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在清华大学电子工程系获得硕士学位,在中国科学院大学电子电气与通信工程学院获得博士学位。主要从事物联网、传感网、移动通信等方向的研究。在包括IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,IEEE Transactions on Communications,IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE ICNP, ICDCS, SECON, ICC, Globecom等国际期刊和会议上发表论文三十余篇。作为课题负责人承担了国家科技部、自然科学基金委、中科院等资助的多个项目的研究工作 教授课程 高级通信原理II 无线通信原理与应用II 移动通信 信源编码 科研项目 主持项目(课题): 2020.12-2023.11, 科学健身与健康促进共享技术集成,国家重点研发计划项目课题 2014.1-2016.12,基于信标分集的传感网睡眠调度机制,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 2015.1-2017.12,无线传感网中的可靠信标分集机制研究,中国科学院大学院所合作项目 2013.1-2015.12,无线传感网的信标分集与时间同步方法研究,中国科学院大学校长基金 参与项目(课题): 2021.1-2024.12,物联网人工智能应用高性能部署网路优化技术研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目 2012.1-2015.12,村镇生活环境监测与评价关键技术研究,国家十二五科技支撑计划项目 2010.1-2012.12, 支持多传感网应用的中间件平台研发,国家重大科技专项 2007.1-2009.12, 星陆双基遥感农田信息协同反演技术,国家863计划项目 2007.1-2010.12, 信息化停车管理系统和安全保障技术,国家十一五科技支撑计划项目 招生专业 081001-通信与信息系统 招生方向 物联网 传感网 无线与移动通信




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

期刊论文(*为通信作者): [TON] Yongrui Chen, Shuai Wang, Zhijun Li and Tian He. Reliable Physical-Layer Cross-Technology Communication with Emulation Error Correction, IEEE Transactions on Networking. 28(2), 2020. (CCF A) [TON] Jian Su, Alex Liu, Zhengguo Sheng and Yongrui Chen*. A Partitioning Approach to RFID Identification, IEEE Transactions on Networking. (In press, DOI: 10.1109/TNET.2020.3004852, CCF A) [TMC] Jian Su, Zhengguo Sheng, Alex Liu, Yu Han, and Yongrui Chen*. Capture-aware Identification of Mobile RFID Tags with Unreliable Channels, IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, (In press, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2020.3024076, CCF A) [TMC] Shuai Wang, Zhimeng Yin, Shuai Wang, Zhijun Li, Yongrui Chen*, Songmin Kim, Tian He. Networking Support For Bidirectional Cross-Technology Communication, IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, (In press, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2019. 2938524, CCF A) [TWC] Jian Su, Zhengguo Sheng, Alex Liu, Yu Han, and Yongrui Chen*, A Time and Energy Saving based Frame Adjustment Strategy Tag Identification Algorithm for UHF RFID Systems, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 19(5), 2020. (CCF B) [TCOM] Jian Su, Yongrui Chen*, Zhengguo Sheng, Yu Han and Alex Liu, From M-ary Query to Bit Query: a new strategy for efficient large-scale RFID identification, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 68(4), 2020. (CCF B) [TCOM] Hao He, Jian Su, Yongrui Chen*, Zhijun Li and Linggang Li, Reliable Cross-Technology Communication with Physical-Layer Acknowledgement, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 68(8), 2020. (CCF B) [TCOM] Jian Su, Zhengguo Sheng, Alex Liu, Yu Han, and Yongrui Chen*, A Group-Based Binary Splitting Algorithm for UHF RFID Anti-Collision Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 68(2), 2020. (CCF B) [MWC] Jian Su, Zhengguo Sheng, Victor C. M. Leung, and Yongrui Chen. Energy Efficient Tag Identification Algorithms For RFID: Survey, Motivation And New Design, IEEE Wireless Communications, 26(3), 2019. (一区,IF: 11) [CL] Hao He, Yongrui Chen*, Zhijun Li, Weidong Yi. I2C: Joint Intra-packet and Inter-packet Coding for Reliable Cross-Technology Communication, IEEE Communications Letters, 23(6), 2019. (三区) [CL] Yongrui Chen, Jian Su, Weidong Yi. An Efficient and Easy-to-implement Tag Identification Algorithm for UHF RFID Systems. IEEE Communications Letters. 