2019.12- 至今 汽车工程学院 副教授
2014.07-2019.12 汽车工程学院 讲师
2014.12-2018.07 哈尔滨工业大学 博士后
2017.02-2017.03 香港理工大学 副研究员
2018.09-2019.08 英国布鲁奈尔大学 访问学者
2004.09-2008.06 吉林大学 汽车工程学院 学士
2008.09-2013.12 吉林大学 汽车工程学院 博士
1. 围绕智能网联汽车,开展交叉口车辆队列控制策略研究
2. 围绕内燃动力碳中和技术、基于大数据的排放模型预测研究
3. 围绕内燃动力智能控制算法开发展开研究
Numerical investigation of natural gas-diesel dual-fuel engine with different piston geometries and radial clearances
Shen Z., Wang X., Zhao H., Lin B., Shen Y., Yang J., 2020-12-24 期刊名称 Energy (1区 Top) 期卷 2021,220:119706
Investigation of in-cylinder gas stratification of diesel engine during intake and compression stroke Shen Z., Liu, Z, Tian J., Liu J., 2014.08 期刊名称 Energy(1区top期刊) 期卷 72
Distribution evolution of intake and residual gas species during CO2 stratification combustion in diesel engine Shen Z., Cui W., Liu Z., Tian J., Wu S., Yang J. 2016.02 期刊名称 Fuel(1区top期刊) 期卷 166
Z. Shen, W. Cui, X. Ju, Z. Liu, S. Wu, J. Yang *. Numeric investigation of gas distribution in the intake manifold and intake ports of a multi-Cylinder diesel engine refined for exhaust gas stratification, Energies, 2017,10(11):1888, SCI&EI, IF=2.707 (SCI:000417046500207,EI:20174904509553) 中科院3区期刊论文
Z. Shen, W. Cui, X. Ju, Z. Liu, S. Wu, J. Yang*. Numerical investigation on effects of assigned EGR stratification on a heavy duty diesel engine with two-stage fuel injection, Energies, 2018,11(3):515, SCI&EI, IF=2.707 (SCI:000428304300043,EI: 20184305968237)中科院3区期刊论文
沈照杰,崔文政,刘忠长,韩永强,田径,杨建国,洛伦兹曲线在内燃机CFD分析中的应用.内燃机学报,2015,33(4):356-361. (EI: 20153601245664)
沈照杰,崔文政,刘忠长,韩永强,田径,杨建国,时序进气柴油机缸内分层与燃烧排放特征数值分析. 农业机械学报,2015,46(9):350-355. (EI: 20154101376722)
Z. Shen, X. Wang, H. Zhao, Y. Shen, J. Yang. Numerical Investigation of Diesel-Spray-Orientated Piston Bowls on Natural Gas and Diesel Dual Fuel Combustion Engine. SAE Technical Paper, 2020, 2020-01-0311.
D. Mao, M. Ghadikolaei*, C. Cheung, Z. Shen, W. Cui. Influence of alternative fuels on the particulate matter micro and nano-structures, volatility and oxidation reactivity in a compression ignition engine[J]. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 132;110108.