2002—2007 Texas A&M University-College Station,USA, 社会学博士 (导师:Dudley Poston 教授)
1999—2002 华中科技大学,社会学硕士 (导师:风笑天教授)
1995—1999 中国青年政治学院,社会工作学士
2013 年 9 月-今, 中国政法大学社会学院,教授
2007-2013 年 Virginia Commonwealth University,USA,政府与公共事务学院社会学系, 助理教授
2020 年 7 月 对外经济贸易大学国际暑期学校,特聘教授
2010-2013 年 中国人民大学国际关系学院暑期学校,特聘教授
2009 年 8-12 月 新加坡国立大学东亚研究所,访问研究员
2005 年 8-12 月 Texas A&M University-College Station, USA,社会学系,讲师
本科生课程:人口社会学(校级精品课程,慕课课程)、社会学概论、老年问题、性别 问题、城市社会学、人类行为与成长环境、社会分层与不平等。
研究生课程:人口社会学、社会研究方法、城市社会学、中国问题研究专题、人类行为 与成长环境。
Zhang, Li. 2010. Male Fertility Patterns and Determinants: An Analysis from A Gendered Perspective. New York: Springer Publisher.
[1] “居住模式与我国老年人的主观幸福感研究”(15YJC840047),教育部人文社科青 年项目,8 万元,起止时间:2015-18(以“优秀”结项);
[2] “家庭照顾结构与城市高龄老人社区服务需求研究”(20ZFG84001)中国政法大学
科研创新年度规划项目,8 万元,起止时间:2020-至今 (在研);
[3] “我国独生子女与非独生子女父母获得代际支持的比较研究” (19ZFY84001 )中国 政法大学科研创新引导专项项目,5 万元,起止时间:2020-至今 (在研);
[4] “我国老年人抑郁形成机制及干预策略研究”,中国政法大学青年学术创新团队项 目,75 万元,起止时间:2019-至今 (在研);
[5] “对中国老人养老选择以及中国养老产业的研究”,中国政法大学青年学术创新团队 项目,75 万元,起止时间:2014-17 (已结项);
[6] “父母亲的社会经济地位对我国青少年体重的影响”,中国政法大学人文社科项目,
4 万元,起止时间:2015-17 (已结项)。
“失智老人家庭照顾策略形成及其对主要照顾者负担的影响研究”,国家社会科学基金一 般项目,20 万元,起止时间:2019-2021 (在研)。
1. 中国政法大学第十四届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛“优秀指导教 师”,2015年9月;
2. 中国政法大学第十一届青年教师教学基本功大赛二等奖,2014 年 12 月;
3. 教育部“春晖计划”项目获得者,2013 年 6 月;
4. 美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学(Virginia Commonwealth University) Center of Teaching for Excellence 优秀教学项目获得者, 2010 年。
参 加学术会议及学术报告情况
[1] 张莉. 2020. “我国老年人的健康生活方式及其对老年人健康的影响研究” 中国政法大 学青年学术创新团队主办的“中国老年学前沿问题论坛”,中国北京 (April).
[2] 张莉. 2019. “家庭主要照顾者与老年人对社区服务需求的研究”,中国人口学年会, 中国长春 (July).
[3] 张莉. 2019. “代际支持与我国老年人抑郁研究--从性别和婚姻状况的角度分析” ,第 五届青年社会学者论坛,中国武汉 (May).
[4] 张莉. 2017. “休闲活动与我国与老年人主观幸福感的研究” 中国政法大学青年学术创
新团队主办的“中国老年学前沿问题论坛”,中国北京 (Jan).
[5] 张莉. 2016. “我国老年人居住安排对其主观幸福感的影响研究” 中国政法大学青年学 术创新团队主办的“中国老年学前沿问题论坛”,中国北京 (Jan).
[6] 张莉. 2016. “我国老年人居住安排影响因素的研究” 中国政法大学青年学术创新团队 主办的“中国老年学前沿问题论坛”,中国北京 (Jan).
[7] 张莉. 2015. “我国老年人养老意愿研究” ,第一届青年社会学者论坛,中国武汉 (May).
[8] Zhang, Li and Karam Hwang.2014. “How Does Socioeconomic Status Affect Chinese Adolescents’ Weight Status?: A Study of the Possible Pathways.” Presented at American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Annual Meetings, Las Vegas, NV (Feb).