21(7), 2017. (三区) [CL] Yongrui Chen, Weidong Y., Hao S., Yulong X. Tunable Time Resolution: An Energy Saving Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Communications Letters. 19(7): 1201-1204. 2015. (三区) [CL] Yongrui Chen, Fei Q., Weidong Y., Guard Beacon: An Energy Efficient Beacon Strategy for Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Communications Letters. 18(6): 987 - 990. 2014. (三区) 会议论文(*为通信作者): [INFOCOM'18] Yongrui Chen, Zhijun Li, Tian He. TwinBee: Reliable Physical-Layer Cross-Technology Communication with Symbol-Level Coding, International Conference on Computer Communications, Honolulu, HI, USA, April 15-19, 2018. (CCF A, Ratio: 19.2%) [SECON'20] Zhijun Li, Yongrui Chen*. BLE2LoRa: Cross-Technology Communication from Bluetooth to LoRa via Chirp Emulation, IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking, Como, Italy, June, 22-25, 2020. (CCF B, Ratio: 25%) [ICDCS'20] Zhijun Li, Yongrui Chen*. BlueFi: Physical-layer Cross-Technology Communication from Bluetooth to WiFi, 40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, July 8 - 10, 2020, Singapore. (CCF B, Ratio: 18%) [ICNP'19] Zhijun Li, Yongrui Chen*. Achieving Universal Low-Power Wide-Area Networks on Existing Wireless Devices, IEEE International Conference on Network Protocol, Chicago, USA, Oct 6-11, 2019. (CCF B, Ratio: 19%) [ICNP'19 Poster] Linggang Li, Yongrui Chen*, Zhijun Li, Physical-layer Cross-Technolog Communication with Narrow-Band Decoding. IEEE International Conference on Network Protocol, Chicago, USA, Oct 6-11, 2019. (CCF B, Ratio: 19%) [GLOBECOM'17] Jian Su, Yongrui Chen*, Zhengguo Sheng, Le Sun. Bit Query Based M-ary Tree Protocol for RFID Tags Identification. IEEE Global Communications Conference, Singapore, Dec 4-8, 2017. (CCF C) [ICC'16] Yongrui Chen, Yulong Xing, Weidong Yi. Optimal beacon scheduling for low-duty-cycle sensor networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 23-27, 2016. (CCF C) [MSN'15] Yongrui Chen, Li Gao, Yulong Xing, et al. Cross-Layer Design for Energy-Efficient Reliable Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2015 11th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, Shenzhen, China, 2015. (CCF C) [IIT'15] Yulong Xing, Yongrui Chen, Weidong Yi, et al. Optimal beacon interval for TDMA-based MAC in wireless sensor networks, 2015 11th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, Duby, UAE, 2015. [VTC'13] Fei Qin, Yongrui Chen, etc., Utilize Adaptive Spreading Code Length to Increase Energy Efficiency for WSN, Proceeding of 77th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany, 2013 [CCNC'11] Yongrui Chen, Yang Yang, Weidong Yi. Energy Efficient Cooperative Communication for Sensor Networks: A Cross-Layer Approach, The 8th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, USA,2011. [CCNC'10] Yang Yang, Yongrui Chen, Weidong Yi. Cross-Layer Forward Error Control For Reliable Transfer In Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, The 7th Proceeding of The 7th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 2010. [CCNC'09] Yang Yang, Yongrui Chen, Weidong Yi, Reliable Transfer of Variable-length Coded Correlated Data, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 2009


