We carry out research in the areas of nanoscience, spectroscopy and electron and energy transfer. We are interested in the fundamental aspects of energy and electron transfer in a range of chemical systems including nanocrystals, conjugated polymers, and donor-acceptor systems both at the ensemble and single nanocrystal/assembly level. The nancrystal systems of interest include metal nanocrystals (plasmonics) as well as fluorescent quantum dots and polymers.
Novo, C., Funston, A. M., Mulvaney, P., "Direct Obseration of Chemical Reactions on Single Gold Nanocrystals using Surface Plasmon Spectroscopy", Nature Nanotech., 2008, 3(10), 598-602.
Funston, A. M., Novo, C., Davis, T. J., Mulvaney, P., "Plasmon Coupling of Gold Nanorods at Short Distances and in Different Geometries", Nano Lett., 2009, 9(4), 1651-1658.
Myroshnychenko, V., Rodríguez-Fernández, J., Pastoriza-Santos, I., Funston, A. M., Novo, C., Mulvaney, P., Liz-Marzán, L. M., García de Abajo, F. J., "Modelling the Optical Response of Gold Nanoparticles", Chem. Soc. Rev., 2008, 37(9), 1792-1805.
Funston, A. M., Jasieniak, J. J., Mulvaney, P., "Complete Quenching of CdSe Nanocrystal Photoluminescence by Single Dye Molecules", Adv.Mater., 2008, 20(22), 4274-4280.
Novo, C., Funston, A. M., Gooding, A. K., Mulvaney, P., "Electrochemical Charging of Single Gold Nanorods", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131(41), 14664-14666.
Sardar, R., Funston, A. M., Mulvaney, P., Murray, R. W., "Gold Nanoparticles: Past, Present and Future",Langmuir, 2009, 25(24), 13840-13851.