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教育经历 2009.12,哈尔滨工业大学,学士、硕士、博士 工作经历 2010.03,上海交通大学,博士后 2012.04至今,中国科学院信息工程研究所,助理研究员、副研究员、博士生导师 竞赛奖项 CVPR DocVQA 2020,任务1第3名,2020 中国人工智能·多媒体信息识别技术竞赛,手写/印刷文本OCR两项高校组冠军,2019 ICDAR ReCTS 2019,“字符识别”、“端到端识别”高校组第3名,2019 CVPR SkelNetOn 2019,1项第2名,2019 ACCV IWRR 2014 最佳论文奖,2014 发明专利 基于全卷积角点修正网络的多向场景文字检测方法及装置, 2021, 专利号:202110235490.3 一种多结构多任务深度神经网络及其训练、分类方法, 2020, 专利号:202011040925.0 基于语义强化编码器解码器框架的场景文字识别方法,2020,专利号:202010416704.2 一种基于自训练的文本检测器训练方法及系统,2020,专利号:202010428815.5 基于高斯约束注意力机制网络的场景文字识别方法及系统,2020,专利号:202010767079.6 基于完形填空任务的视频自监督学习方法,2019,专利号:201911348018.X 一种基于半监督与弱监督学习的曲形场景文字检测方法,2019,专利号:201910720688.3 基于受限注意力模型的字符检测网络训练方法、字符检测方法和字符检测器,2019,专利号:201910614874.9 一种基于特征压缩与特征选择的歪斜场景文字识别方法及系统, 2015, 专利号: 201510014950.4 一种基于三分类器协同训练学习的网络协议识别方法及系统, 2014, 专利号: 201410575510.1 基于直方图和超像素的场景图像文字检测方法及系统, 2014, 专利号: 201410168244.0 一种基于语义敏感的网络协议识别方法及系统, 2014, 专利号: 2014111800506700 一种自动检测疑似仿冒网站的方法及系统, 2013, 专利号: 201310395429.0 一种未知网络协议识别方法及系统, 2013, 专利号: 201310189079.2 一种用户隐私信息保护方法及系统, 2013, 专利号: 201310722437.1 软件著作权 基于数据手套的中国手语识别软件系统,2009,软著登记号:2009SR02392 科研项目 噪声及低分辨率条件下的图像文本识别技术研究,主持,企业横向项目,2021.04-2022.10 面向媒体融合与传播的富媒体信息智能提取技术,主持,国家重点实验室开放课题,2020.08-2021.07 多媒体数据分析系统,主持,国家级,2018.09-2019.08 实时数据检测分析系统, 主持, 国家级, 2017.10-2020.09 基于云化平台的仿冒网站检测微引擎技术研究, 主持, 国家级, 2014.06-2017.06 基于多示例学习和半监督学习的手势语识别研究, 主持, 国家级, 2014.01-2016.12 多媒体内容取证方法研究, 参与, 国家级, 2013.01-2016.12 海量信息分析系统, 参与, 国家级, 2014.06-2016.06 文字图像中特定光学字符的快速检测方法研究, 主持, 市地级, 2013.06-2014.06 面向复杂动态背景和可变环境的多模态手势语识别研究, 主持, 国家级, 2011.06-2012.06


人工智能、计算机视觉、 深度学习与智能安全,专注于: 1) 目标检测与文字识别 2) 视频行为识别与检测 3) 自监督与对抗性学习


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

W Zhang, D Wu, Y Zhou, B Li, W Wang, D Meng. "Binary Neural Network Hashing for Image Retrieval." SIGIR, accepted, 2021. (CCF-A) X Qin, Y Zhou, Y Guo, D Wu, W Wang. "FC2RN: A Fully Convolutional Corner Refinement Network for Accurate Multi-Oriented Scene Text Detection." ICASSP, pp. 4350-4354, 2021. (CCF-B, PDF) Y Zhang, Y Zhou, W Wang. "Exploring Instance Relations for Unsupervised Feature Embedding." arXiv preprint, 2021. (PDF) Z Qiao, Y Zhou, D Yang, Y Zhou, W Wang. "SEED: Semantics Enhanced Encoder-Decoder Framework for Scene Text Recognition." CVPR, pp. 13525-13534, 2020. (CCF-A, Acceptance Rate 22%, 21 Citations, PDF) Y Yao, C Liu, D Luo, Y Zhou, Q Ye. "Video Playback Rate Perception for Self-Supervised Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning." CVPR, pp. 6547-6556, 2020. (CCF-A, Acceptance Rate 22%, 24 Citations, PDF) D Luo, C Liu, Y Zhou, D Yang, C Ma, Q Ye, W Wang. "Video Cloze Procedure for Self-Supervised Spatio-Temporal Learning." AAAI, pp. 11701-11708, 2020. (CCF-A, Oral Presentation, Acceptance Rate 5.8%, 26 Citations, PDF) W