[1]. Xu, X.P., Zhang, M., & He, P. 2020. Coordination of a supply chain with online platform considering delivery time decision. Transportation Research Part E, 141, 101990. (SCI/SSCI)
[2]. Cao, K.Y., He, P.*, Liu, Z.X. 2019. Production and pricing decisions in a dual-channel supply chain under remanufacturing subsidy and carbon tax policies. Journal of the Operational Research Society. In press. (SCI/SSCI)
[3]. He, P., Zhang, S.S., He, C. 2019. Impacts of Logistics Resource Sharing on B2C E-commerce Companies and Customers. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 34,100820. (SCI/SSCI)
[4]. Liu, Z.X., He, P.*, Chen, B. 2019. A Markov decision model for consumer term-loan collections. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 52:1043-1064.
[5]. Cao, K.Y., He, P.* 2018. Price and warranty competition in a supply chain with a common retailer. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 56(2): 225-246. (SCI)
[6]. Zhang, S.S., He, P.* 2017. Platform investment strategy on reducing transaction cost. Kybernetes, 2017. 46(5): 893-911.(SCI/SSCI)
[7]. Xu, X.P., He, P.*, Xu, H., Zhang, Q.P. 2017. Supply Chain Coordination with Green Technology under Cap-and-Trade Regulation. International Journal of Production Economics, 183: 433-442.(SCI/SSCI, ESI高被引)
[8]. Xu, X.P., Zhang, W., He, P.*, and Xu, X.Y. 2017. Production and pricing problems in make-to-order supply chain with cap-and-trade regulation. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 66: 248–257. (SCI/SSCI, ESI高被引)
[9]. He, P., Dou, G.W., and Zhang, W. 2017. Optimal production planning of a manufacturer and cap-setting of a regulator under cap-and-trade. Journal of the Operational Research Society, available online. (SCI/SSCI)
[10]. Dou, G.W., He, P.*, and Xu, X.Y. 2016. One-side value-added service investment and pricing strategies for a two-sided platform. International Journal of Production Research. 54(13): 3808-3821. (SCI/SSCI)
[11]. Huang, X., He, P., and Hua, Z.S. 2016. A cooperative differential game of transboundary industrial pollution between two regions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 120: 43-52. (SCI/SSCI)
[12]. Xu, X.Y., Xu, X.P., and He, P.* 2016. Joint production and pricing decisions for multiple products with cap-and-trade and carbon tax regulations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112:4093-4106. (SCI/SSCI, ESI高被引)
[13].He, P., Zhang, W., Xu, X.Y., Bian, Y.W. 2015. Production Lot-Sizing and Carbon Emissions under Cap-and-trade and Carbon Tax Regulations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 103: 241-248 (SCI/SSCI).
[14]. He, P., Hua, Z.S., and Liu, Z.X. 2015. A quantification method for the collection effect on consumer term loans. Journal of Banking & Finance, 57:17-26. (SSCI)
[15]. Ren, J., Bian, Y.W., Xu, X.Y., and He, P.* 2015. Allocation of product-related carbon emission abatement target in a make-to-order supply chain. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 80: 181-194. (SCI/SSCI)
[16]. Lu, P., Guo, S.P., Qian, L.M., He, P., Xu, X.Y. 2015. The Effectiveness of Contractual and Relational Governance in Construction Projects in China. International Journal of Project Management 33(1): 212-222 (SSCI)
[17].Bian, Y.W., He, P., Xu, H. 2013. Estimation of potential energy saving and carbon dioxide emission reduction in China based on an extended non-radial DEA approach. Energy Policy, 63: 962–971. (SCI/SSCI)
[18].He, P., Xu, X.Y., Hua, Z.S. 2012. A new method for guiding process flexibility investment: Flexibility fit index. International Journal of Production Research. 50(14):3718-3737. (SCI/SSCI)
[19].He, P., Ding, H.S., Hua, Z.S. 2012. Strategic choice of flexible production technology using game theory approach. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 28(3): 416–424. (SCI/SSCI)
[20].He, P., Chen, Z., Xu, X.Y. 2011. On Flexibility Investment in Manufacturing System: A Multi-objective Decision Making Method. Expert Systems With Applications, 38(9): 11813-11819. (SCI/SSCI)
[21].Hua, Z.S., He, P. 2010a. Process flexibility under bill of material constraints: part I—an effective measuring approach. International Journal of Production Research, 48(3):745- 761. (SCI)
[22].Hua, Z.S., He, P. 2010b. Process flexibility under bill of material constraints: part II—structural properties and improving principles. International Journal of Production Research, 48(4):1125-1142. (SCI/SSCI)
[23].He, P., Xu, X.Y. 2009. Improving process flexibility through products assignment with bill of material constraints. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 25(3): 582-588. (SCI/SSCI)
[24].何平, 曹开颖. 2016. 基于质保期限和批发价的两制造商竞争. 系统管理学报,25(1): 45-54.
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《Production and Operations Management》,《European Journal of Operational Research》,《Omega》,《International Journal of Production Economics》,《International Journal of Production Research》,《Transportation Research Part E》,《Journal of the Operational Research Society》,《Journal of Cleaner Production》,《管理科学学报》,《系统工程理论与实践》,《管理工程学报》等十余本期刊的匿名审稿人。