[9] Zhang, Li. 2012. “An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Religious Involvement and Adult Health: Results from the United States, 1972 to 2008.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, SFO, CA (May).
[10]Zhang, Li and Alex McIntosh. 2011. “Children’s Weight Status and Maternal and Paternal Feeding Practices.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Washington DC (April).
[11]Zhang, Li. 2010. “Urbanization and Population Change in China and the U.S.” Presented at the 9th Washington Seminar on U.S.-China Relations: Strategic Dialogues (April).
[12]Poston, Jr., Dudley L., Wadha Alnuaimi, Li Zhang. 2010. “The Muslim Minority Nationalities of China: Toward Separatism or Assimilation?” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX (April).
[13]Zhang, Li. 2010. “Farm Dependence and Population Change in China, 1953-2005.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX (April).
[14]Poston, Dudley, Li Zhang, Mike Alvard. 2009. “Unbiased Cultural Traits and Fertility Transition.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan (April).
[15]Zhang, Li. 2009. "Cohabitation and Childbearing: A Focus on Gender, Racial and Ethnic Differences." Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Detroit, Michigan (April).
[16]Zhang, Li. 2008. “Sexual Experience and Male and Female Fertility.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (April).
[17]Zhang, Li. 2008. “Cohabitation and Childbearing.” Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (August).
[18]Poston, Jr., Dudley L., Li Zhang. 2008. “The Social Demography of the Muslim Population of China.” Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (August).
[19]Zhang, Li. 2007. “The Effect of Religiosity on Male and Female Fertility.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New York, NY (April).
[20]Poston, Jr. Dudley L. and Li Zhang. 2007. “Ecological Analysis of Permanent and Temporary Migration in China in the 1990s.” Presented at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New York, NY (April).
[21]Zhang, Li. 2006. “Patterns of Male and Female Fertility, 1990-1998.” Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal (August).
[22]Zhang, Li, and Dudley L. Poston, Jr. 2006. “Permanent and Temporary Migration Streams in China in the 1990s.” Presented at North American Chinese Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal (August).
[23]Zhang, Li. 2006. “Male and Female Fertility in Taiwan.” Paper accepted by Southern Demographic Association Annual Meeting, North Carolina (November).
[24]Zhang, Li. 2005. “Internal Migration in China.” Presented at The American Sociological Association of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (August).
[25]Zhang, Li. 2005. “Internal Migration in China: Current Trends and the Contextual Determinants.” Presented at North American Chinese Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (August).
[26]Zhang, Li. 2005. “Patterns of Permanent Migration in China: Evidence from 2000 Census.” Presented at Southern Demographic Association Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS (November).
[27]Zhang, Li. 2005. “Patterns of Interregional and Intraregional Migration in China.” Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (March).
[28]Zhang, Li. 2004. “Determinants of Migration in China.” Presented at Southern Demographic Association Annual Meeting, Hilton Head, SC (October).
[29]Poston, Jr., Dudley L., and Li Zhang. 2004. “An Analysis of Male and Female Fertility in the U.S., Taiwan, and Countries of the World.” Presented at Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (April).
[30]Zhang, Li. 2004. “A Comparative Analysis of Male and Female Fertility in Taiwan.” Presented at International Sociological Conference, Beijing, China (July).
[31]Zhang, Li. 2004. “Bringing Men in Fertility Studies: Evidence from Taiwan.” Presented at Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX (March).
[32]Cao, Jianjiao, and Li Zhang. 2003. “Social Support Networks of the Three Gorges Rural Migrants.” Presented at Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX (April).
[33]Feng, Xiaotian and Li Zhang. 2001. “Challenges of WTO Membership to Chinese Local Governmental Management.” Presented at the Conference of Social Science Association of Hubei Province, Wuhan, China (June).
[34]Zhang, Li and Xiaotian Feng. 1999. “Non-Government Organization and the Project Hope in
China.” Presented at the International Conference of the Project Hope and the Third Sector in China, Beijing, China (September).
[1] Zhang, Li, 2020. “A Latent Class Analysis of Health Lifestyles and Health Outcomes among Chinese Older Adults.” Ageing & Society (published online)(SSCI Q2 区间).
[2] Zhang, Li, Zhihong Ding,Liya Qiu & An Li. 2019. “Falls and Risk Factors of Falls among Chinese Older Adults.” BMC Geriatrics, 19: 379(SSCI Q1 区间).
