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研究成果被Warfield 教授和中国科协英文论文集所引用,并发表在Enterprise Information Systems (EIS),International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (IJNOV), International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science(IJKSS),Journal of Software Engineering and Applications(JSEA), iBusiness(iB)以及Technology and Investment (TI)等国际期刊。 主授课程(Courses offered) 软件过程与软件商务 (Software Process and Software Business);;软件过程管理 (Managing Software Process); 软件工程 (Software Engineering); 管理信息系统(Management Information System); 电子商务(e-Business); 项目管理(Project Management);项目计划和控制(Project Plan and Control); 决策支持系统(Decision Support System) 教育经历(Education) 1981-1985 复旦大学计算机科学系(Department Computer of Fudan University),计算机系统结构(Major in Computer Architecture),获理学学士 (BSc.); 1987-1990 湖南大学计算机科学系(Department of Computer of Hunan University),计算机应用(Major in Computer Application),获工学硕士 (MEng.); 1999-2003 华南理工大学工商管理学院(Faculty of Business Administration of SCUT),管理科学与工程(Management Science & Engineering),管理学博士(Ph.D of Management) 招生专业与类型 (1)学术硕士:管理科学与工程;(2)专业硕士:工程管理(包括工业工程)、MBA、EMBA。 培养方式 (1)传道:系统的课题跟踪讨论,实战的业务能力训练。(2)授业:良好的就业前景,国内外学术交流机会。(3)解惑:和谐的师生关系,和睦的同学情谊。 工作经历(Experience) 1985-1987年在湖南大学计算机系任助教;1990-2003年起华南理工大学计算机学院助教、讲师(1991年)、副教授(2000年);2003年起在华南理工大学工商管理学院任副教授,教授 (2009) I worked as a teacher assistant, a lecturer (1991), an associate professor (2000) in college of computer of South China University of Technology (SCUT). I am working for faculty of business administration of SCUT since October 2003., Professor (2009) 奖誉(Honors) 2001年7月在香港中文大学获首届“两岸三地博士工作坊博士论文中期交流学术会议”决策与经济组最佳论文计划书大奖,排名第一。 The Best Proposal Award of Ph.D. Consortium 2001 19-22/7/2001, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Ranking 1 2005年5月论文“软件项目管理的复杂性工作程序案例研究”被评为第8届全国青年管理科学与系统科学学术会议大会优秀论文,南京,排名第一。 The Best Paper Award (Case Study on Work Program of Complexity of Software Project Management) of 8th National Young Management and System Science Conference, Nanjing,21-22/5/2005, Ranking 1 科研项目(Research projects) 纵向项目 2018.1- 2020.12, 基于深度学习的视频分析识别设备的研究及在智慧银行中的产业化应用 (Research on the evolutionary path and innovation opportunity identification of emerging technologies based on integrated text mining)(广州市产学研项目, Guangzhou industry, education and research project.),参与人 (Participator) 2017.1- 2020.12,基于集成文本挖掘的新兴技术演化路径与创新机会识别研究 ( Research on the evolutionary path and innovation opportunity identification of emerging technologies based on integrated text mining ) ( 国家自然科学基金 NSF of China 71673088 ),参与人 (Participator) 2007.8- 2012.12, 软件知识密集型服务业与软件产业集群互动研究----以广东国家软件园为例 (Reserach on Software KIBS and Software Industry Cluster Interactive -- Guangdong National Software Park for Example ) (广东省教育厅基地重大项目, Key Project of Guangdong Provision Educiation Office),主持人 (Leader) 2006.12 - 2011.1 欧盟第六框架计划的重大科技攻关项目-开源软件质量保障平台(QualiPSo, IST-FP6-IP-034763),参与人(Participator) 2007.7- 2008.8 粤港软件企业生态网络对策(Reserch on countermeasure of Guangdong and HongKong software enterprise ecological network )(广东省科技厅软科学项目,Soft science project of Guangdong province Department of Science and Technology),主持人 (Leader) 2005.1-12,软件质量管理的Warfield复杂性工作程序研究(Research on the Work Program of Complexity of Software Quality Management) (国家自然科学基金 NSF of China),主持人 (Leader) 2004.7-2005.8,中小企业社会化服务体系的信息咨询服务平台(Information consultation service platform of socialization service system for small and middle enterprise) (广东省中小企业研究中心, Research Center of Small and Middle Enterprise