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My scientific interests are focused on application of the stable isotope analyses in three different geochemical areas related to environmental geochemistry and low temperature processes: 1)Biogeochemistry: isotope composition of organic matter in sediments (d2H, d13C, d15N, d18O, d34S), as a record of environmental conditions and stable isotope effects during decay and conservation of organic matter 2)Hydrochemistry and hydrological water budget, surface-groundwater-plant interaction (d2H, d18O, d13C-DIC, d87Sr) 3)Geochemistry: oxygen stable isotope geochemistry of low temperature minerals: hydrated silicates (chalcedony, opals, chrysoprase), carbon and oxygen stable isotope gechemistry of carbonates (DIC, calcite, dolomite, magensite)


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Rouillard A., Skrzypek G, Turney C, Dogramaci S, Hua Q., Zawadzki A., Reeves J., Greenwood P, O’Donnell AJ, Grierson PF, 2016. Evidence for ‘megafloods’ in arid subtropical northwest Australia during the Little Ice Age Chronozone, Quaternary Science Review (in press DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.05.004). Siebers A.R., Pettit N., Skrzypek G., Fellman J.B., Dogramaci S., Grierson P.F., 2016. Hydrological regime controls both allochthonous and autochthonous dissolved organic matter biogeochemistry of intermittent dryland streams. Freshwater Biology (in press, DOI:10.1111/fwb.12656 online 6/08/2015). Skrzypek G., Sadler R., Wiśniewski A., 2016. Reassessment of recommendations for processing mammal phosphate δ18O data for paleotemperature reconstruction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 446, 162-167. Skrzypek G., Wojtuń B., Richter D., Jakubas D., Wojczulanis-Jakubas K., Samecka-Cymerman A., 2015 Diversification of Nitrogen Sources in Various Tundra Vegetation Types in the High Arctic. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0136536. Szynkiewicz A., Borrok D.M., Ganjegunte G.K., Skrzypek G., Ma L., Rearick M., Perkins G., 2015. Isotopic studies of the Upper and Middle Rio Grande. Part 2 - Salt loads and human impacts in south New Mexico and west Texas. Chem Geol. 411, 336-350. Szynkiewicz A., Borrok, D.M., Skrzypek G., Rearick M., 2015. Isotopic studies of the Upper and Middle Rio Grande. Part 1 - Importance of sulfide weathering in the riverine sulfate budget. Chem Geol. 411, 323-335. Rouillard A., Skrzypek G, Dogramaci S, Turney C, Grierson PF, 2015. Impacts of high inter-annual variability of rainfall on a century of extreme hydrological regime of northwest Australia. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19: 2057-2078. Skrzypek G., Mydłowski A., Dogramaci S., Hedley P., Gibson J.J., Grierson P.F., 2015, Estimation of evaporative loss based on the stable isotope composition of water using Hydrocalculator. Journal of Hydrology 523, 781–789. Dogramaci S., Firmani G., Hedley P., Skrzypek G., Grierson P.F., 2015. Evaluating recharge to an ephemeral dryland stream using a hydraulic model and water, chloride and isotope mass balance. Journal of Hydrology 521: 520-532. Dogramaci S., Skrzypek G., 2015. Unravelling sources of solutes in groundwater of an ancient landscape in NW Australia using stable Sr, H and O isotopes. Chem. Geol. 393–394: 67–78. Engel Z., Skrzypek G., 2015. Reply to the comment by A. Sáez et al. on Climate in the Western Cordillera of the Central Andes over the last 4300 years. Quaternary Science Review 109: 128-130. Pagès A., Grice K., Ertefai T., Jahnert R., Skrzypek G., Greenwood P., 2014, Organic geochemical studies of modern microbial mats from Shark Bay – Part I. Influence of depth and salinity on lipid biomarkers and their isotopic signatures. Geobiology 12: 469-487. Fellman J.B., Spencer R.G.M., Raymond P.A., Pettit N.E., Skrzypek G., Hernes P., Grierson P.F., 2014, Dissolved organic matter biolability decreases along with its modernization in fluvial networks in an ancient landscape. Ecology 95: 2622–2632. Engel Z., Skrzypek G., Chumana T., Šefrna L., Mihaljevič M., 2014, Climate in the Western Cordillera of the Central Andes over the last 4300 years. Quaternary Science Reviews 99: 60-77. Skrzypek G., Ford D., 2014, Stable isotope analyses of saline water samples on a cavity ring-down spectroscopy instrument. Environmental Science & Technology 48: 2827-2834. Smith S, Mauldin R, Munoz CM, Hard R, Paul D, Skrzypek G, Villanueva P, Kemp L, 2014. Exploring the use of stable carbon isotope ratios in short-lived leporids for local paleoecological reconstruction. Open Journal of Archaeometry 2: 5306: 81-87. Wojtuń B., Samecka-Cymerman A., Kolon K., Kempers A.J.; Skrzypek G., 2013 Metals in some dominating selected plants, lichens, algae and biological soil crust in various types of terrestrial tundra, in south-western part of SW Spitsbergen. Polar Biology 36: 1799-1809. Skrzypek G., Dogramaci S., Grierson P.F., 2013, Geochemical and hydrological processes controlling groundwater salinity of a large inland wetland of northwest Australia. Chemical Geology 357: 164–177. Wiśniewski A., Adamiec G., Badura J., Bluszcz A., Kowalska A., Kufel B., Mikołajczyk A., Murczkiewicz M., Musil R., Przybylski B., Skrzypek G., Stefaniak K., Zych J., 2013, The question of hiatus and occupation dynamic north to the Carpathians and Sudetes during the Weichselian (MIS5d-3): the Lower Silesia (SW Poland) case study. Quaternary International 294: 20-40. Skrzypek G., Paul D., Wojtuń B., 2013, The altitudinal climatic effect on the stable isotope compositions of Agave and Opuntia in arid environments - a case study at the Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA. Journal of Arid Environment 92: 102-112. Skrzypek G., 2013, Normalization procedures and reference material selection in stable HCNOS isotope analyses – an overview. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 405: 2815-2823.
