Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Systems Biology
Metabolic Biochemistry
Lactation and Reproductive Biology
Academic Research and Writing
Khan, S.; Hepworth, A.R.; Prime, D.K.; Lai, C.T.; Trengove, N.J. and Hartmann, P.E. (2012). Variation in fat, lactose and protein composition in breastmilk over 24h: Associations with infant feeding patterns. Journal of Human Lactation 29(1): 81-89.
Khan, S.; Casadio, Y.S.; Lai, C.T.; Prime, D.K.; Hepworth, A.R.; Trengove, N.J. and Hartmann, P.E. (2012). Investigation of short-term variations in casein and whey proteins in breastmilk of term mothers. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 55(2): 136-141
Hassiotou, F.; Beltran, A.; Chetwynd, E.; Stuebe, A.M.; Twigger, A.J.; Metzger, P.; Trengove, N.J.; Lai, C.T.; Filgueira, L.; Blancafort, P. and Hartmann, P.E. (2012) Breastmilk is a novel source of stem cells with multi-lineage differentiation potential. Stem Cells 30(10): 2164-2174
Khan, S.; Prime, D.K.; Hepworth, A.R.; Lai, C.T.; Trengove, N.J. and Hartmann, P.E. (2013) Investigation of short-term variations in term breast milk composition during repeated breast expression sessions. Journal of Human Lactation 29(2): 196-204
Hassiotou, F.; Hepworth, A.R.; Metzger, P.; Lai, C.T.; Trengove, N.; Hartmann, P.E. and Filgueira, L. (2013) Maternal and infant infections stimulate a rapid leukocyte response in breastmilk. Clinical & Translational Immunology 2:e3