Ecological traps: current evidence and future directions. Royal Society of London. Proceedings B. Biological Sciences. 283. 2016
Evolutionary traps and range shifts in a rapidly changing world. 2016
How is ecosystem health defined and measured? A critical review of freshwater and estuarine studies. Ecological Indicators. 69. 2016
REVIEW: Identifying, preventing and mitigating ecological traps to improve the management of urban aquatic ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology. 52. 2015
Bird responses to riparian management of degraded lowland streams in southeastern Australia. Restoration Ecology. 23. 2015
Evaluating the metapopulation consequences of ecological traps. Royal Society of London. Proceedings B. Biological Sciences. 282. 2015
Scales that matter: guiding effective monitoring of soil properties in restored riparian zones. Geoderma. 228. 2014
Assessing the likely responses by fishes to stream bank rehabilitation in a large, urban estuary. Austral Ecology. 39. 2014
Dispersal and recruitment of fish in an intermittent stream network. Austral Ecology. 39. 2014
Separating the effects of water physicochemistry and sediment contamination on Chironomus tepperi (Skuse) survival, growth and development: A boosted regression tree approach. Aquatic Toxicology. 152. 2014