My interests are broad: many questions about how the natural world works fascinate me, and I have published work for example on how sessile animal populations compete for space; how infauna are affected by predators; how animals can be aged; and escape responses to seastars. My most cited paper deals with how experimental treatments should be compared statistically. Current interests include how shell parasites interact with their hosts; how stress affects the immune status of abalone; what factors enhance collaborative management of fisheries; and how compensatory growth may affect fisheries managment models. Much of this work requires collaboration accross disciplines - integrated interdisciplinary research.
H-1-NMR metabolite profiling of abalone digestive gland in response to short-term starvation. Aquaculture International. 24. 2016
An investigation into fisheries interaction effects using Atlantis. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72. 2015
Relationships between growth, survival, physiology and behaviour - A multi-criteria approach to Haliotis tuberculata phenotypic traits. Aquaculture. 2015
Reproductive biology of the greeneye spurdog Squalus chloroculus (Squaliformes, Squalidae). Journal of Fish Biology. 86. 2015
Ecosystem modelling in the southern Benguela: comparisons of Atlantis, Ecopath with Ecosim, and OSMOSE under fishing scenarios 2015
Geographical variability in life-history traits of a midslope dogfish: the brier shark Deania calcea. Journal of Fish Biology. 87. 2015
Using an Atlantis model of the southern Benguela to explore the response of ecosystem indicators for fisheries management. Environmental Modelling and Software. 69. 2015