[3] Zhang, Li, Liya Qiu, Zhihong Ding & Karam Hwang. 2018. “How Does Socioeconomic Status Affect Chinese Adolescents’ Weight Status?: A Study of Possible Pathways."
Chinese Sociological Review, Vol.50(4): 423-442(SSCI Q1 区间).
[4] Zhang, Li, Zhihong Ding & Liya Qiu. 2019. “Old Age Care Preferences among Chinese Middle-Aged Single-Child Parents and the Related Policies Implications." Journal of Aging
and Social Policy 31(5): 393-414(SSCI Q4 区间) .
[5] Zhang, Li. 2019. “Primary Caregivers and Chinese Elders’ Demand on Community Services." Journal of Social Service Research Vol. 46(2): 283-297 (SSCI Q4 区间) .
[6] Zhang, Li. 2017. “An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis of Religious Involvement and Adult
Self-Rated Health: Results from the USA, 1972-2008.” Journal of Religion & Health, 56(3): 916-945(SSCI Q3 区间) .
[7] Zhang, Li and Alex McIntosh.2011. “Children’s Weight Status and Maternal and Paternal Feeding Practices.” Journal of Child Health Care Vol.15(4): 389-400(SSCI Q3 区间).
[8] Zhang, Li. 2011. “Farm Dependence and Population Change in China.” Population Research and Policy Review, 30:751–779 (SSCI Q4 区间) .
[9] Zhang, Li. 2008. “Religious Affiliation, Religiosity, and Male and Female Fertility.”
Demographic Research, Vol.18: 233-262(SSCI Q2 区间).
[10]Poston, Dudley, Li Zhang, David J. Gotcher and Yuan Gu. 2009. “The Effect of Climate on Migration: United States, 1995-2000.” Social Science Research 38(3): 743-753(SSCI Q2区间).
[11]Poston, Dudley and Li Zhang. 2008. “Ecological Analysis of Permanent and Temporary Migration Streams in China in the 1990s." Population Research and Policy Review, Vol. 27:
689-712(SSCI Q4 区间).
非 SSCI 论文
[1] Zhang, Li. 2016. “Intergenerational Relations and Chinese Elderly’s Subjective Well-being: An Analysis of Differentials by Gender and residence.” Chinese Journal of Sociology, 2(3): 429-446.
[2] Zhang, Li. 2016. “The Age, Gender and Residence Differentials in the Relationship of Intergenerational Relations and Chinese Elderly’s Subjective Well-being.” Global Health Governance, Volume X, No. 2: Fall 2016 Issue.
[3] Zhang, Li & Cui Zhenhui.2016. “Intergenerational Relations and Subjective Well-Being among Chinese Oldest-Old.” Chinese Studies, 5(2):15-26.
[4] Zhang, Li. 2015. “Determinants of Living Arrangements among the Chinese Elderly: New Evidence from the CLHLS 2011 Wave.” Chinese Studies, 04 (1):32-43.
[5] Zhang, Li. 2015. “Living Arrangements and Subjective Well-Being among the Chinese Elderly.” Open Journal of Social Sciences, 3(3):150-161.
[6] Zhang, Li. 2015. “How Does Age Matter in the Linkage between Religious Involvement and Adult Self-Rated Health?” Advances in Applied Sociology, 5(4): 146-160.
[7] Zhang, Li, Dudley Poston, Mike Alvard. 2013. “Unbiased Cultural Traits and Fertility Transition.”International Journal of Population Research, 2013 (340719): 1-10.
[8] Zhang, Li. 2013. “Farm Dependence and Urbanization in China.” In Handbook of Rural Development. Edited by Gary Green. Edward Elgar Publishing.
[9] Zhang, Li, Dudley L. Poston, Jr., and Chiung-Fang Chang. 2013. “Male and Female Fertility in Taiwan.” In The Family and Social Change in Chinese Societies. Edited by Dudley L. Poston, Jr., and Wenshan Yang, Rachel Traut Cortes, Heather Terrell Kincannon, and Cathy Ruey-Ling Chu. New York: Springer Publishers.
[10]Flores, Nadia and Li Zhang. 2012. “The Role of Social Networks in Determining Earnings.”
Sociology Mind, Vol.2, No. 2: 235-246.
