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1. Dongliang Yan*, Huan Zhang, Lin Chen*, Guisheng Zhu, Shichao Li, HuaruiXu*,Aibing Yu. Biomorphic synthesis of mesoporous Co3O4microtubules and their pseudocapacitive performance [J]. ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces, 2014, 6(18):15632-15637. 2. Dongliang Yan, Zilong Guo,Guisheng Zhu, Zhaozhe Yu, Huarui Xu*,Aibing Yu. MnO2 film with three-dimensional structure prepared byhydrothermal process for supercapacitor [J]. Journal of Power Sources,2012, 199: 409-412. 3. Dongliang Yan*, Huan Zhang, Lin Chen*, Guisheng Zhu, Zhongmin Wang,Huarui Xu*,Aibing Yu. Supercapacitive properties of Mn3O4nanoparticles bio-synthesized from banana peel extract [J]. RSCAdvances, 2014, 4(45): 23649-23652. 4. Dongliang Yan*, Huan Zhang, Shichao Li, GuishengZhu, Zhongmin Wang, Huarui Xu*,Aibing Yu. Formation of ultrafine three-dimensional hierarchicalbirnessite-type MnO2 nanoflowers for supercapacitor [J]. Journalof Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 607: 245-250. 5.Dongliang Yan*, Shichao Li, GuishengZhu, Zhongmin Wang, Huarui Xu*,Aibing Yu. Synthesis and pseudocapacitive behaviors of biomorphic mesoporoustubular MnO2 templated from cotton [J]. Materials Letters, 2013,95: 164-167. 6.Dongliang Yan, Zilong Guo,Guisheng Zhu, Huijuang Yang, Ronghua Wei, Huarui Xu*, Aibing Yu. Electrochemical propertiesof 3D MnO2 film prepared by chemical bath deposition at roomtemperature [J]. Materials Letters, 2012, 82: 156-158. 7. Guisheng Zhu,Dongliang Yan, Huarui Xu*, Aibing Yu. Structural andelectric properties of BaSn0.15Ti0.85O3 filmson ITO/glass substrate by RF sputtering from powder target [J]. MaterialsLetters, 2015, 140: 155-157. 8. Lin Chen*, Jieguang Song, Dongliang Yan, Yuening Qin,Bolin Wu. Synthesis of indium tin oxide (ITO) nanoparticles from thehydrolyzate of a composite complex salt [J]. Synthesis and Reactivity inInorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2008, 38(10): 731-733.