Guangdong),主持人(Leader) 2005.10-2007.12,企业知识管理系统方法论探讨(Research on Methodology for Knowledge Management in Enterprise)( 广东省教育厅 GuangDong Province Education Office),参与人 (Participator) 2004.1-2006.12,软件过程管理的Warfield复杂性工作程序研究(Research on the Work Program of Complexity of Managing Software Process) (教育部博士点基金 The Research Fund for Doctoral Program of Higher Education),参与人(Participator) 横向项目 2019.1 – 2020.12,社会化大数据对卷烟新零售的运营决策支持研究, 广东省烟草专卖局(公司)科技项目(粤烟科项201806),子项目负责人 Socialization big data the operation decision support study of new retail cigarette (company), science and technology project of guangdong tobacco monopoly bureau (company) (guangdong tobacco science and technology project 201806), and sub-project leader 2017.9 – 2019.12,基于互联网平台的卷烟消费者网络信息采集与市场状态评价体系建设, 广东省烟草专卖局(公司)科技项目(粤烟科项201708),子项目负责人 Construction of network information collection and market status evaluation system for cigarette consumers based on Internet platform, science and technology project of guangdong tobacco monopoly bureau (company) (guangdong tobacco science and technology project 201708), and sub-project leader 2013.7 – 2015.7,珠海市软件和集成电路设计产业发展规划(Zhuhai Software and integrated circuit Industry Development Planning) (珠海市科技工贸和信息化局 Zhuhai Science and Technology, Industry and Trade, and Information Agency) ,主持人(Leader) 2006.10 – 2007.4,Linux应用服务指南咨询(Consultation for the Guide of Linux Application Service) (广东软件行业协会 Guangdong Software Industry Association) ,主持人(Leader) 2006.5-2007.12 KEE项目咨询(Consultation for KEE Project ) (广州市津舟管理咨询有限公司 Guangzhou Ferryman Consulting Limited) ,主持人 (Compere) 2003.5-12 电信个性化服务的实现研究(Research on Realization of Personalized Service of Telecommunication) (广州邮电通信设备有限公司 Guangzhou Telecommunication Equipment Limit) ,主持人 (Leader) 2004.7-2005.6 黄埔区综合竞争力研究(Research on Integrative Competitive Capability of Huangpu Section)(黄埔区科技局 Technology Bureau of Huangpu Section),参与人(Participator) 2003.10-2004.12中石油广东分公司进销存系统项目管理(Project Management of Guangdong Filiale of China Oil Limit)(广东科希盟科技有限公司 Guangdong CIMS Limit),参与人(Participator) 专著(Monograph) 万江平,杨建梅. 软件过程改进的复杂性工作程序研究, 科学出版社,2004.9 (国际著名学者结构复杂性学派创始人John.N.Warfield教授以及中国系统工程学会前主席顾基发教授作序推荐) Wan Jiangping, Yang Jiangmei. Research on the Work Program of Complexity of Software Process Improvement—Methodology for Implementation of SW-CMM. Beijing: Science Press, 2004.9 教材及译著 (TextBook & Translation) 万江平编著,软件工程,清华大学出版社/北京交通大学出版社,2006.8 Wan Jiangping Software Engineering QingHua Press / Beijing JiaoTong University Press 2006.8 迈克尔 A. 库斯玛诺,万江平,万丹等译。耐力制胜:在变化莫测的世界中管理战略和创新的六大永恒法则(微软、苹果、英特尔、谷歌、丰田等的启示:平台、服务、能力、范围、拉动和柔性),科学出版社,2013.7。 (作者迈克尔 A. 库斯玛诺教授曾任《斯隆管理评论》总编辑,董事局主席。他曾入驻微软考察,1995年写就了著名的畅销书《微软的秘密》。海尔总裁张瑞敏专文推荐《耐力制胜》(平台型企业制胜宝典,正和岛 《决策参考》 2013-10-16),并在海尔进行平台企业转型实践。此外,唯品会董事长沈亚先生以及联想副总裁杜建华先生作序推荐)。 MICHAEL A. CUSUMANO. STAYING POWER:Six Enduring Principles for Managing Strategy and Innovation in an Uncertain World (Lessons from Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Google, Toyota, and More).Oxford UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2010


电子商务和电子政务(e-Business & e-Government);人工智能组织构建和大数据商业模式创新(Artifical Intelligence Organization Building, Big Data Business Model Innovation); 系统科学和决策分析 (System Science & Decision Analysis); 项目管理和知识管理(Project Management & Knowledge Management); 软件过程与软件商务(Software Process and Software Business)。对复杂性科学中的Warfield 学派、IBM 公司的服务科学和工程以及MIT的TIES(Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Series)小组研究有较深的理解


