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工作经历:   2019.12-今 海南大学 植物保护学院 教师   2016.10-2019.01美国普渡大学 植物及植物病理学系 访问学者 教育经历:   2015.09-2019.12西北农林科技大学植物病理学专业学习 博士   2012.09-2015.06西北农林科技大学植物病理学专业学习 硕士   2008.09-2012.07西北农林科技大学植物保护专业学习 本科 获得荣誉   中国植物病理学会2019年学术年会优秀报告奖   2015年植物病理学创新研究奖 优秀奖




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

  1. Chen, D. P., Wu, C. L., Hao, C. F., Huang, P. P., Liu, H. Q., Bian, Z. Y. and Xu, J. R*. (2018) Sexual specific functions of Tub1 beta-tubulins require stage-specific RNA processing and expression inFusarium graminearum. Environmental Microbiology 20: 4009-4021. (IF5.147)   2. Chen, D. P.?, Wang, Y. ?, Zhou, X. Y., Wang, Y. L., Xu, J.R*. (2014)The Sch9 kinase regulates conidium size, stress responses, and pathogenesis inFusarium graminearum. PLos One 9(8): e105811. (IF 3.234)   3. Wang, Q. H. ?,Chen, D. P. ?, Wu, M. C., Zhu, J. D., Jiang, C., Xu, J. R. and Liu, H. Q*. (2018) MFStransporters and GABAmetabolismareinvolved in theself-defenseagainst DON inFusarium graminearum. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:438.(IF4.106)   4. Wang, H., Chen, D. P., Li, C.L., Tian, N., Zhang, J., Xu, J. R., Wang, C. F*. (2019) Stage-specific functional relationships between Tub1 and Tub2 beta-tubulins in the wheat scab fungusFusarium graminearum. Fungal Genetics and Biology 132: 103251.(IF 3.314)   5. Liu, H. Q., Li, Y.,Chen, D. P., Qi, Z. M., Wang, Q. H., Wang, J. H., Jiang, C., Xu, J. R*. (2017) A-to-I RNA editing is developmentally regulated and generally adaptive for sexual reproduction inNeurospora crassa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114: E7756-E7765.(IF 9.504)