Zhang, D Wu, Y Zhou, B Li, W Wang, D Meng. "Deep Unsupervised Hybrid-similarity Hadamard Hashing." ACM MM, pp. 3274-3282, 2020. (CCF-A, PDF) S Zhao, D Wu, W Zhang, Y Zhou, B Li, W Wang. "Asymmetric Deep Hashing for Efficient Hash Code Compression." ACM MM, pp. 763-771, 2020. (CCF-A, PDF) Y Chen, W Wang, Y Zhou, F Yang, D Yang, W Wang. "Self-Training for Domain Adaptive Scene Text Detection." ICPR, 850-857, 2020. (CCF-C, Oral Presentation, Acceptance Rate 4.4%, PDF) Z Qiao, X Qin, Y Zhou, F Yang, W Wang. "Gaussian Constrained Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition." ICPR, pp. 3328-3335, 2020. (CCF-C, PDF) Y Zhang, C Liu, Y Zhou, W Wang, W Wang, Q Ye. "Progressive Cluster Purification for Unsupervised Feature Learning." ICPR, pp. 8476-8483, 2020. (CCF-C, PDF) D Yang, Y Zhou, D Wu, C Ma, F Yang, W Wang. "Two-Level Residual Distillation based Triple Network for Incremental Object Detection." arXiv preprint, 2020. (PDF) D Luo, B Fang, Y Zhou, Y Zhou, D Wu, W Wang. "Exploring Relations in Untrimmed Videos for Self-Supervised Learning." arXiv preprint, 2020. (PDF) Y Zhou, Y Wang, J Cai, Y Zhou, Q Hu, W Wang. "Expert Training: Task Hardness Aware Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Classification." arXiv preprint, 2020. (PDF) X Qin, Y Zhou, D Yang, W Wang. “Curved Text Detection in Natural Scene Images with Semi- and Weakly-Supervised Learning.” ICDAR, pp. 559-564, 2019. (CCF-C, PDF) Y Chen, Y Zhou, D Yang, W Wang. “Constrained Relation Network for Character Detection in Scene Images.” PRICAI, pp. 137-149, 2019. (CCF-C, PDF) N Jiang, Y Zhang, D Luo, C Liu, Y Zhou, Z Han. “Feature Hourglass Network for Skeleton Detection.” SkelNetOn@CVPR, pp. 0, 2019. (PDF) X Yun, Y Wang, Y Zhang, Y Zhou. “A Semantics Aware Approach to the Automated Network Protocol Identification.” TON, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 583-595, 2016. (SCI一区, CCF-A) X Wang, Z Sun, W Zhang, Y Zhou, Y. Jiang. “Matching User Photos to Online Products with Robust Deep Features.” ICMR, pp. 7-14, 2016. (CCF-B) Y Zhou, X Yang, Y Zhang, X Xu, Y Wang, X Chai, W Lin. “Unsupervised Adaptive Sign Language Recognition based on Hypothesis Comparison Guided Cross Validation and Linguistic Prior Filtering.” Neurocomputing, vol. 149, pp. 1604–1612, 2015. (SCI一区, CCF-C) W Lin, Y Zhang, J Lu, B Zhou, J Wang, Y Zhou. "Summarizing Surveillance Videos with Local-Patch-Learning-Based Abnormality Detection, Blob Sequence Optimization, and Type-Based Synopsis." Neurocomputing, vol. 155, pp. 84–98, 2015. (SCI一区, CCF-C) F Yin, X Chai, Y Zhou, X Chen. “Weakly Supervised Metric Learning towards Signer Adaptation for Sign Language Recognition.” BMVC, pp. 1-12, 2015. (CCF-C) F Yin, X Chai, Y Zhou, X Chen. “Semantics