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[1]Jiangping Wan, Yahui Zhu, Qiaowen Jiang (2019). Study on core essential elements for O2O business model with value net theory, International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations,20(3):215-244.(EI Index) [2]Wan, J.P. and Jiang, Q.W. (2016) On Enterprise Information System Research Trend—Based on the Keywords Frequency Analysis of Journal EIS 2007-2015. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 4(4): 84-91. [3] J.P.Wan, G.W.Pan, L.Y.Liang. Research on Incubation Performance of China Information Technology Business Incubators with DEA. Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2015, 7(1):33-38. [4] J.P.Wan, Z.Wang. Case Study on E-Business V Corp. Software Project Risk Management with Interpretive Structural Modeling. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2015, 3(4):1-7 [5] Jiangping Wan, Guangwei Pan, International of Journal of Advances in Management Science (IJ-AMS), 2014, 3(4):105-108 [6] J.P.Wan, G.W.Pan. Top 10 Key Risk Factors of GZA Project Implementation Are Analyzed with Interpretative Structural Model, Open Journal of Business and Management, 2014, 2(3), 172-179 [7] J.P.Wan, G.W.Pan. Top 10 Key Risk Factors of GZA Project Implementation Are Identified with Analytic Hierarchy Process, Open Journal of Business and Management, 2014, 2(4), 275-280 [8] J.P.Wan, Y.Q.Liu. A System Dynamics Model for Risk Analysis during Project Construction Process,Open Journal of Social Science, 2014, 2(6), 51-54 [9] J.P.Wan, Y.Q.Liu,Y.H.Zhu. The Risk Research of Traditional Retail Develop E-Business with Factor Analysis,Open Journal of Social Science, 2014, 2(7), 51-54 [10] J.P Wan, Jim Jones.Managing ITSM Implementation Complexity: A Warfield Version of Systems Science Perspective, Enterprise Information Systems, 2013,7(4):490-522 (SCI Index IF 9.256) [11] J.P. Wan,L.Y. Liang, D. Wan.Research on risk factors of ICT commercialization with grounded theory, Journal of Computers (Finland), 2013,8 (9): 2356-2365 (Ei Index ) [12] J.P Wan, Y.H. Zhu, M. Zeng. Case Study on Critical Success Factors of Running Scrum, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2013, 6(2): 59-64 [13] J.P Wan, H. Zhang, Y.H. Zhu.Research on 2010 World Expo Online Pavilions General Rankings with User Experience, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2013, 50(1):232-242 [14] J.P Wan,, Y.H. Zhu, J.J. Hou.Research on User Experience Quality Assessment Model of Smart Mobile Phone, Technology and Investment, 2013, 4(2):107-112 [15] J.P Wan, M. Zeng, Y.H. Zhu.Case Study on Tacit Knowledge Management Systems within X Company, Technology and Investment, 2013, 4(2):107-112 [16] J.P Wan, Y.H. Cao, J.J. Hou.Case Study on H Corp. Software Project Risk Management with ISM , Technology and Investment, 2013, 4(3):145-152 [17] J.P Wan, M. Zeng.Case Study on Improving Quality Management of W Company's New Product Development Project, Technology and Investment, 2013, 4(3):153-163 [18] J.P Wan, M. Zeng, L.Y. Liang.Empirical Study on Usability Impact Factors of Electronic Wallet-One Card Solution within College Students, iBusiness, 2013, 5(3):77-85 [19] J.P Wan,, Y.H. Zhu, L.Y. Liang.The Research on the Key Success Factors of Mobile Internet with Interpretative Structural Modelling, iBusiness, 2013, 5(3):107-112 [20] J.P Wan,, Xiaoyao Wan.Case Study on M Company Best Practice with Global IT Management, Technology and Investment,Technology and Investment,2012, 3(3) : 143-148 [21] J.P Wan, L.Y. Liang.Risk