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谭发龙,男,1983年11月生,湖南邵东人,香港浸会大学统计学博士。现任湖南大学金融与统计学院副教授,硕士生导师,统计学系主任。主要研究兴趣包括:统计学习、高维模型检验、经验过程、高维数据分析、充分性降维、因果推断等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、湖南省自然科学基金面上项目1项。 教育背景 2014/09-2017/11 博士 香港浸会大学,统计学,期间2014/09-2015/08在深圳大学联合培养 2005/09-2007/07 硕士 武汉大学,代数学(表示论) 2001/09-2005/07 学士 武汉大学,数学基地班数学与应用数学 工作经历 2020/01- 湖南大学金融与统计学院 副教授 2019/01-2020/01 visiting research scholar, Hong Kong Baptist University 2017/12-2019/12 湖南大学金融与统计学院统计系,助理教授 2007/09-2014/08 黄山学院数学与统计学院,助教 学术活动 1. 参与学术会议 2019.12 The 11th ICSA International Conference, Zhejiang University. Invited presentation: Integrated conditional moment test and beyond: when the number of covariates is divergent. 2019.05 The 13th National Symposium on Survival Analysis and Applied Statistics, Shanxi Normal University. Invited presentation: Adaptive-to-model checking for regressions with diverging number of predictors. 2018.05 The 12th National Symposium on Survival Analysis and Applied Statistics, An Hui University. Invated presentation: A projection-based adaptive-to-model test for regressions. 2017.06 The 1st International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2017), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 2017.03 The First International Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (mathDS), Hong Kong Baptist University. 2016.12 The 10th ICSA International Conference, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2016.06 The 4th Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 2016.05 Workshop on statistical theories, methodologies and applications in high dimensional data analysis and biomedicine,Hong Kong Baptist University. 2015.07 Summer School on Econometrics and Statistics, The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University. 2. Statistica Sinica, Statistics and Its Interface, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining等期刊的审稿人。




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[1]. Falong Tan, Xuehu Zhu and Lixing Zhu﹡. (2018). A projection-based adaptive-to-model test for regressions. Statistica sinica. 28 (2018), 157-188. [2]. Falong Tan and Lixing Zhu﹡. (2019). Adaptive-to-model checking for regressions with diverging number of predictors. The Annals of Statistics, 47, 1960-1994. [3]. Falong Tan, Xuejun Jiang﹡, Xu Guo and Lixing Zhu. (2021). Testing heteroscedasticity for regression models based on projections. Statistica sinica, Accepted. [4]. Falong Tan and Lixing Zhu﹡. (2021). Integrated conditional moment test and beyond: when the number of covariates is divergent. Biometrika, Accepted
