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Andrea Altobrando博士,意大利人,1976年出生,1995年至2000年在意大利米兰大学学习哲学,并于2001年获得同一所大学的理论哲学硕士(Laurea)学位。2008年获得了联合伍珀塔尔大学(德国)和都灵大学(意大利)哲学和哲学诠释学博士学位,2012年获得帕多瓦大学(意大利)理论和实践哲学博士学位。从2012年起,他被提名为帕多瓦大学哲学(教学与研究助理和考试委员会成员)的专家。2015年,他获得了意大利教育部认定的国家学术副教授资格(National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor)。从2013年到2015年,他是北海道大学(日本)的JSPS研究员,从2015年到2016年,他在同一所大学担任特任讲师。从2017年起,他担任中国政法大学教授,并成为意大利教育,大学和研究部的评审委员。 教育经历: 2009–2012 哲学博士,意大利帕多瓦大学,理论与实践哲学; 2003–2008 哲学博士,德国伍珀塔尔大学&意大利都灵大学,哲学及哲学诠释学; 1995–2001 哲学硕士,意大利米兰大学,理论哲学。 Prof. Dr. Andrea Altobrando, Italian, born in 1976, studied Philosophy at the State University of Milan (Italy) from 1995 to 2000, and got a Laurea Degree in Theoretical Philosophy from the same university in 2001. In 2008 he got a joint PhD-Degree in Philosophy and Philosophical Hermeneutics from the Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Germany) and the University of Turin (Italy), and in 2012 a PhD-Degree in Theoretical and Practical Philosophy from the University of Padova (Italy). From 2012 he has been nominated Expert in the field of Philosophy (Teaching and Research Assistant and Member of Exam Committees) at the University of Padova. In 2015 he got the National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor from the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research. From 2013 to 2015 he was JSPS-Research-Fellow at the Hokkaido University (Japan), and from 2015 to 2016 he was Special Appointed Lecturer at the same university. From 2017 he is Professor at the China University of Political Science and Law, and he has become Referee for the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. 教学与研究经历 2017.4至今 中国政法大学特聘客座教授 2016.3–2017.3 特任讲师,日本北海道大学 2013.11.01–2015.11.30 研究员,日本学术振兴会成员,日本北海道大学 2012.05.01–2013.09.30 哲学专家,教学科研助理及考试委员会成员,意大利帕多瓦大学。 2010.11.22–2011.04.01 助教和翻译 Bernhard Waldenfels教授 Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica of Turin研讨会项目实践; Waldenfels教授部分课程译为意大利语工作。 2008.11.01–2009.10.31 博士后,德国科隆大学 著作: (2013), Esperienza e infinito. Contributo per una fenomenologia dell'origine e dell'idea di infinito a partire da Husserl(Experience and the Infinite.Contribution to a phenomenology of the idea of infinity outgoing from Husserl), Verifiche, Trento. (2013), Il mito come forma e contenuto(Myth as Form and Content), Cleup, Padova. (2010), Husserl e il problema della monade(Husserl and the problem of the monad), Trauben, Torino 荣誉 2015年意大利教育部认定为国家学术副教授资格(National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor) 个人研究奖励: Nankai One Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program Award. Duration: 6 years. (谢拒) 2013年11—2015年10月,日本学术振兴会, 访问研究员, 8640000日元, “Individuality-consciousness, community, well-being and nothingness”。 2014年1月—2015年12月,意大利帕多瓦大学,高级研究奖,46000欧元, “Self and Consciousness”。 (谢拒) 2008年11月—2015年10月,Fritz-Thyssen基金, 博士后研究员, 24000欧元, “Phenomenology and Infinity”。 Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica of Turin, 奖学金, 2004年12月—2006年11月米兰大学, post-lauream Research Abroad Grant, 36000 欧元, “Phenomenology of Alienness and Intersubjectivity, and the possibility of a Phenomenological Monadology”。 2004年10月—2005年8月德国学术交流中心(DAAD),研究奖学金,16000欧元, “Phenomenology and Monadology”。 团队研究奖励: PI: Prof. Haojun Zhang (China University of Political Science and Law), supported by The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC), "The Comparative Study of Phenomenology and Analytic Philosophy” (Grant No. 17BZX085) – Qualification: Foreign Expert PI: Massimiliano Carrara教授 (帕多瓦大学). 