Management of IT Service Management Project Implementation with Killer Assumptions, Technology and Investment,2012, 3(1) : 48-55 [22] J.P Wan, J.J. Hou. Research on SAP Business One Implementation Risk Factors with Interpretive Structural Model, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2012, 5 (3) : 147-155 [23] J.P Wan, H. Zhang. Research on Influencing Factors of Web 3D User Experience with Grounded Theory, iBusiness,2011, 3 (3) : 237-243 [24] J.P Wan,, D. Wan. Analysis on the Mindbugs in IT Service Management Project Implementation, Technology and Investment,2011, 2(3) : 184-192 [25] J.P Wan,D. Wan, W.P. Luo, X.Y. Wan.Research on Explicit and Tacit Knowledge Interaction in Software Process Improvement Project, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2011, 4 (6) : 335-244 [26] J.P. Wan, H. Zhang, X. Y. Wan, W.P. Luo.The Business Ecosystem of the Chinese Software Industry, iBusiness , 2011, 3(2) : 123-129 [27] J.P. Wan, H. Zhang, D. Wan.Evaluation on Information Technology Service Management Process with AHP, Technology and Investment, 2011,2(1):38-46 [28] J.P. Wan, D. Wan, H. Zhang.Case Study on Business Risk Management for Software Outsourcing Service Provider with ISM, Technology and Investment, 2010,1(4):257-266 [29] J.P. Wan, R.T. Wang.Empirical Research on Critical Success Factors of Agile Software Process Improvement, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2010, 3(12): 1131-1140. [30] J.P.Wan, H. Zhang, D.Wan, D.Y. Huang.Research on Knowledge Creation in Software Requirement Development, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2010, 3(5): 487- 494. [31] J.P. Wan, R.T.Wang.The Exploratory Analysis on Knowledge Creation Effective Factors in Software Requirement Development, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2010, 3(6): 580-587. [32] J.P. Wan, Q.J.Liu, D.J. Li, H.B. Xu.Research on Knowledge Transfer Influencing Factors in Software Process Improvement, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2010, 3(2): 134-140. [33] J.P. Wan. Research on Software Product Support Structure, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2009, 2(3):174-194. [34] 万江平,王云凤,刘晴静. 基于ISM的IT服务管理项目实施风险因素实证研究.科技管理研究, 2009.29(5): 487~489 [35] 万江平,朱时庆,华丽水. 我国软件业商业生态系统的若干思考. 科技管理研究,2009.29(4): 130~132 [36] 万江平,李德杰,邝富华. 粤港软件外包业务风险因素实证分析[J]. 科技管理研究,2009.29(1): 251~253 [37] 万江平,朱时庆,曾勇华. 基于词频法的我国物流信息化研究主题分析[J]. 科技管理研究,2008.28(12): 251~253 [38] 万江平,邹玮,华丽水. 信息和通信技术发展趋势的若干思考——兼评APICTA2006研究与开发奖[J]. 科技管理研究,2008.28(7): 408~411 [39] 万江平,王云凤,郑楚卫. IT服务管理的知识支持结构研究[J]. 计算机应用研究,2008.25(3): 756~758 [40] 安诗芳,万江平. 基于TAM的网上购物意向综合模型[J]. 情报杂志,2007.26(5): 52~55 [41] 万江平,王云凤,邹玮. 发展知识密集型服务业,促进企业生态网络发展——以广东软件产业为例[J].科技管理研究,2007.27(7): 44-45 [42] 万江平,杨建梅. 知识模型的论域及其应用. 科技管理研究2007.27(1): 209~211 Wan Jiangping, Yang Jianmei. Knowledge Domain Model and Its Applications [43] 黄德毅,万江平. 基于SECI的软件需求获取过程中知识转移模式研究. 科学学与科学技术管理,2006.27(11): 77~81 Huang De-yi, Wan Jiang-ping Research on SECI-based knowledge conversion model in software requirement elicitation, Science of Science and Management of S.& T. 2006.27(11): 77~81 [44] 万江平,安诗芳,黄德毅. 软件工程知识体系综述. 计算机应用研究,2006.23(10): 1~3 Wan Jiangping An Shifang Huang Deyi Overview of Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Application Research of Computer, 2006.23(10): 1~3 [45] 万江平,杨建梅. 软件过程改进复杂性分析. 计算机应用研究,2006.23(7): 1~4 Wan Jiangping, Yang Jianmei. Research on Complexity of Software Process Improvement. Application Research of Computer, 2006,23(7) : 1-4 [46] 万江平,黄德毅,安诗芳. 