2015年9月-2018年6月:武汉大学 数学与统计学院 概率论与数理统计系 理学博士
2012年9月-2015年6月:武汉大学 数学与统计学院 概率论与数理统计系 理学硕士
2008年9月-2012年6月:兰州大学 数学与统计学院 数学与应用数学专业 理学学士
1. Chen Y.H., Hu Y.J., Set-valued law invariant coherent and convex risk measures, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 22(3), 195004, 2019.
2. Chen Y.H., Hu Y.J., Systemic risk statistics with scenario analysis, Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods, 48(14), 2019.
3. Chen Y.H., Hu Y.J., Multivariate coherent risk measures induced by multivariate convex risk measures, Positivity (online), 10.1007/s11117-019-00703-2, 2019.
4. Sun F., Chen Y.H., Hu Y.J., Set-valued loss-based risk measures, Positivity , 22(3), 859-871, 2018.
5.Chen Y.H., Hu Y.J., Time consistency for set-valued dynamic risk measures for bounded discrete-time processes, Mathematics and Financial
Economics, 12(3), 305-333, 2018.
6. Chen Y.H., Sun F., Hu Y.J., Coherent and convex loss-based risk measures for portfolio vectors, Positivity, 22(1), 399-414, 2018.
7.Chen Y.H., Hu Y.J., Set-valued risk statistics with scenario analysis, Statistics and Probability Letters, 131, 25-37, 2017.
8.Chen Y.H., Hu Y.J., Value-at-risk and continuous coherent risk measures on L_p space,数学杂志., 36(5), 1011-1018, 2016.