侯芹忠,男,汉族,1989年生,山东 · 巨野人。
博士,哈尔滨工业大学(威海)汽车工程学院 副教授,硕士生导师,系副主任。
2008.09-2012.07: 哈尔滨工业大学(威海),交通工程,本科
2012.09-2014.07: 哈尔滨工业大学, 交通运输工程,硕士, 导师:孟祥海 教授
2014.09-2019.01: 哈尔滨工业大学, 交通运输规划与管理, 博士,导师:孟祥海 教授
2016.09-2018.03: 普渡大学(美国), 交通运输工程, 博士联合培养, 导师:Andrew P. Tarko 教授
2022.12至今: 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 汽车工程学院, 副教授
2020.07至今: 哈尔滨工业大学 交通运输工程学科,硕士生导师
2019.10至今: 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 交通工程系, 副主任
2019.04至2022.12: 哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 汽车工程学院, 讲师
Q. Hou, X. Huo, J. Leng, F. Mannering. A note on out-of-sample prediction, marginal effects computations, and temporal testing with random parameters crash-injury severity models. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 2022, 33: 100191. (SSCI, IF: 11.806)
Q. Hou, X. Huo, A.P. Tarko, J Leng*. Comparative analysis of alternative random parameters count data models in highway safety. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 2021, 30: 100158. (SSCI, IF: 11.806)
X. Huo , J. Leng,Q. Hou*, L. Zheng, L. Zhao. Assessing the explanatory and predictive performance of a random parameters count model with heterogeneity in means and variances. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2020, 147: 105759. (SSCI, IF: 4.993)
X. Huo , J. Leng,Q. Hou*, H. Yang . A correlated random parameters model with heterogeneity in means to account for unobserved heterogeneity in crash frequency analysis. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2020, 2674(7): 312-322. (SCI, IF: 1.560)
Q. Hou, X. Huo , J. Leng*. A correlated random parameters tobit model to analyze the safety effects and temporal instability of factors affecting crash rates. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2020, 134: 105326. (SSCI, IF: 4.993)
Q. Hou, X. Huo , J. Leng*, Y. Cheng. Examination of driver injury severity in freeway single-vehicle crashes using a mixed logit model with heterogeneity-in-means. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 531: 121760. (SCI, IF: 3.263)
Q. Hou, J. Leng*, G. Ma, W. Liu, Y. Cheng. An adaptive hybrid model for short-term urban traffic flow prediction. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 527: 121065. (SCI, IF: 3.263)
Q. Hou, X. Meng, X. Huo, Y. Cheng, J. Leng*. Effects of freeway climbing lanes on crash frequency: application of propensity scores and potential outcomes. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 517: 246-256. (SCI, IF: 3.263)
Q. Hou, A.P. Tarko, X. Meng*. Investigating factors of crash frequency using random effects and random parameters models: new insights from Chinese freeway study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2018, 120: 1-12. (SSCI, IF: 4.993)
Q. Hou, A.P. Tarko, X. Meng*. Analyzing crash frequency in freeway tunnels: A correlated random parameters approach. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2018, 111: 94-100. (SSCI, IF: 4.993)
Q. Hou, X. Meng, J. Leng*, L. Yu*. Application of a random effects negative binomial model to examine crash frequency for freeways in China. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 509: 937-944. (SCI, IF: 3.263)
L. Zheng*, Q. Hou, X. Meng. A comparison of modelling methods accounting for temporal correlation in crash counts. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security [J], 2018: 1-18. (SSCI, IF: 3.000)
孟祥海*, 侯芹忠, 史永义,等. IHSDM 高速公路事故预测模型. 交通运输工程学报[J]. 2016, 16(1):123-32.(EI)
孟祥海*, 侯芹忠, 史永义. 基于线形指标的山岭重丘区高速公路事故预测模型. 公路交通科技[J]. 2014, 31(8):138-43.