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康文雄,广东石油化工学院自动化学院院长(挂职),2009年9月-2010年6月 以及2016年11月-2017年12月分别到瑞士苏黎世联邦高等工业大学,澳大利亚悉尼大学进行访问研究。 科研成果:近年来在IEEE Transactions on Image Processing、IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security、IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology、Pattern Recognition、IEEE Transactions on Multimedia、IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems、Computer Vision and Image Understanding、Pattern Recognition Letters、Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation、Neurocomputing、IET Biometrics,中国科学、自动化学报等国内外重要专业期刊上发表及录用论文80多篇,三大索引论文60篇,其中SCI期刊论文30篇(JCR 一区期刊论文25篇),主编书籍1本。申请国际发明专利5项(授权1项),申请国家发明专利和实用新型专利30多项,授权10余项,转让专利10项,获得软件著作权6项。受邀组织,主持和参加了多个本领域的国内外学术会议,并担任了IEEE T-PAMI,IEEE T-IP,IEEE T-IFS,IEEE T-SMC,IEEE T-HMS,IEEE T-BME, IEEE T-IM, IEEE SPL,ACM T-MCCA,ACM TOMM, Neurocomputing,PR, PRL,Image and Vision Computing,IET Biometrics,IET Image processing,Neural Computing and Applications,计算机学报,自动化学报,中、英文版,ISBA,DICTA,中国控制会议和中国生物特征识别会议等国内外重要学术期刊和会议审稿人,以及国家、广东省以及山东省自然科学基金通讯评议专家等。 工作经历 2016/09 – 至今 , 华南理工大学 自动化科学与工程学院,教授,博士生导师 2016/11 – 2017/12,澳大利亚悉尼大学 信息技术学院,访问学者 2012/09 – 2016/09,华南理工大学自动化科学与工程学院,副教授,硕士生导师 2009/09 – 2010/06,瑞士苏黎世联邦高等工业大学 信息技术与电子工程系,访问学者 科研项目 科研项目:近年来主持国家自然科学基金3项、广东省自然科学基金,广东省科技计划项目,广东省教育部产学研结合项目等省部级项目10余项,中央高校基本科研业务费自主选题项目5项,企事业单位委托开发项目10多项,参与国家自然科学基金和广东省粤港关键领域重点突破项目等项目多项,其中国家和省部级项目研究内容包括:运动目标检测与实时跟踪,静脉识别,在线签名识别以及多生物特征识别和生物特征仿冒攻击检测;企事业委托项目研究内容包括:指静脉识别系统研发,作业人员监测预警系统,文档图像分析与识别,智能图像识别,智能监测嵌入式机器视觉应用,智能视觉传感器开发。 教学活动 承担了本科生课程《图像处理与机器视觉》,《机器视觉与智能检测相关创新实践》,研究生课程《模式识别与机器视觉实践课》,《系统分析与集成》等;指导研究生和本科生参加各类专业竞赛,取得了包括国家级一等奖在内的多个奖项,包括2016年第七届中国计算机学会服务计算学术会议软件服务创新大赛二等奖;本科生参赛获奖包括:2016泛珠三角大学生计算机作品赛总决赛金奖和最佳创新奖,第三届全国大学生电子商务“创新 创意 创业”挑战赛全国总决赛的二等奖广东省首届大学生电子创新设计大赛决赛(本科组)二等奖等;此外,近几年指导的本科毕业生中5人获得校级“优秀本科毕业设计”。本人也多次获得华南理工大学大洋电机奖教基金,华南理工大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师,华南理工大学学生课外学术科技创新优秀指导老师等奖励。 指导学生情况 目前指导博士后2名,在读博士生5名,硕士生10余名,指导的研究生多次获得国家奖学金,1名研究生获得2017年广东省优秀研究生,2名研究生获得2018年华南理工大学优秀硕士学位论文。此外,在各类专业竞赛中,指导的研究生取得了包括国家级一等奖在内的多个奖项,如:全国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛跨摄像头行人跟踪任务一等奖以及人脸检测与识别任务三等奖,第六届和第八届广东省数字图像图形创作大赛一等奖。硕士研究生毕业后基本去往华为,阿里,腾讯,京东,英伟达,海康威视,CVTE,网易等企业的研究院(或研究部门)从事计算机视觉,图像处理,模式识别,机器学习等方面的算法研究工作,以及留在本实验室,或是前往香港和国外攻读博士学位。


图像处理与模式识别 , 计算机视觉 , 生物特征识别 , 机器学习。


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] W. Yang, W. Luo, W. Kang*, Z. Huang and Q. Wu, FVRAS-Net: An Embedded Finger-Vein Recognition and AntiSpoofing System Using a Unified CNN. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement. (SCIIF=3.84. JCR Q1),2020Accept [2] J.Xu, H.Tian, Z.Wang, Y.Wang, W.Kang, F.Chen,Joint Input and Output Space Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification,IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (SCI IF=3.977,JCR Q1) 2020,Accept [3] G. Chen, G. Pan, Y. Zhou, W. Kang*, J. Hou, F. Deng, Correlation Filter Tracking via Distractor-aware Learning and Multi-Anchor Detection, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (SCI IF=4.133,JCR Q1) 2020, Accept [4] W. Kang*, H. Liu, W. Luo, F. Deng, Study of a Full-View 3D Finger Vein Verification Technique, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, (2020)15(1): 1175-1189 (SCI IF=5.824,JCR Q1) [5] L. Fang, N. Liang, W. Kang*, Z. Wang, D. Feng, Real-time hand posture recognition using hand geometric features and Fisher Vector, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2020.