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Biomechanics; Human movement; Locomotion (Muscle strain injuries; Osteoarthritis)

Biomechanics of normal and pathological human locomotion: - Effect of pain and/or pathology on gait biomechanics eg knee joint osteoarthritis - Biomechanics of running - Biomechanical predictors of running injuries - Biomechanical effects of modifications to foot-ground interface eg. effect of surfaces of differing mechanical characteristics, effect of shoes, effect of foot insert/orthotic interventions - Biomechanical determinants of cerebral palsy gait Quantitative gait analysis: - Implementation of anatomical information for customized musculoskeletal models - Measurement variability - Data interpretation and clinical usefulness


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Cheung AS, Gray H, Schache A, Hoermann R, Lim Joon D, Zajac JD, Pandy M, Pandy MG, Grossmann M. Androgen deprivation causes selective deficits in the biomechanical leg muscle function of men during walking: A prospective case-control study. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. 2016. Passmore E, Lai A, Sangeux M, Schache A, Pandy M. Application of ultrasound imaging to subject-specific modelling of the human musculoskeletal system. Meccanica. 2016. Williams G, Schache A. The distribution of positive work and power generation amongst the lower-limb joints during walking normalises following recovery from traumatic brain injury. GAIT & POSTURE. Elsevier Science. 2016, Vol. 43. Williams G, Lai D, Schache A, Morris ME. Classification of Gait Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury. JOURNAL OF HEAD TRAUMA REHABILITATION. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2015, Vol. 30, Issue 2. Weir A, Brukner P, Delahunt E, Ekstrand J, Griffin D, Khan KM, Lovell G, Meyers WC, Muschaweck U, Orchard J, Paajanen H, Philippon M, Reboul G, Robinson P, Schache A, Schilders E, Serner A, Silvers H, Thorborg K, Tyler T, Verrall G, De Vos R-J, Vuckovic Z, Hoelmich P. Doha agreement meeting on terminology and definitions in groin pain in athletes. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. British Medical Journal Publishing Group. 2015, Vol. 49, Issue 12. Crossley K, Vicenzino B, Lentzos J, Schache A, Pandy M, Ozturk HE, Hinman R. Exercise, education, manual-therapy and taping compared to education for patellofemoral osteoarthritis: a blinded, randomised clinical trial. OSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE. WB Saunders Co. 2015, Vol. 23, Issue 9. Lai A, Lichtwark GA, Schache A, Lin Y, Brown NAT, Pandy M. In vivo behavior of the human soleus muscle with increasing walking and running speeds. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY. American Physiological Society. 2015, Vol. 118, Issue 10. Kemp JL, Makdissi M, Schache A, Finch CF, Pritchard MG, Crossley K. Is quality of life following hip arthroscopy in patients with chondrolabral pathology associated with impairments in hip strength or range of motion?. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. Springer Verlag. 2015. Schache A, Brown NAT, Pandy M. Modulation of work and power by the human lower-limb joints with increasing steady-state locomotion speed. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY. Company of Biologists. 2015, Vol. 218, Issue 15. Lin Y, Fok L, Schache A, Pandy M. Muscle coordination of support, progression and balance during stair ambulation. JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS. Pergamon. 2015, Vol. 48, Issue 2.