帕多瓦大学,Progetto di Ateneo, “Disagreement. A Pluralistic Approach”. PI: Shigeru Taguchi教授 (北海道大学). 日本学术振兴会, Kakenhi科研补助金, "Individuality-consciousness, community, well-being and nothingness”, 1900000日元, 2013年-2015年. PI: Luca Illetterati教授(帕多瓦大学). 帕多瓦大学, Progetto di Ateneo, "Nature of Nature and Nature of Humans. Towards a non reductionist naturalism". PI: Prof. Giangiorgio Pasqualotto教授(帕多瓦大学).帕多瓦大学, Progetto di Ateneo, "Correspondences between Western and Eastern Thought". PI: Prof. Giangiorgio Pasqualotto教授(帕多瓦大学).帕多瓦大学, Progetto di Ateneo,"Theories and Practices of Intercultural Mediation". 教学活动: 2018: - Class on “Hume's Philosophy” (Graduate), School of Humanities, China University of Political Science and Law (henceforth CUPL) - Class on “Classics of Western Philosophy - Existentialism” (Undergraduate), School of Humanities, CUPL - Class on “Sartre'sBeing and Nothingness” (Graduate), School of Humanities, CUPL - Class on “Classics of Western Philosophy” (Undergraduate), School of Humanities, CUPL - Summer Class on “Introduction to Philosophy” (Undergraduate), School of Humanities, CUPL 2017: - Class on “Philosophical English” (Graduate), School of Humanities, CUPL - Class on “Classics of Western Philosophy. Plato'sRepublic” (Undergraduate), School of Humanities, CUPL - Summer Class “Introduction to Philosophy” (Undergraduate), School of Humanities, CUPL - Class on “Classics of Western Philosophy. Descartes” (Undergraduate), School of 2016: 讲师,第一期帕多瓦哲学暑期学校,“Philophical Controversies aboutObjectivity in Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Analytic Philosophy”,帕多瓦大学。 讲师,北海道大学人文学部,"Husserl’s Analyses Concerning Passive and Active Synthsis" 讲师,暑期学校,”Phenomenology of Reason. Dialogue with Japanese Philosophy”, 北海道大学人文学部。 合办研讨会,“Phenomenology and Japanese Philosophy”,北海道大学人文学·部。 合办研讨会,“Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations”,帕多瓦大学。 2015: 合办研讨会,“Phenomenology and Japanese Philosophy”,北海道大学人文学部。 主办研讨会、读书班,“Hegel’s Wissenschaft der Logik”,北海道大学人文学部。 2014: -合办研讨会,"Phenomenology and Japanese Philosophy", 北海道大学人文学部. 2013: - 合办博士研讨会,"Forme del contemporaneo. Itinerari per un'estetica interculturale",帕多瓦大学; - 主办博士研讨会,"Imagination. Modal Knowledge, Phenomenology and Images",帕多瓦大学 - 哲学系讲师,帕多瓦大学: "Introduction to Phenomenological of Self and Subjectivity"; - 本科、硕士学生副考官, 帕多瓦大学. 2012: - 讲师,"Cologne-Leuven现象学暑期学校 – 现象学的方法", 科隆大学; -合办博士研讨会,"Sensible and Supersensible in Arts and Aesthetics - II",帕多瓦大学; -帕多瓦大学哲学系讲师: "Sartre: Ego and Imagination"; - 本科、硕士学生副考官,帕多瓦大学. 2011: -讲师,“Cologne-Leuven现象学暑期学校 – 胡塞尔的主体性理论”,科隆大学; -合办博士研讨会"Sensible and Supersensible in Arts and Aesthetics",帕多瓦大学哲学系; -帕多瓦大学哲学系讲师: "Introduction to Phenomenological Aesthetics". 2010: -合办博士研讨会:"Themes and aspects of modern Aesthetics", 帕多瓦大学哲学系; - 助教,Bernhard Waldenfels教授举办的都灵“Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica”研讨会 -帕多瓦大学哲学系讲师: "Introduction to Aesthetics". 2009: - 讲师,"Cologne-Leuven现象学暑期学校 – 胡塞尔现象学的本质", 科隆大学; - 合办博士研讨会" Ethics and Aesthetics ",帕多瓦大学哲学系; -帕多瓦大学哲学系讲师: "Introduction to Phenomenological Aesthetics". 杂志: - 执行主编, "Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy" - 编辑组成员 "Universa. Recensioni di Filosofia" (至2013年)


Phenomenology, Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Interculturality. Educational Background 2009–2012 Doctor of Theoretical and Practical Philosophy, University of Padova (Italy); 2003–2008 Doctor of Philosophy and Philosophical Hermeneutics, joint Degree between Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Germany) & University of Turin(Italy); 1995–2001 Laurea Degree in Theoretical Philosophy, State University of Milan (Italy).现象学,心灵哲学,形而上学,知识论,跨文化哲学


