The Martin group uses a multi-disciplinary approach to answer research questions ranging from Inorganic Chemistry through to Chemical Biology. Our philosophy is that biology raises the questions and chemistry provides the solutions.
Of particular interest is the use of lipid membranes as a biomimetic material to explore activity, structure and function of (i) redox active membrane proteins, including protein assembly in membranes and (ii) peptide-membrane interactions; including anti-microbial peptides (AMP), carrier peptides (eg. Tat), insulin and neurodegenerative peptides that aggregate. We employ a wide range of physicochemical techniques combined with synthetic chemistry, molecular and electronic (redox) considerations in order to target biomedical problems. Thus our research applies novel, innovative and highly cross-disciplinary methodologies to exciting and challenging research problems; strong national and international collaborations are involved.
QCM-D “fingerprinting” of membrane active peptides, European Biophysics J., Special Issue (2010) DOI: 10.1007/s00249-010-0652-5.
(Pro2H+)2(TCNQ.-)2·TCNQ: an Amino Acid Derived Semiconductor, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., (2011) in press, Dec 2010.
Oncocin, a novel antibacterial peptide optimized against Gram-negative human pathogens, J. Medicinal Chemistry, (2010) 53 (14), 5240–5247
Organization of Enzymes Involved in Sex Steroid Synthesis: Protein-protein interactions in lipid layers, J. Biol. Chem. (2009), 284(48) 33224-33232.
Cell penetrating Apidaecin peptides exhibit thresholded interactions with biomimetic phospholipid membranes, Inter. J. Pept. Res. Therapeutics, (2009) 15(2) 139-146.
Novel Engineered Ion Channel Provides Controllable Ion Permeability for a Polyelectrolyte Microcapsule Coated with a Lipid Membrane, Adv. Functional Materials, (2009) 19(2) 201-208.
Structure and homogeneity of pseudo-physiological phospholipid bilayers and their deposition characteristics on carboxylic acid terminated self-assembled monolayers, Biomaterials, (2009) 30(4), 682-689.
Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of azurin adsorption onto an alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer on gold. Langmuir, (2008) 24, 323-327
Specific and selective peptide–membrane interactions revealed using Quartz crystal microbalance,Biophys. J. (2007) 93, 3907-3916.
High resolution STM of the ß-amyloid protein (Aß1-40) of Alzheimer’s disease….., J. Structural Biology, (2006) 155(1) 104-110.
Controlling protein orientation at interfaces using histidine tags: an alternative to Ni/NTA, J. Amer. Chem. Soc (2005) 127, 2018-2019.
The Electrochemistry of Cytochrome P450, Met. Ions Life Sci., (2007) 3, 127-155
Electrochemical characterisation of human, bovine and porcine cytochrome P450c17, Molecular Endocrinology, (2006) 36(2), 349-359.
Electrochemical Characterisation of purified R.v. laccase – voltametric evidence for a sequential 4-electron transfer Biochemistry, (2003) 42, 10229-10237.