My area of expertise is the application of advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques for the determination of the atomistic structure of inorganic materials. My current research interests include the nucleation and growth of solid-state precipitates in light alloys and curved graphitic structures.
A.C.Y. Liu, R.F. Tabor, L. Bourgeois, M.D. de Jonge, S.T. Mudie and T.C. Petersen, 2016, "Calculation of projected bond-orientational order parameters to quantify local symmetries from transmission diffraction data", Phys. Rev. Lett. Accepted for publication 8th April 2016.
M. Ali, F. Zhou, K. Chen, C. Kotzur, C. Xiao, L. Bourgeois, X. Zhang and D.R. MacFarlane, 2016, Nature Comm. Accepted for publication 16th March 2016.
J. van Embden, L. Bourgeois, E. Della Gaspera, L. Waddington, Y. Yin, N.V. Medhekar, J.J. Jasieniak and A.S.R. Chesman, 2016, "The formation mechanism of Janus nanostructures in one-pot reactions: the case of Ag-Ag8GeS6", J. Mater. Chem. A. Accepted for publication 10th March 2016.
A.C.Y. Liu, R.F. Tabor, L. Bourgeois, M.D. de Jonge, S.T. Mudie and T.C. Petersen, 2016, "Probing local order in glasses from limited-volume electron and x-ray diffraction", J. Stat. Mech. Accepted for publication
L. Bourgeois, Z. Zhang, J. Li and N. V. Medhekar, 2016, "The bulk and interfacial structures of the eta (Al2Au) precipitate phase", Acta Mater. 105, 284.
Y. Zhu, R.L. Withers, C. Dwyer, L. Bourgeois and J. Etheridge, 2015, "Direct mapping of Li-enabled octahedral tilt ordering and associated strain in nanostructured perovskites", Nature Mater. 14, 1142.
Y. Xue, B. Jiang, L. Bourgeois, P. Dai, M. Mitome, C. Zhang, M. Yamaguchi, A. Matveev, C. Tang, Y. Bando, K. Tsuchiya and D. Golberg, 2015, "Aluminum matrix composites reinforced with multi-walled boron nitride nanotubes fabricated by a high-pressure torsion technique", Materials and Design 88, 451.
A. C. Y. Liu, G. R. Lumpkin, T. C. Petersen, J. Etheridge and L. Bourgeois, 2015, "Interpretation of angular symmetries in electron nanodiffraction patterns from thin amorphous specimens", Acta Cryst. A 71, 473.
E. Della Gaspera, D. W. Duffy, J. van Embden, L. Waddington, L. Bourgeois, J. J. Jasieniak and A. S. R. Chesman, 2015, "Plasmonic Ge-doped ZnO nanocrystals", Chem. Comm. 51, 12369.
R. Balu, L. Bourgeois, C. M. Elvin, A. J. Hill, N. R. Choudhury and N. K. Dutta, 2015, "A multi-responsive intrinsically disordered protein (IDP)-directed green synthesis of fluorescent gold nanoclusters" J. Mater. Chem. B 3, 6580.