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招生专业 083900-网络空间安全 招生方向 可信计算与信息保障 工作简历 2014-02--今 中科院软件所 研究员 2012-01--2014-02 中科院信息工程研究所 副研究员 2008-06--2011-06 卢森堡大学 Assistant Chercheur访问学者 2007-04--2011-12 中科院软件所 副研究员 2005-03--2007-03 中科院软件所 博士后 2003-08--2004-08 新加坡国立大学信息通信研究院 访问学生 科研项目 (1) xxxx,参与,部委级,2013-07--2017-12 (2) xxxx,参与,部委级,2013-01--2017-12 (3) 流密码的设计与分析,参与,国家级,2009-01--2012-12 参与会议 (1) Cryptanalysis of the Atmel Cipher in SecureMemory, CryptoMemory and CryptoRF,第9届应用密码学与网络安全国际会议,2011-06,Alex Biryukov, Ilya Kizhvatov, Bin Zhang (2) Multiset Collision Attacks on Reduced-Round SNOW 3G and SNOW 3G (+) ,第8届应用密码学与网络安全国际会议,2010-06,Alex Biryukov, Deike Priemuth-Schmid, Bin Zhang (3) New Cryptanalysis of Irregularly Decimated Stream Ciphers,2009-08,Bin Zhang (4) An Improved Fast Correlation Attack on Stream Ciphers,2008-08,Bin Zhang and Dengguo Feng (5) New Guess-and-Determine Attack on the Self-Shrinking Generator ,2006-12,Bin Zhang and Dengguo Feng (6) Multi-pass Fast Correlation Attack on Stream Ciphers ,2006-08,Bin Zhang and Dengguo Feng




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Grain v1流密码的近似碰撞攻击,Near Collision Attack on the Grain v1 Stream Cipher,Fast Software Encryption-FSE 2013,2013,第1作者 (2) Helix与Phelix流密码的密码分析再回顾,Cryptanalysis of Helix and Phelix Revisited,ACISP 2013,2013,通讯作者 (3) 基于条件掩码的蓝牙加密实时攻击,Real Time Cryptanalysis of Bluetooth Encryption with Condition Maksing,Advances in Cryptology-Crypto 2013,2013,第1作者 (4) 一个新的侧信道容错立方攻击模型,A New Model for Error-Tolenrant Side-Channel Cube Attacks,CHES 2013,2013,通讯作者 (5) SecureMemory, CryptoMemory及CryptRF中atmel密码的密码分析,Cryptanalysis of the Atmel Cipher in SecureMemory, CryptMemory and CryptRf,LNCS-ACNS 2011,2011,通讯作者 (6) 改进的多步法快速相关攻击及其应用,Improved Multi-Pass Fast Correlation Attacks with Applications,中国科学E、F辑,2011,第1作者 (7) SNOW 3G初始化机制的分析,Analysis of SNOW 3G⊕ Resynchronization Mechanism,ICETE Proceeding,2010,通讯作者 (8) 缩减轮数的SNOW 3G及SNOW 3G XOR的多集碰撞攻击,Multiset Collision Attacks on Reduced-Round SNOW 3G and SNOW 3G XOR,LNCS-ACNS 2010,2010,通讯作者 (9) 不规则采样流密码的新密码分析,New Cryptanalysis of Irregularly Decimated Stream Ciphers,LNCS-Selected Areas in Cryptography 2009,2009,第1作者 (10) 一个改进的流密码快速相关攻击,An Improved Fast Correlation Attack on Stream Ciphers,LNCS- Selected Areas in Cryptography 2008,2008,第1作者 (11) 一个自收缩生成器的新变体,A New Variant of the Self-Shrinking Generator,IEEE Symposium on Information Theory-ISIT 2006 ,2006,第1作者 (12) 流密码的多步法快速相关攻击,Multi-pass Fast Correlation Attack on Stream Ciphers,LNCS-Selected Areas in Cryptography 2006,2006,第1作者 (13) 自收缩生成器的新猜测确定攻击,New Guess-and-Determine Attack on the Self-Shrinking Generator,LNCS-ASIACRYPT 2006,2006,第1作者 (14) 一个新型流密码体制的安全性分析,Security analysis of a new stream cipher,中国科学E、F辑,2006,第1作者 (15) 滤波函数已知时广义自收缩生成器的安全性分析,Analysis of the Generalized Self-Shrinking Generator with the Filter Function Known,Chinese Journal of Electronics,2005,第1作者 (16) COSvd (2, 128)流密码的弱点,Weaknesses of COSvd (2, 128) Stream Cipher,LNCS-ICISC 2005,2005,第1作者 (17) 关于三个流密码的安全性,On the Security of Three Stream Ciphers,软件学报,2005,第1作者 (18) 一个收缩生成器的快速相关攻击, A Fast Correlation Attack on the Shrinking Generator,LNCS-CT-RSA 2005,2005,第1作者 (19) 广义自收缩生成器的安全性分析,Security Analysis of the Generalized Self-shrinking Generator,LNCS-ICICS 2004,2004,第1作者 (20) 一类新的自同步流密码的选择密文攻击,Chosen Ciphertext Attack on a New Class of Self-Synchronizing Stream Ciphers,LNCS-INDOCRYPT 2004,2004,第1作者 (21) 一个基于背包的双锁密码体制的密码分析,Cryptanalysis of a Knapsack Based Two-Lock Cryptosystem,LNCS-ACNS 2004,2004,第1作者
