1.Studies on the Aging Resistance of Polypropylene Composites Filled with Mica in High Content . Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols.395-396 (2013), P116-120
2.PP/纳米TiO2复合材料的晶体形貌和非等温结晶行为. 中国塑料;Vol. 24、 No. 5、2010、P51-58(核心)
3.Finite Element Simulation of Tensile Behaviors in the Elastic Region For
PP/nano-TiO2 Composites Advanced Materials Research, v 150-151, p 1819-1823, 2011(EI收录20110113539961)
4. Mg( OH ) 2 与包覆红磷协效阻燃 PP /PA6. 塑料;Vol.38、 No. 1、 2009、P58-61(核心)
5.The application finite element analysis with the temperature field simulation of flame-retardant effect on OMMT and APP for PP/PA6 composts. Advanced Materials Research Vols.399-401(2012). P493-499.(EI收录20115114627502)
6. Study of PP/nano-TiO2 composites on plastic mechanism after microwave irradiation. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 538-541 (2012), P2199 - 2202.(EI收录20124515656531)
7. Studies on Crystallizations and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/nano-TiO2 Composites. Advanced Materials Research Vols.690-693(2013), P 494 - 498.(EI收录20132416414745)
8. The studies on crystallization of polypropylene (PP)/nano-TiO2 composites under microwave irradiation. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 690-693 (2013), P 1609-1614.(EI收录20132416414977)
9. Researches on Flame Retardation and Hygrothermal Aging Properties of PP/PA6/APP/OMMT Composites. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 750-752 (2013), P 146-151.