信息时代的中国CIO生存之道. 科技管理研究,2006.26(4): 141~144 Wan Jiangping, Huang Deyi, An Shifang. The Survival Way of Chinese CIO in Information Age. Science and Technology Management Research, 2006,26(4): 141-144 [47] 万江平,杨建梅. 交互方式管理及其应用. 科技管理研究,2006.26(2): 168~171 Wan Jianping, Yang Jianmei. Interactive Management and Its Applications, Science and Technology Management Research, 2006.26(2): 168~171 [48] 万江平,李建章. 软件项目管理的复杂性工作程序案例研究. 科技管理研究,2006.26(1): 162~165 Wan Jiangping, Li Jianzhang. Case Study on Work Program of Complexity of Software Project Management, Science and Technology Management Research, 2006.26(1): 162~165 [49] Wan Jianping, Yang Jianmei. Interactive Management and Its Applications, International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, 2005.2(1): 25~32 [50] 万江平,卓永乐,徐晓. 基于Web构架的软件质量评估工具的设计和实现. 计算机应用研究,2005.22(3): 205~207 Wan Jiangping, Zhuo Yongle, Xu Xiao. Design and Realization ofWeb Architecture-based Tool for Software Quality Evaluation. Application Research of Computer, 2005.22(3): 205~207 [51] 万江平,杨建梅. 软件生产支持结构的研究. 计算机应用研究,2005.22(2): 18~20 Wan Jiangping, Yang Jianmei. Research on Software Production Support Structure. Application Research of Computer, 2005,22(2) : 18-20 [52] 徐晓,万江平. 个性化电信服务设计策略的思考. 计算机应用研究,2004.21(7): 70~71 Xu Xiao, Wan Jiangping. On Individual Strategies in Telcom' s Services Design. Application Research of Computer, 2004.21(7): 70~71 [53] 万江平,杨建梅. 交互式管理的若干思考. 系统辩证学学报,2004.12(1): 70~74 Wan Jiangping, Yang Jianmei. Some Considerations on Interactive Management. Journal of Systemic Dialectics, 2004.12(1): 70~74 [54] 万江平 卓永乐. 电子商务的挑战. 计算机应用研究, 2003.20(9): 9~10 Wan Jiangping,Zhuo Yongle,The E business Challenge. Application Research of Computer, 2003,20(9), 1-3 [55] 李建章,万江平. 中小型软件企业项目管理的思考. 计算机应用研究, 2003.20(9): 14~17 Wan Jiangping, Li Jianzhang. Considerations on Project Management in Small and Middle Organization. Application Research of Computer, 2003,20(9) : 14~17 [56] 万江平,李建章等. 软件企业知识管理的思考. 计算机应用研究, 2003.20(1): 13~16 Wan Jiangping, Li Jianzhang, Han Huifeng. Knowledge Management in Software Organization. Application Research of Computer, 2003.20(1): 13~16 [57] 杨建梅,万江平. 复杂性涵义、通用设计科学及复杂性工作程序初探. 系统辩证学学报,2002.10(4): 41~44 Yang Jianmei, Wan Jiangping. On the Meanings of Complexity, Generic Design Science and Work Program of Complexity, Journal of Systemic Dialectics, 2002.10(4): 41~44 [58] 万江平,杨建梅. 软件过程改进中的知识管理. 计算机应用研究,2002,19(5): 1~3 Wan Jiangping, Yang Jianmei. Knowledge Management in Software Process Improvement. Application Research of Computer, 2002,19(5): 1~3 [59] 万江平,郭荷清 夏志忠. IDEAL模型的研究.计算机应用研究,2001,18(12):32~34 Wan Jiangping, Guo Heqing, Xia Zhizhong. Research on IDEAL Model Application Research of Computer, 2001,18(12):32~34 [60] 万江平,孔学东,杨建梅. CMMI模型的研究.计算机应用研究,2001,18(10): 10~13 Wan Jiangping, Kong Xuedong, Yang Jianmei. Research on CMMI Model. Application Research of Computer, 2001, 18(10): 10~13 [61] 万江平,杨建梅,刘尚余. 系统工程能力成熟度模型的研究. 计算机应用研究,2001,18(7): 49~51 Wan Jiangping, Yang Jianmei, Liu Shangyu. Research on Systems Engineering Capability Maturity Model. Application Research of Computer, 2001,18(7): 49~51 [62] 万江平,杨建梅,万军. 软件人员能力成熟度模型及其评估框架.计算机应用研究,2001,18(1): 16~18 Wan Jiangping, Yang Jianmei, Wan Jun. Research on People Capability Maturity Model ant Its Assessment Framework. Application Research of Computer, 2001,18(1): 16~18 [63] 张景威,万江平等. 用JAVA开发FTP代理服务器. 计算机应用研究,2001,18(5): 104~107 Application Research of Computer, 2001,18(5): 104~107 [64] Wan jiangping, Huang zhuoming et al. A FTP Server Developed by JAVA. 