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(forthcoming), «Monad», in D. De Santis, B. Hopkins, C. Majolino (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology, Routledge. (forthcoming), «The Phenomenology of the Pure Ego, and its dialecticalWirklichkeit», in A. Ferrarin, D. Manca, E. Magrì, D. Moran (eds.), Hegel and the Phenomenological Tradition, Springer. (forthcoming), Somewhere this Side of the View from Nowhere, 学术界. (2017), La negazione: dal rifiuto al contrasto. Brentano e Husserl sul giudizio negativo. (Negation: from rejection to contrast. Brentano and Husserl on negative judgement), Verifiche, II/2017. (2017), «Imagining Oneself», in T. Fuchs, M. Summa, L. Vanzago (eds.),Imagination and Social Perspectives: Approaches from Phenomenology and Psychopathology, Routledge. (2017), «Phänomenologie der Perspektivität und Intersubjektivität», in C. Asmuth and Q. Landenne,Perspektivität, Königshausen und Neumann. (2017), «Che cosa vogliamo fare?» (What Do We Want to Do?), in F. Menegoni and N. De Carlo, Etica e mondo del lavoro – 2, Franco Angeli. (2016), «Kitarō Nishida and the Essence of Individuality: A Contribution from Eastern Asia to a Transcultural Understanding of the Meaning of Individualism», in G. Campagnolo (ed.), Liberalism and East Asian/Chinese economic development: Perspectives from Europe and Asia, Routledge. (2015), «Sul bisogno di individualità» (On the Need for Individuality), in F. Menegoni and M. De Carlo, Etica e mondo del lavoro, Franco Angeli, Milano. (2015), The Limits of the Absolute Consciousness, in Japanese Husserl Studies, 2015. (2015), «Unità e conoscenza. Notazione sulle epistemologie di Husserl e Kant» (Unity and Knowledge. Remarks on the Epistemologies of Husserl and Kant), in A. Ferrarin, E. Magrì, D. Manca (eds.), Hegel e la fenomenologia trascendentale, ETS, Pisa. (2015), «Dalla coscienza anonima all'io senza qualità» (From the Anonymous Consciousness to the Ego without Qualities), in D. Ciolino, F. Grigenti, Il soggetto possibile, Cleup, Padova. (2014), with P. Biasetti,Some Remarks on Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, in “Hegel-Jahrbuch", 2014. (2014), I “soggetti" di Husserl e la questione del soggettivismo(Husserl's “Subjects" and the Question of Subjectivism), Paradigmi, n. 1, 2014. (2014), «Sul senso concreto della riduzione fenomenologica» (On the concrete sense of phenomenological reduction), in E. Baccarini, M. Deodati (eds.), Husserl domani, Aracne, Roma. (2013), La variazione husserliana del concetto di monade(The Husserlian Variation of the concept of Monad), Discipline Filosofiche, vol. XXIII, 2, 2013. (2013), «Il qualcosa e l'unità. Considerazioni a partire dalle osservazioni di Couturat alla Filosofia dell'aritmetica di Husserl» (Something and Unity.Some considerations outgoing from Couturat's observations on Husserl's Philosophy of Arithmetics), in C. Ciancio e M. Pagano (eds.), Religione e Ontologia, Aracne, Roma. (2011), «Subjectivity, Nature and Freedom», inPhenomenology 2010, volume 3: Selected Essays from the Euro-Mediterranean Area, edited by I. Copoeru, P. Kontos, A. Serrano de Haro, ZetaBooks, Bucarest. (2011), «Monadische Subjektivität bei Husserl», in J.