Quantitative marine ecology and conservation, coral reef ecology, biogeography, population connectivity, network theory, landscape ecology and GIS.
Integrating multiple species connectivity and habitat quality into conservation planning for coral reefs. Ecography. 39. 2016
Seascape features, rather than dispersal traits, predict spatial genetic patterns in co-distributed reef fishes. Journal of Biogeography. 43. 2016
The DNA of coral reef biodiversity: predicting and protecting genetic diversity of reef assemblages. Royal Society of London. Proceedings B. Biological Sciences. 283. 2016
Analyzing the (mis)fit between the institutional and ecological networks of the Indo-West Pacific. Global Environmental Change - Human and Policy Dimensions. 31. 2015
Evaluating the metapopulation consequences of ecological traps. Royal Society of London. Proceedings B. Biological Sciences. 282. 2015
Exploring the role of Micronesian islands in the maintenance of coral genetic diversity in the Pacific Ocean. Molecular Ecology. 24. 2015
Identifying the key biophysical drivers, connectivity outcomes, and metapopulation consequences of larval dispersal in the sea. 2015
Integrating regional conservation priorities for multiple objectives into national policy. Nature Communications. 6. 2015
Latitude-wide genetic patterns reveal historical effects and contrasting patterns of turnover and nestedness at the range peripheries of a tropical marine fish. Ecography. 38. 2015
No Reef Is an Island: Integrating Coral Reef Connectivity Data into the Design of Regional-Scale Marine Protected Area Networks. PLoS One. 10. 2015
The emergent geography of biophysical dispersal barriers across the Indo-West Pacific. Diversity and Distributions. 21. 2015