在科研方面,目前主持的国家自然基金项目::分形金融市场中的若干问题研究,该项目批准号为:11271140, 曾于2007年主持国家自然科学基金(项目编号10771075,标题:分形几何在金融中的应用——非无套利假设下的期权定价与分形股票价格模型的构建)。此外,还参与过六项国家自然科学基金项目的研究;两次获得博士后科学基金的资助(武汉大学,二等;天津大学,一等)。
[1]Wang,XT; Zhao,ZF; Fang,XF, Option pricing and portfolio hedging under the mixed hedging strategy,Physica A, 424,194-206, 2015.01.21(SSCI,SCI).
[2]Wang,XT; Liang,XQ;Zhou,ZM, Option pricing under residual risk and imperfect hedging,J.Math.Anal.Appl,,415,269-293,2014.01.06(SSCI,SCI).
[3] XTWang, M.Wu, MZZhou,SWJin, Pricing European option with transaction costs under the fractional long memory stochastic volatility model.PhysicaA,391,1469-1480,2012.02(SSCI,SCI)
[4] Xiao-Tian Wang, Scaling and long-range dependence in option pricing V: Multiscaling
hedging and implied volatility smiles under the fractional Black–Scholes model with transaction costs, Physica A 390 (2011) 1623–1634(SSCI,SCI).
[5]Scaling and long rang dependence in option pricing I: Pricing European options with transaction costs under the fractional Black Scholes model. Physica A 389(2010) 438-444. (SSCI,SCI 第一作者)
[6]Scaling and long rang dependence in option pricing II: Pricing European options with transaction costs under the mixed Brownian-fractional Brownian model. Physica A 389(2010) 445-451(SSCI,SCI 第一作者).
[7]Scaling and long rang dependence in option pricing III:A fractional version of the Merton
model with transaction costs. Physica A 389(2010) 452-458 SSCI, (SCI 第一作者).
[8]Scaling and long rang dependence in option pricing IV: Pricing European options with transaction costs under the multifractional Black-Scholes model. Physica A 389(2010). 789-796 (SSCI,SCI 第一作者).
[9] Whitening filter and innovational representation of fractional Brownian motion. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,39(2009),2392-2398 (SCI,第一作者) .
[10] Fractional-moment CAPM with loss aversion. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
42(2009),1406-1414 (SSCI SCI, 通讯作者)
[11] Fraction-moment Capital Asset Pricing model. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
42(2009),412-421(SSCI SCI,通讯作者).
[12] Nonhomogenesus fractional Poisson processes. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals.31 (2007) 236-241 (SCI, 第一作者)
[13] On some generalization of fractional Brownian motions. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals.28(2006) 949-957(SCI,第一作者)
[14] Fractional Poisson process(II). Chaos, Solitons & Fractals.28(2006) 143-147 (SCI, 第一作者)
[15]Poisson fractional processes. Chaos, Solitons&Fractals.18.169-177(2003)(SCI, 第一作者)
[16]Precise Coefficient Estimates for Close-to-Convex Harmonic Univalent Mappings. 2001,Journalof Mathematical Analysis and Applications 263,501-509(SCI收录 第一作者).
[17]Option Pricing of fractional version of the Black-Scholes model with Hurst exponent H being .2001,Chaos ,Solitons and Fractals ,12,599-608(SCI收录 第一作者).
[18]Determination of diffusion kernel on fractalsWang .2001. J.Phys.A:Math.Gen.34,9815-9825(SCI收录 第二作者).
[19]A proof for French’s empirical formula on option pricing .2001,Chaos, Solitons and Fractals12,2441-2453 (SCI收录 第二作者).
[20]Whitening filter and innovations representation of self-similar process. 2002, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 14, 1047-1057 (SCI收录 第一作者).
[21]On harmonic typically real mappings.2003, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 277, 533-554 (SCI收录 第一作者).
[22]A fractional version of the Merton model. 2003, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 15, 455-463 (SCI收录 第一作者).
[23]Integral and derivatives on net fractals. 2003, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 16, 107-117 (SCI收录 第三作者).
[24]Determination of memory function and flux on fractals .2001,Physics Letters A 288,79-87 (SCI收录 第四作者).
[25]On three open questions proposed by Falconer.1999,Progress in Nature Science,Vol,9NO.3 (第二作者).
[26]The determination of the diffusion kernel on fractals and fractional diffusion equation for transport phenomena in random media.1999,Physics Letters A 252 141-150 (SCI收录 第三作者).