华南理工大学学报(Journal of China University of Technology)(自然科学版 Natural Science Edition),2001, 29(8): 65~69 [65] 万江平. 高等工程教育要适应信息时代. 华南高等工程教育研究,2001,2: 84~86 Wan Jiangping. High Engineering Education Should be to adapt to Information Age, South China High Engineering Education Research, 2001,2: 84~86 [66] 万江平,严明,杨建梅. 用JAVA语言开发专家系统. 计算机应用研究,2000,17(5): 62~64 Wan Jiangping, Yan Ming, Yang Jianmei. Development Expert System with Java. Application Research of Computer, 2000,17(5): 62~64 [67] 万江平,刘光华. 浅谈电子商务与中国企业竞争力. 广东农工商管理干部学院学报,2000,17(1): 34~38 Wan Jiangping, Liu Guanghua. On E-business and Chinese Enterprise Competency. 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A Bibliometric Review of Research Trends in Social CRM,WHICEB2018,358-365 [5]Jiangping Wan, Jiawen Huang.The Evaluation on Home Improvement Website's Efficiency Based on SBM-DEA,WHICEB2018,457-464 [6] Jiangping Wan, Guangwei Pan, Qiaowen Jiang. Research on Performance Influence Factors of O2O Website with Interpretative Structure Model. WHICEB2017, Wuhan, China, pp.32-41 [7] Jiangping Wan, Qiaowen Jiang, Leqi Xie. Research on Risk Factors of Entrepreneurship in Internet Industry with the Grounded Theory. WHICEB2017 Wuhan, China, pp.99-107 [8] Leqi Xie, Jiangping Wan, Qiaowen Jiang. Research on Cognitive Pattern of the Concept of Smart City with Crawler Technology. WHICEB2017, Wuhan, China, pp.251-260 [9] Jiangping Wan, Qiaowen Jiang, Yahui Zhu. Research on Core Essential Elements for O2O Business Model with ANP. WHICEB2016, Wuhan, China, pp.113-123 [10] Jiangping Wan, Guangwei Pan, Lianyu liang. Research on Incubation Performance Influence Factors of China Information Technology Business Incubators with Grounded Theory. WHICEB2015, Wuhan, China, pp.480-486 [11]Jiangping Wan, Ming Zeng. Research on Key Success Factors Model for Innovation Application of Internet of Things with Grounded Theory. WHICEB2015, Wuhan, China, pp.647-654 [12]Jiangping Wan, Guangwei Pan. Top 10 Key Risk Factors of G Group E-business Project Implementation are Identified with Analytic Hierarchy Process. Modern Engineering Solutions for the Industry (MSEI2014), Wuhan, China, pp.405-412 [13]Jiangping Wan, Guangwei Pan. Top 10 Key Risk Factors of G Group e-business Project Implementation are Analyzed with Interpretative Structural Model. Modern Engineering Solutions for the Industry (MSEI2014), Wuhan, China, pp.451-458 [14]J.P.Wan, Y.H.Zhu. Research on smart mobile phone user experience with grounded theory. Information Systems and Computing Technology (ISCT2013), Wuxi, China, pp.51-58


四川省科技奖励评审专家(2017年) 江西省科技奖励评审专家(2017年) 教育部科技成果奖励评审专家(2016年和2008年) 国家自然科学基金管理科学与工程同行评议专家(2014年) 同望科技股份有限公司(430653)董事 (2014年) 广东省电子政务总体规划专家 广州市越秀区总商会第一届理事会专业委员会学术组特邀委员 2013年 中国计算机学会高级会员 2010年 《中国计算机学会通讯》特约刊评员,美国计算机学会会员 2009年 中国计算机学会会员 2008年Open World Forum 2008程序委员会委员 2007年被推选为中国软件过程改进网专家委员会主任委员(首批) 2007, Chief Member of Committee of Experts of China Software Process Improvement Network 2007年广东省Linux应用软件专门委员会委员 2007, Member of Linux Application Software Committee of Guangdong 2006年曾任教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心学科评估专家 In 2006, Discipline Evaluating Expert for Development Center of Degree and Graduate Student of Ministry of Education 2006年曾任亚太资讯通讯科技大奖(APICTA2006)的评审团评委 In 2006, Judge for Asia Pacific ICT Awards 2005年国家自然科学基金复杂性科学研究专项基金项目同行评议专家 In 2005, Peer Reviewer of NSF China for Specific Research Complexity Science Funds