-G. Van Der Heiden, K. Novotny, L. Tengely and I. Römer(eds.),Investigating Subjectivity: Classical and New Perspectives, Brill, Leiden. (2011), Dalla fondazione della conoscenza alla comunità degli uomini liberi(From the foundation of knowledge to the community of free men), in “Ethics & Politics / Etica & Politica", vol.XIII,1, http://www2.units.it/etica/ (2011), «Il necessario rapporto con l'altro tra giustizia e libertà» (The necessary relationship with the other between justice and freedom), inper una cittadinanza responsabile, edited by G. Turus and L. Capalbo, Esedra, Padova. (2010), «Teorie del soggetto e fenomenologia» (Theories of subjectivity and phenomenology), in U. Perone (ed.)Filosofia dell'avvenire, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino. (2010), L'Io-puro giuridico(The juridical pure-ego), in I-LEX, vol. 5, fascicolo 9, http://www.i-lex.it/ (2006), Definire la soglia(To define the threshold), in “Trickster. Rivista del Master in Studi Interculturali", anno 1, n. 1. (2004), Mito, origine, esistenza. Riflessioni attraverso l'opera di Karoly Kerenyi(Myth, origin, existence.Reflections through the work of Karoly Kerenyi), in “L'Acropoli", vol. 5. 编纂文集(edited works) (in preparation – due by Summer 2017) with S. Taguchi (eds), Phenomenology and Japanese Philosophy, Springer. (2018) with R. Stone and T. Niikawa (eds),The Relizations of the Self, Palgrave MacMillan. (2017), On the Transcendental – Comments and Responses, Special Issue of“Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy", vol. I, ch. 2. (2015), On the Transcendental, Special Issue of “Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy", vol.I, ch. 1,http://metodo-rivista.eu/index.php/metodo/issue/view/11/showToc (2013), with A. Pugliese, On Phenomenological Method, Thematic issue of “Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy", vol.I, No. 1,http://metodo-rivista.eu/index.php/metodo/issue/view/5/showToc (2006) with G. Turus, Biodifferenze, Esedra, Padova. 书评(Book reviews): (2011), J. Hruschka,La costituzione del caso giuridico. Il rapporto tra accertamento fattuale e applicazione giuridica, il Mulino, Bologna 2009, in “ars interpretandi. journal of legal hermeneutics", Carocci, Roma. (2011), N. Zippel,Tempo e metodo. Il problema del soggetto nella fenomenologia di Edmund Husserl, NEU, Roma 2008, in“Universa. Rivista di recensioni di Filosofia", http://universa.filosofia.unipd.it/index.php/Universa/article/view/68 (2009), J.-L. Marion,Dialogo con l'amore, edited by U. Perone, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino 2007, in:“Rivista di Estetica", vol. 42. 翻译(徳译意): (2017) Husserl, E.,Meditazioni Cartesiane(Cartesian Meditations), Orthotes, Napoli-Salerno. (2013) Rothhaupt, J.G.F., .L'opera di filosofia sperimentale di Wittgenstein nello “specchio" della letteratura sperimentale., inE. Caldarola, D. Quattrocchi,G. Tomasi (eds.),Wittgenstein, l'estetica e le arti, Carocci, Roma. (2013) Lohmar, D.,L'idea della riduzione. Le riduzioni di Husserl – e il loro comune senso metodologico, in“Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy". (2011) Waldenfels, B., Leib, Ort, Raum, inBernhard Waldenfels,Estraneo, straniero, straordinario,edited by U. Perone, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino. (2011) Waldenfels, B., Bild und Blick, Stimme und Klang, inBernhard Waldenfels,Estraneo, straniero, straordinario, edited by U. Perone, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino. (2011) Waldenfels, B., .Das Fremde, das Dritte, die Vertretung, inBernhard Waldenfels,Estraneo, straniero, straordinario, edited by U. Perone, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino.
