Craig is an evolutionary physiologist interested in describing and understanding the causes and consequences of physiological variation in animals. His group studies a range of traits, with an emphasis on body size, metabolic rate, water loss, and breathing patterns, and employs a range of approaches including manipulative experiments, comparative studies, experimental evolution, and quantitative genetic analyses.
Arnold, P.A., Cassey, P. and White, C.R. (2016) Maturity matters for movement and metabolic rate: trait dynamics across the early adult life of red flour beetles. Animal Behaviour. 111: 181-188.
Beaman, J.E., White, C.R. and Seebacher, F. (2016) Evolution of plasticity: Mechanistic link between development and acclimation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 31: 237-249.
Lagos M.E., White C.R., and Marshall, D.J. (2016) Biofilm history and oxygen availability interact to affect habitat selection in a marine invertebrate. Biofouling. 32: 645-655.
Taggart, D.A., Schultz, D.J., Corrigan, T.C., Schultz, T.J., Stevens, M. Panther, D., and White, C.R. (2016) Reintroduction methods and a review of mortality in the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby, Grampians National Park, Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology. 63: 383-397.
Turschwell, M.P. and White, C.R. (2016) The effects of laboratory housing and spatial enrichment on brain size and metabolic rate in the eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki. Biology Open. 5: 205-2010
Verberk, W.C.E.P., Bartolini, F., Marshall, D., Pörtner, H., Terblanche, J., White, C.R., and Giomi, F. (2016) Can respiratory physiology predict thermal niches? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1365: 73-88