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教育背景 1978,09-1982,06:华东纺织工学院 纺织工程 工学学士 1993,09-1996,02:中国纺织大学 纺织工程 工学硕士 1996,09-2002,04:东华大学 纺织工程 工学博士 工作经历 1982,08-1991,12:纺织工业部纺织科学研究院,助理工程师、工程师 1993,02-至今: 东华大学纺织学院,工程师 高级工程师 副教授 教授/硕导 博导


1. 纺织工艺与装备 2. 纺织智能化技术 3. 非织造技术 4. 天然生物质纤维 5. 功能化复合材料技术


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Longdi Cheng, Peihua Fu, Xiuye Yu, Relation Between Twist Amplitude and Breaking Strength of Solospun Yarns, Textile Research Journal, 74(4)351-353(2004); Longdi Cheng,Peihua Fu,Xuiye Yu,Relationship Between Hairiness and the Twisting Principles of Solospun and Ring Spun Yarns,Textile Research Journal,September 2004,pp763-766; 李伟伟,程隆棣,崔萍,牵切羊毛的性能比较与分析,纺织标准与质量,2005/5,pp20-23; 傅培花,程隆棣,王善元,集聚纺技术中气流速度场中的数值模拟,青岛大学学报,2005年12月,pp74~79; 邹专勇,俞建勇,薛文良,程隆棣,解析法评价旋转气流对喷气涡流纺的加捻强度,纺织学报,2008,5,19-21; 邹专勇,俞建勇,薛文良,程隆棣,喷气涡流纺纱线细节产生机理分析,纺织学报,2008,7,21-26; 梁方阁,程隆棣,刘燕,刘小珍,邵楠,彩棉喷气涡流纺纱线应力松弛机理分析,纺织学报,2008,8,27-29; Zhuan Yong Zou, Long Di Cheng, Wen Liang Xue, Jian Yong Yu, A Study of the Twisted Strength of the Whirled Airflow in Murata Vortex Spinning,Textile Research Journal, January. 2008,78(8), 682-687; Zhuan Yong Zou, Jian Yong Yu, Long Di Cheng, Wen Liang Xue, A Study of Generating Yarn Thin Places of Murata Vortex Spinning, Textile Research Journal, January. 2009,79 (1), 129-137; 邹专勇,汪燕,俞建勇,竺韵德,邬建明,程隆棣,网格圈集聚纺纱系统三维流场表征与分析,纺织学报,2009,6,24-28; Zhuanyong Zou,Jianyong Yu,Wenliang Xue,Yunde Zhu,Jianming Wu,Longdi Cheng,Analysis of the Fiber Spatial Trajectory in Vortex Spun Yarn,Textile Research Journal,(Vol. 79)No. 10, 924-929 (2009); 汪燕,邹专勇,华志宏,竺韵德,程隆棣,网格圈型集聚纺集聚区纤维运动轨迹模拟分析,纺织学报,2009,10,48-52; Xichang Zhang,Zhuanyong Zou,Longdi Cheng,Numerical Study of the Three-dimensional Flow Field in Compact Spinning with Inspiratory Groove,Textile Research Journal,Volume 80 Issue 1,January 2010,84-92; 汪燕,华志宏,程隆棣,薛文良,网格圈型集聚纺集聚区工艺参数对集聚效果的影响,纺织学报,2010,2,27-32; Zhuan Yong Zou,Long Di Cheng,Zhihong Hua,A numerical approach to simulate fiber motion trajectory in an air flow field with Perforated Drum,Textile Research Journal,(Vol. 80)No. 3, 2010,395-402; 刘世瑞,华志宏,程隆棣,气流槽聚型集聚纺纱条捻度传递的力学分析,纺织学报,2010,(31)4,117-120; 高金霞,华志宏,程隆棣,网眼罗拉集聚纺集聚效果的影响因素,纺织学报,2010,(31)5,112-116; Zhuan Yong Zou,Yufeng Guo,Shaoming Zhen, Long Di Cheng, Shirui Liu,Model of the Yarn Twist Propagation in Compact Spinning with a Pneumatic Groove,FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe,2011, Vol.19, No.1(84),30-33; SM Zheng, ZY Zou, W Shen and LD Cheng, A Study of the fiber distribution in yarn cross section for vortex-spun yarn, Textile research Journal, Sep 2012 (Vol. 82), pp1579-1586; Wenyu Li,Wenliang Xue,Longdi Cheng,Intelligent detection of defects of yarn-dyed fabrics by energy-based local binary patterns,Textile research Journal, Nov 2012 (Vol. 82,Issue 19), pp1960-1972;
