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路晓艳,教授、博士生导师,河南平顶山人。 从事功能材料的基础力学、物理、材料科学及相关功能器件与应用的交叉研究,并致力于先进功能材料结合人工智能算法在智能结构监测与检测中的应用。在国际物理、力学等重要期刊上发表SCI论文40余篇,包括第一和通讯作者Nature Communications、Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids、Advanced Functional Materials、Physical Review B等及ACS Nano、Carbon等合作期刊文章。主持国家重点研发计划子课题2项、国家自然科学基金基金4项及哈工大青年拔尖人才计划等项目,担任国际陶瓷大会(ICC8)、第六届国际先进陶瓷大会(ICAE2021)、能源材料纳米科技国际会议(EMN2019)等分会主席及召集人,多次受邀做国内外会议邀请报告;黑龙江省“头雁”团队成员;曾在加州大学伯克利分校材料学院、宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料研究所进行访问研究。 工作经历 2009年6月留校工作至今,在土木学院李惠教授团队从事功能材料与器件设计及应用研究。2011年2月至2012年8月在美国宾西法尼亚州立大学材料研究所曹文武教授课题组访问研究,2015.07-2016.06在美国工程院院士、加州大学伯克利分校材料学院R. Ramesh&L. Martin课题组访问研究 教育经历 2000.09-2004.06就读哈工大土木工程双学位班,毕业被保送至航天学院复合材料所直博,师从国家杰青、长江学者王彪教授,2009.01博士毕业。2005-2008年在中山大学理工学院交流学习 科研项目 2021-2024 黑龙江省头雁计划,1000万,核心成员 2018-2021 国家重点研发计划,2780万,子课题负责人 2019-2022 国家自然科学基金面上项目,63万, 负责人 2020-2023 黑龙江省自然科学基金联合引导项目,10万,负责人 2020-2023 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万,第一参与人 2014-2017 国家自然科学基金面上项目,76万,负责人 2011-2013 国家自然科学基金青年项,22万, 负责人 2014-2016 哈尔滨工业大学拔尖人才计划,20万, 负责人 2011-2012 中国博士后特别资助,10万, 负责人 2009-2011 中国博士后基金面上一等资助项目,5万,负责人 2011-2013 哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金,5万,负责人


人工智能算法与数据挖掘在固体微结构分析中的应用 土木智能结构与健康监测系统 超声换能器与结构无损检测 压电及功能复合结构多功能传感器设计与应用 铁电/压电功能材料理论、表征与器件设计


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J. Fan X. Lu*, W. Cao*. Phase transitions and piezoelectricity enhancement around MC-O phase transition in PMN-0.34PT single crystal. J. Alloy & Comp. 835:155171 (2020). X. Lu*, Z. Chen, Y. Cao, Y. Tang, R. Xu, S. Saremi, Z. Zhang, L. You, Y. Dong, S. Das, H. Zhang, L. Zheng, H. Wu, W. Lv, G. Xie, X. Liu, J. Li, L. Chen, L.-Q. Chen, W. Cao, L. W. Martin, Mechanical-force-induced non-local collective ferroelastic switching in epitaxial lead-titanate thin films, Nature Comm. 10:3951 (2019). X. Lu*, H. Wu, H. Zhang, L. Zheng, J. Fan, W. Cao and H. Li*. Temperature-Dependent Phase Transition in 001 (C)-Oriented 0.72Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.28PbTiO3 Single Crystals. Ceram. Int. 45:13999-14005 (2019). H. Zhang, X. Lu*, C. Wang, L. M. Zheng, B. Yang, and W. W. Cao*, Landau expansion parameters and the O-T phase transition of a 0.64Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.36PbTiO3 single crystal. Phys. Rev. B. 97: 054114 (2018). L. Zheng, Y. Jing, X. Lu*, S. Li, L. Yang, W. Lu* and W. Cao. Temperature Dependent Piezoelectric Anisotropy in Tetragonal 0.63Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.37PbTiO3 Single Crystal. Appl. Phys. Lett. 113: 102903 (2018). H. Zhang, X. Lu*, R. X. Wang, C. Y. Wang, L. M. Zheng, Z. Liu, C. Yang, R. Zhang, B. Yang, and W. W. Cao, Phase coexistence and Landau expansion parameters for a 0.70Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.30PbTiO3 single crystal. Phys. Rev. B. 96: 054109 (2017). X. Lu*, H. Zhang, L. M. Zheng, and W. W. Cao. Effect of shear stress in ferroelectric solid solutions with coexisting phases. J. Appl. Phys. 122: 054102 (2017). X. Lu*, H. Zhang, L. Zheng and W. Cao. Phase Coexistence in Ferroelectric Solid Solutions: Formation of Monoclinic Phase with Enhanced Piezoelectricity. AIP Adv. 6: 105208 (2016). X. Lu, L. Zheng, H. Li and W. Cao. Theoretical Study on Phase Coexistence in Ferroelectric Solid Solutions near the Tricritical Point. J. Appl. Phys. 2015, 117:134101. L. Yang, H. Fang, L. Zheng, J. Du, L. Wang, X. Lu, W. Lu, R. Zhang and W. Cao. Evaluation of Reversible and Irreversible Domain Wall Motions in Relaxor Ferroelectrics: Influence of Acceptor Ions. Appl. Phys. Lett., 114, 201:232901 L. Zheng, L. Yang, Y. Li, X. Lu, D. Huo, W. Lu, R. Zhang, B. Yang