1. Bai Rufeng,Liu Yaju, Li Zheng, Jin Haiying, Tian Qinghua, Shi Meisen, Ma Shuhua.Developmental Validation of a novel 5 dye Y-STR System comprising the 27 YfilerPlus loci. Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 29557-64.(SCI,IF:5.525)
2. Bai Rufeng,Liu Yaju, Zhang Juntao, Shi Meisen, Dong Hongmei, Ma Shuhua. Analysis of 27 Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in a Han population of Henan province, Central China. Int J Legal Med. 2016; 130: 1191-4.(SCI,IF:2.714)
3. Bai Rufeng, Ma Shuhua, Zhang Haidong, Chang Lin, Zhang Zhong, Liu Li, Zhang Fengqin, Guo Zhaoming, Shi Meisen.Forensic Discrimination of the Kitchen Knives of Three Common Brands in China by ICP-AES and Infrared Absorption. Int J Legal Medicine. 2014; 128(2): 353-60.(SCI,IF:2.714)
4. Bai Rufeng,Liu Yaju, Lv Xiaojiao, Shi Meisen, Ma Shuhua. Genetic polymorphisms of 17 chromosomal STRs in She and Manchu ethnic populations from China. Forensic Sci Int: Genetics. 2016; 22: e12-e14.(SCI,IF:4.604)
5. Orazhkan E, Pu T, Wang L, Wang Z, Zhu Z,Bai R*. Use of different murder weapons by a singele murder: two case reports. J Forensic Sci Med. 2016; 2: 160-3.
6. Mohong Deng,Rufeng Bai, Hongmei Dong, Jiao Mu, Wei Lin, Yiwu Zhou.Sexual determination of the mandible breadth in a central Chinese population sample: a threedimensional analysis. Aust J Forensic Sci.(共同第一作者,SCI,IF: 0.707)
7. Bai Rufeng,Zhang Zhong, Liang Quanzeng, Lu Di, Yuan Li, Yang Xue, Shi Meisen. Haplotype diversity of 17 Y-STR loci in a Chinese Han population sample from Shanxi Province, Northern China. Forensic Sci Int Genet. 2013, 7(1): 214-6.(SCI,IF:4.604)
8. Bai Rufeng, Yu Xiaojun, Wang Dian, Lv Junyao, Xu Guangtao, Lai Xiaoping. The densities of visceral organs and the extent of pathological changes. Am J Foresic Med Pathol. 2009, 30(2): 148-51. (SCI,IF:0.701)
9. Bai Rufeng,Shi Meisen, Yu Xiaojun, Chang Lin.Y-chromosomal STRs haplotypes in ChineseHui ethnic group samples. Forensic Sci Int: Genetics. 2008, 3, e17-e19. (SCI,IF:4.604)
10. Bai Rufeng, Shi Meisen, Yu Xiaojun, Zhang Jinsheng, Bai Lu. Y-chromosomal STRs haplotypes in Chinese Manchu ethnic group samples. Forensic Sci Int: Genetics. 2008, 3, e13-e15. (SCI,IF:4.604)
11. Bai Rufeng, Wan Lihua, Shi Meisen. The time-dependent expressions of IL-1b, COX-2, MCP-1 mRNA in skin wounds of rabbits. Forensic Sci Int. 2008, 175(2-3): 193-7. (SCI,IF:2.14)
12. Bai Rufeng, Wan Lihua, Li Hongwei, Zhang Zhong, Ma Zhihua. Identify the injury implements by SEM/EDS and ICP-AES. Forensic Sci Int. 2007, 166(1): 8-13. (SCI,IF:2.14)
13. Bai Rufeng, Shi Meisen, Yu Xiaojun, Lv Junyao, Tu Youhua. Allele frequencies for six miniSTR loci of two ethnic populations in China. Forensic Sci Int. 2007, 168(2-3): e25-e28. (SCI,IF:2.14)
14. 百茹峰,吕小娇,鄂晓霏,于天水,刘冉,张海东.不同高度钝力打击致大鼠皮肤与骨骼肌挫伤的对比性研究.法医学杂志(已录用).
15. 百茹峰, 刘亚举,姜立喆,吕小娇,石美森.西藏藏族群体30个常染色体InDel位点的群体遗传学研究.中华医学遗传学杂志. 2015,32(3): 410-4.
16. 百茹峰, 张海东,于天水,刘冉,鄂晓霏.颅面部动静脉畸形治疗中肺栓塞死亡1例.法医学杂志. 2015, 131(4): 320-1.
17. 百茹峰, 贾振军,姜立喆,吕小娇,袁丽,石美森.新疆维吾尔族群体30个常染色体InDel位点的遗传多态性研究. 解放军医学杂志.2014, 39(10): 808-14.
18. 百茹峰, 姜立喆,张中,石美森.北京汉族群体30个常染色体InDel位点群体遗传学及法医学研究.遗传.2013, 35(12): 1368-76.
19. 百茹峰, 石美森.法医学研究中的哲学思维.中国司法鉴定.2013,1: 125-6.
20. 百茹峰,杨利海,袁丽,梁权赠,鲁涤,杨雪.福建畲族群体17个Y-STR基因座单位型及遗传关系.遗传.2012, 34(8): 1020-30.
21. 龙俊,百茹峰*. 微痕量检验在致伤物推断与认定中的价值.证据科学. 2010,18(5): 633-9.
22. 百茹峰,石美森,白璐. 24个群体11个Y-STR基因座单倍型遗传关系的聚类分析.国际遗传学杂志. 2010, 33(5): 257-62.
23. 百茹峰,石美森, 于晓军,那治亚.辽宁回族、锡伯族群体11个Y染色体短串联重复序列基因座遗传多态性及遗传关系的分析.中华医学遗传学杂志. 2008,25(4):469-72.
24. 百茹峰, 胡泊,于晓军,吕俊耀.中国南方汉族群体11个Y染色体-短串联重复序列基因座及单倍型遗传多态性分析.汕头大学医学院学报. 2007, 20(2): 65-8.
25. 百茹峰, 万立华,李红卫,涂植光.兔皮肤钝器伤 IL-1beta, COX-2 and MCP-1 mRNA表达与法医学应用.中国法医学杂志. 2007, 22(6): 375-8.
26. 百茹峰,万立华,李红卫,马智华.应用SEM/EDX和ICP—AES检测元素成份判定致伤工具.中国法医学杂志. 2005,20(6):338-41.
27. 百茹峰,万立华,张忠,李红卫,马智华. SEM/EDS检测元素成份判定致伤工具.电子显微学报. 2005, 24(4):313.
28. 百茹峰,万立华,李剑波.机械性损伤的致伤物推断.中国法医学杂志. 2005, 20(1): 34-7.
29. 于天水,官大威,刘力,赵锐,张海东,百茹峰,等.大鼠损伤后不同时间的病理学变化.中国法医学杂志. 2015, 29(5): 431-6.
30. 于天水,马建伟,官大威,刘力,赵锐,张海东,百茹峰,等.大鼠骨骼肌损伤后不同时间中性粒细胞及巨噬细胞比率的变化.中国法医学杂志. 2015, 30(1): 16-9.
31. 于天水,官大威,赵锐,张海东,百茹峰.大鼠骨骼肌损伤后PMN, MNC及FBC百分率与损伤时间关系.法医学杂志. 2014,30(3):166-8.