Constrained Dictionary Learning for Signer-Independent Sign Language Recognition.” ICIP, pp. 3310-3314, 2015. (CCF-C) H Wang, X Chai, Y Zhou, X Chen. “Fast Sign Language Recognition Benefited from Low Rank Approximation.” FG, pp. 1-6, 2015. (CCF-C) Y Zhou, S Liu, Y Zhang, Y Wang, W Lin. “Perspective Scene Text Recognition with Feature Compression and Ranking.” IWRR@ACCV, pp. 181-195, 2014. (Best Paper Award) Y Lin, X Chai, Y Zhou, X Chen. “Curve Matching from the View of Manifold for Sign Language Recognition.” FSLCV@ACCV, pp. 233-246, 2014. Y Zhou, Y Zhang, J Xiao, Y Wang, W Lin. “Visual Similarity Based Anti-Phishing with the Combination of Local and Global Features.” TrustCom, pp. 189-196, 2014. (CCF-C, Acceptance Rate 31.7%, Oral Presentation) S Liu, Y Zhou, Y Zhang, Y Wang, W Lin. “Text Detection in Natural Scene Images with Stroke Width Clustering and Superpixel.” PCM, pp. 123-132, 2014. (CCF-C) K Huang, Z Zhang, Y Chen, W Lin, Y Zhou, D Jiang, C Yao. “Improved Human Head and Shoulder Detection with Local Main Gradient and Tracklets-Based Feature.” APSIPA ASC, pp. 1-4, 2014. Y Zhou, W Lin, H Su, J Wu, J Wang, Y Zhou. “Representing and Recognizing Motion Trajectories: A Tube and Droplet Approach.” ACM MM, pp. 1077-1080, 2014. (CCF-A, Short Paper) Y Zhou, S Liu, Y Zhang, Y Wang, W Lin. “Text Localization in Natural Scene Images with Stroke Width Histogram and Superpixel.” APSIPA ASC, pp. 1-4, 2014. Y Sang, Y Zhang, Y Wang, Y Zhou, T Xu. “A Segmentation Pattern Based Approach to Automated Protocol Identification.” PDCAT, pp.7-12, 2014. (CCF-C) Y Zhou, X Yang, W Lin, Y Xu, L Xu. “Hypothesis Comparison Guided Cross-Validation for Unsupervised Signer Adaptation.” ICME, pp. 1-4, 2011. (CCF-B) N Xu, W Lin, Y Zhou, Y Chen, Z Chen, H Li, "A New Global-Based Video Enhancement Algorithm by Fusing Features of Multiple Region-of-Interests." VCIP, pp. 1-4, 2011. L Xu, S Kwong, T Zhao, Y Zhou. “Priority Pyramid Based Bit Allocation for Multiview Video Coding.” VCIP, pp. 1-4, 2011. Y Zhou, X Chen, D Zhao, H Yao, W Gao. “Adaptive Sign Language Recognition with Exemplar Extraction and MAP/IVFS.” IEEE SPL, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 297-300, 2010.(SCI二区, CCF-C) Y Zhou, X Chen, D Zhao, H Yao, W Gao. “Mahalanobis Distance Based Polynomial Segment Model for Chinese Sign Language Recognition.” ICME, pp. 317-320, 2008. (CCF-B, Oral Presentation, Acceptance Rate about 20%) Y Zhou, W Gao, X Chen, L Zhang, C Wang. “Signer Adaptation Based on Etyma for Large Vocabulary Chinese Sign Language Recognition.” PCM, pp. 458-461, 2007. (CCF-C)


专委会 中国图像图形学会文档图像分析与识别专委会,委员 会议 Area Chair:ICME-21 SPC Member:IJCAI-21 PC Member:ICCV-21、CVPR-21、AAAI-21、ACM MM-21、ICDAR-21、ICPR-20... Session Chair:ICME-21、TrustCom-14