(82):115729, (SCIIF=2.779. JCR Q2) [6] W. Kang*, Yuting Lu, Dejian Li, Wei Jia, From Noise to Feature: Exploiting Intensity Distribution as a Novel Soft Biometric Trait for Finger Vein Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, (2019)14(4): 858-869. (SCI IF=5.824,JCR Q1) [7] S. Tang, S. Zhou, W.Kang*,Q.Wu, F.Deng, Finger Vein Verification using a Siamese Convolutional Neural Network, IET Biometrics, Mar (2019) :1-12 (SCI IF=1.836,JCR Q2) [8] G. Pan, G. Chen, W. Kang*, and J. Hou, Correlation filter tracker with siamese: A robust and real-time object tracking framework, Neurocomputing, 2019.358: 33–43 (SCI IF=4.072,JCR Q1). [9] X. Qiu, W. Kang*, S. Tian, W.Jia and Z. Huang, Finger Vein Presentation Attack Detection Using Total Variation Decomposition, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, (2018)13(2):465-477. (SCI IF=6.211,JCR Q1) [10] L. Tang, W. Kang*, Y. Fang, Information Divergence-based Matching Strategy for Online Signature Verification, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2018.13(4): 861-873. (SCI IF=5.824,JCR Q1) [11] N. Liang, G.Wu, W. Kang*, Z. Wang, David D. Feng,Real-Time Long-Term Tracking With Prediction-Detection-Correction, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2018.(99):1-12, (SCI IF=3.977,JCR Q1) [12] L. Fang, G. Wu, W. Kang*, Q. Wu , Z. Wang, David D. Feng,Feature Covariance Matrix based Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition, Neural Computing and Applications. Sep (2018) :1-14 (SCI IF=4.215,JCR Q1) [13] Y.Fang, W. Kang*, Q.Wu, A novel finger vein verification system based on two-stream convolutional network learning, Neurocomputing, 2018.290: 100-107,(SCI IF=3.241,JCR Q1) [14] 王浩, 康文雄*, 陈晓鹏. 基于视频的掌纹掌脉联合识别系统研究, 光学学报. 2018,38(2):0215004. (EI 核心),被评为2018年第2期“优秀论文” [15] Y.Fang, W. Kang*, Q. Wu and L. Tang,A Novel Video-based System for In-air Signature Verification, Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2017. 57: 1–14, (SCI IF=1.747,JCR Q2). [16] G.Wu, W. Kang*,Vision-Based Fingertip Tracking Utilizing Curvature Points Clustering and Hash Model Representation, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2017.19(8): 1730-1741,(SCI IF=3.977,JCR Q1) [17] R.Shi, G.Wu, W. Kang*, Z. Wang, David D. Feng,Visual Tracking Utilizing Robust Complementary Learner and Adaptive Refiner,Neurocomputing,2017. 260: 367-377. (SCI IF=3.241,JCR Q1) [18] G.Wu, W.Kang*, Exploiting Superpixel and Hybrid Hash for Kernel-Based Visual Tracking, Pattern Recognition,2017. 68: 175-190 , (SCI IF=3.965,JCR Q1) [20] X. Zhuang, W. Kang*, Q. Wu, Real-time Vehicle Detection with Foreground-based Cascade Classifier, IET Image Processing, 2016.10 (4):289-296, (SCI IF=1.401,JCR Q3). [21] 侯荣波, 康文雄*, 房育勋, 黄荣恩, 徐伟钊, 基于时间上下文TLD的指尖跟踪问题研究, 计算机应用, 2016, 36(5):1371-1377 [22] G.Wu, W. Kang*, Robust Fingertip Detection in a Complex Environment, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2016.18(6): 978-987, (SCI IF=3.977,JCR Q1). [23] W. Kang*, X. Chen, Fast Representation Based on a Double Orientation Histogram for Local Image Descriptors, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2015;24 (10):2915-2927, (SCI IF=5.072,JCR Q1). [24] W.Kang, X.Chen, and Q. Wu, The biometric recognition on contactless multi-spectrum finger images. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2015. 68(10): 19-27. (SCI IF=1.851,JCR Q2). [25] X. Yan, W. Kang*, F. Deng, and Q. Wu, Palm vein recognition based on multi-sampling and feature-level fusion. Neurocomputing, 2015. 