Biomedical Engineering
Computational Physiology
Mathematical Biology
Systems Biology
Cui J, Faria M, BjÖrnmalm M, Ju Y, Suma T, Gunawan S, Richardson J, Heidari H, Bals S, Crampin E, Caruso F. A Framework to Account for Sedimentation and Diffusion in Particle-Cell Interactions.. Langmuir. American Chemical Society. 2016.
Sharp K, Crampin E, Sneyd J. A spatial model of fluid recycling in the airways of the lung. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY. Academic Press. 2015, Vol. 382.
Rajagopal V, Bass G, Walker CG, Crossman DJ, Petzer A, Hickey A, Siekmann I, Hoshijima M, Ellisman MH, Crampin E, Soeller C. Examination of the Effects of Heterogeneous Organization of RyR Clusters, Myofibrils and Mitochondria on Ca2+ Release Patterns in Cardiomyocytes. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. Public Library of Science. 2015, Vol. 11, Issue 9.
Gawthrop P, Cursons J, Crampin E. Hierarchical bond graph modelling of biochemical networks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES. The Royal Society of London. 2015, Vol. 471, Issue 2184.
Budden D, Hurley D, Crampin E. Modelling the conditional regulatory activity of methylated and bivalent promoters. EPIGENETICS & CHROMATIN. Biomed Central. 2015, Vol. 8.
Hurley D, Cursons J, Wang YK, Budden D, Print CG, Crampin E. NAIL, a software toolset for inferring, analyzing and visualizing regulatory networks. BIOINFORMATICS. Oxford University Press. 2015, Vol. 31, Issue 2.
Detchokul S, Elangovan A, Crampin E, Davis M, Frauman A. Network analysis of an in vitro model of androgen-resistance in prostate cancer. BMC CANCER. Biomed Central. 2015, Vol. 15.
Budden D, Hurley D, Crampin E. Predictive modelling of gene expression from transcriptional regulatory elements. BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS. Oxford University Press. 2015, Vol. 16, Issue 4.
Tran K, Loiselle DS, Crampin E. Regulation of cardiac cellular bioenergetics: mechanisms and consequences.. Physiol Rep. John Wiley & Sons. 2015, Vol. 3, Issue 7.
Cursons J, Gao J, Hurley D, Print CG, Dunbar PR, Jacobs MD, Crampin E. Regulation of ERK-MAPK signaling in human epidermis. BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. Biomed Central. 2015, Vol. 9.