[11]Poston, Jr., Dudley L., and Li Zhang. 2012. “Taiwan’s Demographic Destiny: Marriage Market and Aged Dependency Implications for the 21st Century.” In The Family and Social Change in Chinese Societies. Edited by Dudley L.Poston, Jr., and Wenshan Yang, Rachel Traut Cortes, Heather Terrell Kincannon,and Cathy Ruey-Ling Chu. New York: Springer Publishers.
[12]Poston, Jr., Dudley L., Wadha Saeed Khamis Alnuaimi, and Li Zhang. 2011. “The Social Demography of China’s Muslims.” Modern China Studies, Vol. 18, No.1: 14-71.
[13] Zhang, Li. 2010. “Shanghai is Coming to Grips with Its Aging Population Problems.” A Background Brief published by East Asian Institute (EAI), National University of Singapore.
[14]Poston, Jr., Dudley L. and Li Zhang. 2010. "China’s Unbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth: How Many Surplus Boys Have Been Born since the1980s?" Chapter 3 (pp. 57-69) in Joseph Tucker, Dudley L. Poston, QiangRen, Baochang Gu, Xiaoying Zheng, Stephanie Wang, and Chris Russell (editors), Gender Policy and HIV in China: Catalyzing Policy Change. New York, NY: Springer Publishers.
[15]Zhang, Li. 2006. “Internal Migration in China and Its Contextual Determinants.” Pp. 95-111 in Demography in Transition: Emerging Trends in Population Studies. Edited by Amanda
K. Baumle. London: Cambridge Scholars Press.
[16] Zhang, Li, Xiaotian Feng and Qingsong Zhang. 2005. “Changing Patterns of Desired Fertility.” Pp. 89-109 in Fertility, Family Planning and Population Policy in China, edited by Dudley L. Poston, Che-Fu Lee, Chiungfang Chang, Sherry L. Mckibben and Carol Walther. London: Routledge Press.
[1] 张莉.“从性别和婚姻状况的角度探讨代际支持对我国老年人抑郁的影响”,《华中科技大学学报》, 2019,33 (5): 28-38 (CSSCI 来源期刊).
[2] 丁志宏,夏咏荷,张莉.“我国老年人制度化政治参与现状及影响因素研究”,《兰州学刊》, 2019(5): 184-193.
[3] 丁志宏, 夏咏荷, 张莉.“城市独生子女低龄老年父母的家庭代际支持研究—基于与多子 女家庭的比较”,《人口研究》,2019, 43(2): 87-99 (CSSCI 来源期刊).
[4] 张莉,崔臻晖.“休闲活动对我国老年人认知功能的影响”,《心理科学》,2017,40(2): 380-387 (CSSCI 来源期刊).
[5] 张莉.“对我国高龄老人居住方式影响因素的分析”《华中科技大学学报》, 2016,30(1): 92-102 (CSSCI 来源期刊).
[6] 张莉.“中国高龄老人的居住安排、代际关系和主观幸福感——基于对 CLHLS 数据的 分析”,《国家行政学院学报》, 2015 (5): 68-73(CSSCI 来源期刊).
[7] 张莉,风笑天. 2001. “WTO 的成员身份对中国地方政府管理的挑战.” WTO 与政府管 理,湖北人民出版社.
[8] 张莉,风笑天. 2000. “转型时期我国第三部门的兴起及其社会功能.” 《社会科学》,2000,9:64-67(CSSCI 来源期刊).
[9] 张莉,曹建交,风笑天 2000. “第三部门与社会福利服务.” 《民政论坛》,2000,5:1-3.
[10]张莉. 2000. “科技奖励与科学家内部分层与流动.” 《中国科技奖励》,2000,8(4):19-21.
National Scholarship Office for Fulbright Scholarship Program,USA; Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Israel.
American Journal of Sociology,American Sociological Review,Demography, Social Forces, Journal of Rural Social Sciences, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Demographic Research, American Journal of Public Health,Population Studies,Canadian Review of Sociology, Population Research and Policy Review,Journal of Marriage and Family,Journal for Chinese Political Science, SSM - Population Health,Journal for Scientific Study of Religion, International Migration Review,Review of Religious Research, Sociology of Religion-A Quarterly Review, Social Currents, Aging Studies , Journal of Family Issues,Sociology of Religion, The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, Ageing & Society,Social Science Research, Social Indicators Research。
Journal of Social Service Research (SSCI 收录期刊),Macro Management & Public Policies,
Chinese Studies, Bulletin of Geography (Socio-Economic Series)