lixing Zhu, Consistently determining the number of factors in multivariate volatility modelling, Statistica Sinica, 2015, 25: 1025-1044. (SCI) [6] Rubing Liang, Cuizhen Niu, Qiang Xia, Zhiqiang Zhang, Nonlinearity Testing and Modeling for Threshold Moving Average Models, Journal of Applied Statistics, 2015, 42: 2614-2630. (SCI, 通讯作者) [5] Qiang Xia, Rubing Liang, Jinshan Liu, A Bayesian Analysis of Autoregressive Models with Exogenous Variables and Power-Transformed and Threshold GARCH Errors, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2015, 44: 1967-1980. (SCI) [4] Cuizhen Niu, Qiang Xia, Testing the rate ratio under inverse sampling based on gradient statistic, Journal of Applied Statistics, 2015, 42:1402-1420. (SCI) [3] Qiang Xia, Jinshan Liu, Jiazhu Pan, Rubing Liang, Bayesian Analysis of Two-Regime Threshold Autoregressive Moving Average Model with Exogenous Inputs, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2012, 41: 1089-1104. (SCI) [2] Qiang Xia, Jiazhu Pan, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jinshan Liu, A Bayesian Nonlinearity Test for Threshold Moving Average Models, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2010, 31: 329-336. (SCI) [1] 夏强,梁茹冰,李高荣,参数单指标分位数自回归模型的诊断检验,中国科学--数学,2019 , 49 (6): 879 -898.