and W. Cao. Origin of Improvement in Mechanical Quality Factor in Acceptor-Doped Relaxor-Based Ferroelectric Single Crystals. Phys. Rev. Appl. 9: 064028 (2018). R. Xu, R. Gao, S. Reyes-Lillo, S. Saremi, Y. Dong, H. Lu, Z. Chen, X. Lu, Y. Qi, S. Hsu, A. Damodaran, H. Zhou, J. B. Neaton and L. W. Martin. Reducing Coercive-Field Scaling in Ferroelectric Thin Films Via Orientation Control. ACS Nano. 12:4736-4743 (2018) D. Huo, Q. Wang, W. Lue, L. Zheng, X. Lu, J. Liu, Y. Jing, L. Yang and R. Zhang. Characterization of Full Tensor Properties of Single-Domain Tetragonal 0.63Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.37PbTiO3 Single Crystal Using Only One Sample. Ceram. Int. 44:8358-8362 (2018). L. Yang, L. Zheng, Y. Jing, S. Li, X. Lu, W. Lu and R. Zhang. Temperature Dependence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Dielectric Contributions in 0.27Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-0.46 Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.27 PbTiO3 Single Crystals. Phys. Status. Solidi. B. 254: 1700029 (2017). Y. Jing, X. Lu, L. Zheng, L. Yang, R. Zhang and Y. Li. Full Tensor Properties of [111]C Poled (Na, K)(Nb,Ta)O3 Lead-Free Single Crystal. Mater. Lett. 186:267-270 (2017). L. Zheng, Y. Jing, X. Lu, R. Wang, G. Liu, W. Lu, R. Zhang and W. Cao. Temperature and Electric-Field Induced Phase Transitions, and Full Tensor Properties of [011]C -Poled Domain-Engineered Tetragonal 0.63Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 -0.37PbTiO3 Single Crystals. Phys. Rev. B. 93: 094104 (2016). L. Zheng, X. Lu, H. Shang, Z. Xi, R. Wang, J. Wang, P. Zheng and W. Cao. Hysteretic Phase Transition Sequence in 0.67pb(Mg1/3nb2/3)O-3-0.33pbtio(3) Single Crystal Driven by Electric Field and Temperature. Phys. Rev. B. 2015, 91: J. Wang, L. Zheng, B. Yang, Z. Luo, X. Lu, G. Liu, R. Zhang, T. Lv and W. Cao. Domain Evolution with Electric Field and Delineation of Extrinsic Contributions in (K, Na, Li)(Nb, Ta, Sb)O-3 Single Crystal. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2015, 107: H. Zhang, X. Lu*, R. X. Wang, C. Y. Wang, L. M. Zheng, Z. Liu, C. Yang, R. Zhang, B. Yang, and W. W. Cao, Phase coexistence and Landau expansion parameters for a 0.70Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.30PbTiO3 single crystal. Phys. Rev. B. 96: 054109 (2017). X. Lu*, H. Zhang, L. M. Zheng, and W. W. Cao. Effect of shear stress in ferroelectric solid solutions with coexisting phases. J. Appl. Phys. 122: 054102 (2017). X. Lu*, H. Zhang, L. Zheng and W. Cao. Phase Coexistence in Ferroelectric Solid Solutions: Formation of Monoclinic Phase with Enhanced Piezoelectricity. AIP Adv. 6: 105208 (2016). X. Lu, L. Zheng, H. Li and W. Cao. Theoretical Study on Phase Coexistence in Ferroelectric Solid Solutions near the Tricritical Point. J. Appl. Phys. 2015, 117:134101. L. Yang, L. Zheng, Y. Jing, S. Li, X. Lu, W. Lu and R. Zhang. Temperature Dependence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Dielectric Contributions in 0.27Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-0.46 Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.27 PbTiO3 Single Crystals. Phys. Status. Solidi. B. 254: 1700029 (2017). Y. Jing, X. Lu, L. Zheng, L. Yang, R. Zhang and Y. Li. Full Tensor Properties of [111]C Poled (Na, K)(Nb,Ta)O3 Lead-Free Single Crystal. Mater. Lett. 186:267-270 (2017). L. Zheng, Y. Jing, X. Lu, R. Wang, G. Liu, W. Lu, R. Zhang and W. Cao. Temperature and Electric-Field Induced Phase Transitions, and Full Tensor Properties of [011]C -Poled Domain-Engineered Tetragonal 0.63Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 -0.37PbTiO3 Single Crystals. Phys. Rev. B. 93: 094104 (2016). L. Zheng, X. Lu, H. Shang, Z. Xi, R. Wang, J. Wang, P. Zheng and W. Cao. Hysteretic Phase Transition Sequence in 0.67pb(Mg1/3nb2/3)O-3-0.33pbtio(3) Single Crystal Driven by Electric Field and Temperature. Phys. Rev. B. 91: 094203 (2015) J. Wang, L. Zheng, B. Yang, Z. Luo, X. Lu, G. Liu, R. Zhang, T. Lv and W. Cao. Domain Evolution with Electric Field and Delineation of Extrinsic Contributions in (K, Na, Li)(Nb, Ta, Sb)O-3 Single Crystal. