Tsinghua University, Beijing - B.S. (2003)
University of Alberta, Edmonton - Ph.D. (2008)
The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla -Postdoctoral Training (2008-2011)
The Hellman Fellows Award, 2013
UCR Academic Senate Regents’ Faculty Fellowships, 2012
Chinese American Faculty Association Robert T. Poe Faculty Development Grant, 2012
Analytical Chemistry/Chemical Biology/Environmental Chemistry/Organic Chemistry
Our research focus is to use chemical tools and chemistry principles to solve problems centered in cell biology, synthetic biology and medicine. There are a few long-term goals of our research: first, we hope to advance bioanalytical chemistry by developing new luminescent/fluorescent molecules (including proteins) for live-cell imaging, and these probes will be used to answer biological questions such as interactions between environmental toxins and cellular targets; second, we try to understand physiological and pathological impacts of cysteine-related redox signaling, and eventually develop methods to intervene the processes; furthermore, we are interested in inventing novel biocompatible and bioorthogonal chemical/biochemical reactions for protein labeling and conjugation, as well as new photochemical genetics tools that can be paired with fluorescent probes to dissect biochemical pathways; moreover, these methods will be combined to lead to new strategies for molecular diversities, an application of which would be new drug leads against human diseases.
Analytical Chemistry: fluorescent probes for chemicals of environmental or biological interests; photochemical genetics; fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy; live-cell imaging
Chemical Biology: protein engineering; cysteine-related redox regulation and signaling; environmental toxin-induced redox responses; binders and inhibitors of important drug targets
Organic Chemistry: synthesis of fluorescent probes; novel bioorthogonal chemical reactions for biomolecular labeling and expanded molecular diversities; library construction and screening for binders and inhibitors of important drug targets
Y. Fan,§ Z. Chen,§ and H-w. Ai*, "Monitoring Redox Dynamics in Living Cells with a Redox-Sensitive Red Fluorescent Protein", Anal. Chem., 2015, DOI: 10.1021/ac5041988. (§equal contribution)
W. Ren,§ A. Ji,§ and H-w. Ai*, "Light Activation of Protein Splicing with a Photocaged Fast Intein", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, DOI: 10.1021/ja508597d. (§equal contribution)
H-w. Ai*, "Fluorescent protein-based probes: General principles and practices", Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2015, 407: 9-15.
H-w. Ai*, "Editorial: Fluorescent Sensors for Biological Applications", Sensors, 2014, 14: 17829-17831.
Z. Chen and H-w. Ai*, "A Highly Responsive and Selective Fluorescent Probe to Image Physiological Hydrogen Sulfide", Biochemistry, 2014, 53: 5966-5974.
A. Ji,§ W. Ren,§ and H-w. Ai*, "A Highly Efficient Oxidative Condensation Reaction for Selective Protein conjugation", Chem. Commun, 2014, 50: 7469-7472 (§equal contribution)
H-w. Ai, M.A. Baird, Y. Shen, M.W. Davidson and RE Campbell*, "Engineering and characterizing monomeric fluorescent proteins for live-cell imaging applications", Nature Protocols, 2014, 9: 910-928.
W. Ren, and H-w. Ai*, "Genetically encoded fluorescent redox probes", Sensors, 2013, 13: 15422-15433.
Z. Chen, W. Ren, Q.E. Wright and H-w. Ai*, "Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Probe for the Selective Detection of Peroxynitrite", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135: 14940-14943.
A. Chatterjee, H. Xiao, M. Bollong, H-w. Ai and P.G. Schultz*, "Efficient viral delivery system for unnatural amino acid mutagenesis in mammalian cells", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 2013, 110: 11803-11808.
S. Chen, Z. Chen, W. Ren and H-w. Ai*, "Reaction-based genetically encoded fluorescent hydrogen sulfide sensors", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134: 9589-9592.
H-w. Ai*, "Biochemical analysis with the expanded genetic lexicon", Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2012, 403: 2089-2102. In the special issue featuring "Young Investigators in Analytical and Bioanalytical Science".
B2. Z. Chen, T. Truong and H-w. Ai,* "Development of Fluorescent Probes for the Detection of Peroxynitrite", in Challenges and Advances of Peroxynitrite Detection in Biological Media. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishing. In press. Expected publication date: June 30, 2015.
B1. W. Ren and H-w. Ai,* "Ribosomal Incorporation of Unusual Amino Acids: Learning from Mother Nature", in Ribosomes: Molecular Structure, Role in Biological Functions and Implications for Genetic Diseases. Nova Science Publishers. Published on May 3, 2013.
M. Kang§, K. Light§, H-w. Ai§, W. Shen, C.H. Kim, P.R. Chen, H.S. Lee, E.I. Solomon, and P.G. Schultz, "Evolution of Iron(II)-Finger Peptides by Using a Bipyridyl Amino Acid",ChemBioChem, 2014, 15: 822-825. (§equal contribution)
Y. Ding, H-w. Ai, H. Hoi, and R.E. Campbell, "FRET-based biosensors for multiparameter ratiometric imaging of Ca2+ dynamics and caspase-3 activity in single cells", Anal. Chem., 2011, 83: 9687-9693.
H-w. Ai§, W. Shen§, A. Sagi, P. Chen and P.G. Schultz, "Probing protein-protein interactions with a genetically encoded photocrosslinking amino acid", ChemBioChem, 2011, 12: 1854–1857. (§equal contribution)
H-w. Ai,§, J.W. Lee§, and P.G. Schultz, "A method to site-specifically introduce methyllysine into proteins in E. coli", Chem. Comm., 2010, 46: 5506-5508. (§equal contribution)
H-w. Ai, W. Shen, E. Brustad, and P.G. Schultz, "Genetically encoded alkenes in yeast", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2010, 49: 935-937.
D.E. Johnson§, H-w. Ai§, P. Wong, J.D. Young, R.E. Campbell and J.R. Casey, "Red fluorescent protein pH biosensor to detect concentrative nucleoside transport", J. Biol. Chem., 2009, 284: 20499-20511. (§equal contribution)
H-w. Ai, K.L. Hazelwood, M.W. Davidson and R.E. Campbell, "Fluorescent protein FRET pairs for ratiometric imaging of dual biosensors", Nature Methods, 2008, 5: 401-403.
H-w. Ai, S.G. Olenych, P. Wong, M.W. Davidson, and R.E. Campbell, "Hue-shifted monomeric variants of Clavularia cyan fluorescent protein: identification of the molecular determinants of color and applications in fluorescence imaging", BMC Biology, 2008, 6, 13. ‘Highly accessed’ article.