151, Part 2(0): 798-807. (SCI IF=3.241,JCR Q1) [26] Z. Huang, W. Kang*, Q. Wu, and X. Chen, A new descriptor resistant to affine transformation and monotonic intensity change. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2014. 120(0): 117-125. (SCI IF=2.391,JCR Q2). [27] W. Kang*, and Q.Wu, Contactless Palm Vein Recognition Using a Mutual Foreground-Based Local Binary Pattern. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2014. 9(11): 1974-85,(SCI IF=5.824,JCR Q1) [28] W. Kang*, and Q. Wu, Pose-Invariant Hand Shape Recognition Based on Finger Geometry. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2014. 44(11): 1510-21. (SCI IF=4.315,JCR Q1). 近期主要会议论文 [1] L.Fang, X.Liu, L.Liu, H.Xu, W. Kang*,JGR-P2O: Joint Graph Reasoning based Pixel-to-Offset Prediction Network for 3D Hand Pose Estimation from a Single Depth Image,ECCV 2020,Accept as spotlight (top 5% of submissions) [2] Z.Su, L.Fang, W. Kang, D.Hu, M. Pietikäinen, L.Liu,Dynamic Group Convolution for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks,ECCV 2020,Accept as spotlight (top 5% of submissions) [3] N. Liang, W. Xu, C. Luo and W. Kang*, Learning the Front-end Speech Feature with Raw Waveform for End-to-end Speaker Recognition. ICCAI 2020.(EI收录)Accept [4] H. Xu, L. Fang, X. Liang*, W. Kang, Z. Li, Universal-RCNN: Universal Object Detector via Transferable Graph R-CNN, AAAI 2020, Oral. Accept [5] Y. Lu, M. Tu, H. Wang, J. Zhao, and W. Kang, Finger Vein Recognition Based on Double-Orientation Coding Histogram. CCBR2019, LNCS 11818, pp. 20–27. [6] C. Liu,W.Kang*,L.Fang, and N. Liang,Authentication System Design Based on Dynamic Hand Gesture. CCBR2019, LNCS 11818, pp. 94–103. [7] H. Hu, W. Kang, T. Lu, H. Liu, Y. Fang, J. Zhao, F. Deng, FV-Net: learning a finger-vein like feature representation based on a CNN, ICPR2018, pp. 3489-3494. [8] X. Lu, Y. Fang, Q.Wu, J. Zhao and W. Kang, A Novel Multiple Distances Based Dynamic Time Warping Method for Online Signature Verification,CCBR 2018,LNCS 10996, pp. 645–652, 2018 [9] X. Lu, Y. Fang, W. Kang*, Z. Wang, David D. Feng,SCUT-MMSIG:A Multimodal Online Signature Database, CCBR2017, LNCS, 10568, pp. 729-738 (EI收录) [10] X. Qiu, S. Tian, W. Kang*, W.Jia and Q. Wu, Finger Vein Presentation Attack Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks, CCBR2017,LNCS, 10568, pp. 296-305 (Best Student Paper) (EI收录) [11] L. Tang, Y. Fang, Q.Wu, W. Kang*, and J. Zhao, Online Finger-Writing Signature Verification on Mobile Device for Local Authentication, CCBR 2016, LNCS 9967, pp. 1–8. (EI收录) [12] Z. Huang, W. Kang*, Q. Wu, J. Zhao, W. Jia, A Finger Vein Identification System based on Image Quality Assessment, CCBR 2016, LNCS 9967, pp. 1–11(Best Poster Paper)(EI收录) [13] S.S. Muhammad, W. Kang*, Efficient Blind Image Deblurring Method for Palm print Images, The IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis, 2015 , Page(s): 1 - 7. (EI收录) [14] D. Li, X. Yue, Q. Wu, W. Kang*, CPGF: Core Point Detection from Global Feature for Fingerprint, CCBR2015 LNCS 9428, pp. 224–232. (EI收录) [15] S. Zhong, X. Chen, D. Li, W. Kang*, and F. Deng, An Intelligent Access Control System based on Multi-biometrics of Finger. CCBR 2014. LNCS 8833, pp. 465-472. (EI收录)


广东省智能金融企业重点实验室副主任;华工-奔流电力人工智能联合实验室主任,华南理工大学生物特征识别与智能感知实验室负责人;IEEE,ACM,CCF会员,中国人工智能学会模式识别专委会委员,中国人工智能学会智能交互专委会委员,自动化学会模式识别与机器智能专委会委员,自动化学会混合智能专业委员会,中国图象图形学学会视觉大数据专委会,中国人工智能学会教育工作委员会第二届委员会委员, 广州市天河区科协第七届委员会常务委员。