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2015, 107: 233401 (2015) J. Zhong, J. Meng, X. Gui, T. Hu, N. Xie, X. Lu, Z. Yang and N. Koratkar. Nanocarbon Aerogel Complexes Inspired by the Leaf Structure. Carbon. 77:637-644 (2014) X. Lu, B. Wang, Y. Zheng and E. Ryba. Coupling Interaction in 1-3-Type Multiferroic Composite Thin Films. Applied Physics Letters. 2007, 90: 133124 X. Lu, B. Wang, Y. Zheng and E. Ryba. Critical Phase Transition Temperatures of 1-3 Type Multiferroic Composite Thin Films. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics. 2007, 40:1614-1619 Y. Liu, X. Lu and B. Wang. Fracture Toughness of Multiferroic Composite Materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2008, 75:4973-4977 X. Lu, B. Wang, Y. Zheng and C. Li. Adjustable Ferroelectric Properties in Paraelectric/Ferroelectric/Paraelectric Trilayers. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics. 2008, 41:035303 X. Lu, B. Wang, Y. Zheng, Y. Liu and C. Li. Magnetic Control of Dielectric Properties of Ba(0.6)Sr(0.4)TiO(3) in a Trilayer System. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics. 2008, 41:095004 X. Lu, B. Wang, Y. Zheng and Y. Z. Ju. Bending Response of Terfenol-D/Batio3 Bilayer to External Magnetic and Electric Fields. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics. 2009, 42:075302 X. Lu, B. Wang, Y. Zheng and E. Ryba. Phenomenological Theory of 1-3 Type Multiferroic Composite Thin Film: Thickness Effect. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics. 2009, 42:075302 X. Lu and H. Li. Magnetic Properties of Terfenol-D Film on a Compliant Substrate. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2010, 322:2113-2116 X. Lu and H. Li. Size Effect on Magnetoelectric Coupling in Multiferroic Heterostructures. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011, 109:074112 X. Lu, H. Li and B. Wang. Theoretical Analysis of Electric, Magnetic and Magnetoelectric Properties of Nano-Structured Multiferroic Composites. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2011, 59:1966-1977 X. Lu, W. Cao, W. Jiang and H. Li. Converse-Piezoelectric Effect on Current-Voltage Characteristics of Symmetric Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012, 111:014103 X. Lu, W. Cao and H. Li. Space Charge Effect in Ultrathin Ferroelectric Films. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012, 111:084103 X. Lu, H. Li and W. Cao. Theoretical Study on Piezoresponse of Ultrathin Ferroelectric Films. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012, 112:074115 X. Lu, H. Li and W. Cao. Current-Voltage Characteristics and on/Off Ratio in Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions. Journal of Applied Physics. 2012, 112:054102 X. Lu, H. Li and W. Cao. Landau Expansion Parameters for BaTiO3. Journal of Applied Physics. 2013, 114:224106 X. Lu, L. Zheng, H. Li and W. Cao. Theoretical Study on Phase Coexistence in Ferroelectric Solid Solutions near the Tricritical Point. Journal of Applied Physics. 2015, 117:134101 X. Lu, H. Zhang, L. Zheng and W. Cao. Phase Coexistence in Ferroelectric Solid Solutions: Formation of Monoclinic Phase with Enhanced Piezoelectricity. AIP Advances. 2016, 6:105208
