1. 一种铅绿褶菇子实体的生产方法(授权号:ZL200910038536.1;发明人:李泰辉, 林群英, 钟月金, 宋斌, 黄浩, 邓旺秋)
2. 鉴别致命鹅膏的特征性核苷酸序列、核酸分子探针和方法(授权号:ZL201210216135.2,发明人:李挺, 宋斌, 李泰辉, 邓旺秋)
3. 一种固态发酵真姬菇菌糠生产蛋白饲料的方法及其所生产的蛋白饲料. (授权号: ZL201210518291.4;发明人:李挺, 宋斌, 李泰辉, 沈亚恒, 林敏, 邓旺秋).
4. 一种分枝虫草菌株及其子实体和人工栽培方法(授权号:ZL201310037585.X;宋斌, 林群英, 李泰辉, 林敏, 李挺, 邓旺秋, 沈亚恒)
5. 一种定量检测广东虫草的特征性核苷酸序列、核酸分子引物和方法(授权号:ZL201510570111.0;发明人:李挺, 宋斌, 李泰辉, 邓旺秋)
1. 国家自然科学基金“鹅膏属真菌环肽基因家族多样性及其进化生物学意义”(31970024)
2. 国家自然科学基金“斜盖伞属及其近缘属的系统分类研究”(31670018)
3. 国家自然科学基金“我国剧毒鹅膏真菌环肽毒素生物合成关键酶POP基因研究”(31470155)
4. 国家自然科学基金科普项目“警惕野生蘑菇杀手”科普展览(31320004)
5. 国家自然科学基金项目“致命鹅膏毒素基因克隆及多态性研究”(31101592)
6. 广东省科技计划项目“粤港澳大湾区大型真菌资源专项科学考察”(2019B121202005)
7. 广东省科技项目“走进神秘的微生物世界”(2014A070707017)
8. 广东省科技项目“珍爱生命,远离毒菇”(2015A070710015)
9. 广州市科技项目《南方常见灵芝识别与保健功效》(2013KP044)
10. 广州市科技项目“走进白云山蘑菇世界”(2012KP044)
1. He Yong, Zhang Chenghua, Deng Wangqiu*, Zhou Xiaoyun *, Li Taihui, Li Chuanhua. Transcriptome sequencing analysis of the MSDIN gene family encoding cyclic peptides in lethal Amanita fuligineoides. Toxicon, 2020, 183, 61-68.(SCI)
2. Wang Gangzheng, Li Min, Zhang Chenghua, Cheng Huijiao, Gao Yu, Deng Wangqiu*, Li Taihui*.Transcriptome and proteome analyses reveal the regulatory networks and metabolite biosynthesis pathways during the development of Tolypocladium guangdongense. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2020, 18, 2081-2094.(SCI)
3. Wang Gangzheng, Li Min, Cheng Huijiao, Zhang Chenghua, Deng Wangqiu*, Li Taihui*. Expression profiling of Cordyceps DnaJ protein family in Tolypocladium guangdongense during developmental and temperature stress processes. Gene, 2020, 743, 144563.(SCI)
4. Wang Gangzheng, Cheng Huijiao, Li Min, Zhang Chenghua, Deng Wangqiu*, Li Taihui*. Selection and validation of reliable reference genes for Tolypocladium guangdongense gene expression analysis under differentially developmental stages and temperature stresses. Gene, 2020, 743, 144380.(SCI)
5. Zhang Chenghua, Dai Yongdong, Wang Gangzheng, Wang Chaoqun, Gao Yu, Deng Wangqiu*, Li Taihui*. Mitogenome of Tolypocladium guangdongense. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020, .(SCI)
6. Zhang Chenghua, Wang Gangzheng, Deng Wangqiu*, Li Taihui*. Distribution, evolution and expression of GATA-TFs provide new insights into their functions in light response and fruiting body development of Tolypocladium guangdongense. PeerJ, 2020, 8, e9784.(SCI)
7. Zhang Chenghua, Huang Hao, Deng Wangqiu*, Li Taihui*. Genome-wide analysis of the Zn(II)2Cys6 Zinc cluster-encoding gene family in Tolypocladium guangdongense and its light-induced expression. Genes, 2019, 10, 179(SCI)
8. Zhang Chenghua, Zou Junping, Deng Wangqiu*, Li Taihui*, Jiang ZD. Molecular cloning and the expression pattern of AePOPB involved in the α-amanitin biosynthesis in Amanita exitialis fruiting bodies. Gene,2018,doi:10.1016/j.gene.2018.04.006. (SCI)
9. 杨彝华,邓旺秋,施庭有,张明,钟祥荣. 云南楚雄州大型真菌图鉴 I. 云南科技出版社,2017:1- 156.
10. Deng Wangqiu, Li Taihui, Hosen MI. Amanita rufobrunnescens, a new species of Amanita section Amidella from South China. Phytotaxa, 2016, 243(2):147–154.(SCI)
11. Deng Wangqiu, Li Taihui, Wang Chaoqun, Li Ting, Shen Yaheng. A new crepidotoid Entoloma species from Hainan Island (China), Mycoscience, 2015,56:340-344. (SCI)
12. Li Peng, Deng Wangqiu, Li Taihui. The molecular diversity of toxin gene families in lethal Amanita mushrooms. Toxicon, 2014, 83: 59-68. (SCI)
13. Li Peng, Deng Wangqiu, Li Taihui. Molecular cloning of α-amanitin and characterization of its expression pattern in different parts and development stages of Amanita exitialis fruitbody. Mycological Progress, 2014, 2014, 13 (4) :1011-1016. (SCI)
14. Deng Wangqiu, Li Taihui, Li Peng, Yang Zhuliang. A new species of Amanita section Lepidella from South China. Mycological Progress. 2014, 13(2):211-217. (SCI)
15. Li Peng , Deng Wangqiu(共一), Li Taihui , Song Bin, Shen Yaheng. Illumina-based de novo transcriptome sequencing and analysis of Amanita exitialis basidiocarps. Gene, 2013, 532(1):63-71. (SCI)
16. Deng Wangqiu, Li Taihui, Xi Pinggen, Gan Lixia, Xiao Zhengduan, Jiang Zide. Peptide toxin components of Amanita exitialis basidiocarps. Mycologia, 2011, 103: 946-949. (SCI)