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教育经历 1989年-1993年,就读于哈尔滨工业大学 工业与民用建筑 获工学学士学位 1993年-1995年,就读于哈尔滨工业大学 计算力学 获工学硕士学位 1998年-2001年,就读于哈尔滨工业大学 结构工程 获工学博士学位 工作经历 1995.07-1997.07 哈尔滨工业大学 建筑工程系 助教 1997.07-2003.07 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程学院 讲师 2001.06-2003.06 国际地震局工程力学研究所 博士后 2003.07-2012.12 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程学院 副教授 2008.01-2009.01 The University of Newcastle, Australia, 访问学者 2012.12-至今 哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程学院 教授 荣誉称号 2020年 获黑龙江省科学技术奖一等奖,名称:大跨空间结构康爆炸与抗冲击研究和应用(排名第4) 2019年 获黑龙江省城乡建设科学技术特等奖,项目名称:大跨空间结构抗爆与抗冲击研究和应用(排名第3) 2018年 获哈尔滨工业大学“三八”红旗手 2015年 获黑龙江省科学技术进步二等奖,项目名称:百米级配筋砌块砌体结构高层建筑研究与应用(排名第6) 2012年 获全国砌体结构领域突出贡献专家,中国工程建设标准化协会 砌体结构专业委员会 2010年获黑龙江省科学技术进步三等奖,项目名称:预置混凝土剪力墙在住宅产业化中应用的系统研究(排名第5) 2009年 获黑龙江省科学技术进步一等奖,项目名称:节能省地环保型承重墙体系研究与应用(排名第6) 2009年 获第六届中国建筑学会优秀建筑结构设计二等奖,项目名称:大庆奥林国际公寓A、D区工程(排名第3) 2008年 获黑龙江省城乡建设科学技术二等奖,项目名称:《轻骨料混凝土小型空心砌块交替对孔砌筑承重节能复合墙体建筑技术规程》(排名第3) 2007年 获首届全国高等学校土木工程专业多媒体教学课件竞赛二等奖,课程名称:砌体结构(唯一)


结构的抗爆/抗冲击性能及其防御设计 铝合金结构及其基本构件的力学性能 新型配筋砌块砌体结构、既有建筑物的加固与改造


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Ximei Zhai, Jiayu Yan, Can Cao. Seismic performance and flexible connection optimization of prefabricated integrated short-leg shear wall filled with ceramsite concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, Volume 311, 13 December, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.125224 Yuanzheng Zhao, Ximei Zhai. Bending strength and design methods of the 6082-T6 aluminum alloy beams with circular hollow sections. Structures, 2020, Volume 26, August 2020, Pages 870-887. Wang Yonghui, Zhai Ximei. Numerical Study and Multi-objective Optimization of an Energy Absorbing Connector with Curved Plate and Aluminum Foam. International Journal of Steel Structures, v 20, n 1, p 287-299, February 1, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s13296-019-00288-2 Yuanzheng Zhao, Ximei Zhai, Jianhao Wang. Buckling behaviors and ultimate strengths of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy columns under eccentric compression – Part I: Experiments and finite element modeling. Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 143, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2019.106207. Yuanzheng Zhao, Ximei Zhai, Jianhao Wang. Buckling behaviors and ultimate strength of 6082-T6 aluminum alloy columns with square and circular hollow sections under eccentric compression – Part II: Parametric study, design provisions and reliability analysis. Thin-Walled Structures,2019, 143, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2019.106208. Zhai Ximei, Zhang Xiansong, Cao Can, Hu Wenbo. Study on seismic performance of precast fabricated RC shear wall with opening filling. Construction & Building Materials, 2019, 214: 539-556. Zhai Ximei, Zhao Xinyu, Wang Yonghui. Numerical modeling and dynamic response of 160000m3 liquefied natural gas outer tank under aircraft impact, ASCE Journal of performance of constructed facilities, 2019, 33(4), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001307. Chen YAN, Ximei ZHAI, Yonghui WANG. Numerical study on the dynamic response of a massive liquefied natural gas outer tank under impact loading, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2019, 20(11): 823-837. Ximei Zhai, Yonghui Wang, Zhenyu Sun. Damage model and damage assessment for single layer reticulated domes under exterior blast load, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines. 2019, 47(3): 319-338. Yonghui Wang, Ximei Zhai. Dynamic Crushing Behaviors of Aluminum Foam Filled Energy Absorption Connectors, International Journal of Steel Structures, 2019, 19(1):241–254. Yonghui Wang, Ximei Zhai. Numerical Study and Multi-objective Optimization of an Energy Absorbing Connector with Curved Plate and Aluminum Foam, International Journal of Steel Structures, 2020, 20: 287-299. Yonghui Wang, Ximei Zhai. Development of dimensionless P-I diagram for curved SCS sandwich shell subjected to uniformly distributed blast pressure. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, December 2019, 13(6): 1432–1445. Qianqian SU, Ximei ZHAI. Dynamic response of single-layer reticulated shell with explosion-protection wall under blast loading, Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 127: 389-401. Zhao Yuanzheng, Zhai Ximei. Reliability assessment of aluminum alloy columns subjected to axial and eccentric loadings, Structural Safety, 2018, 70: 1-13. Ximei Zhai, Yonghui Wang, Xueming Wang. Thermal performance of precast concrete sandwich walls with a novel hybrid connector, Energy & Building, 2018, 166: 109-121. Yonghui Wang, Ximei Zhai , Wenjian Ying, Wei Wang, Dynamic crushing response of an energy absorption connector with curved plate and aluminum foam as energy absorber, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2018, 121:119-133. Yonghui Wang, Ximei Zhai, Jianchuan Yan, Wenjian Ying, Wei Wang, Experimental, numerical and analytical studies on the aluminum foam filled energy absorption connectors under impact loading, Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, October 131: 566-576. Yonghui Wang, Ximei Zhai, Dynamic Crushing Behaviors of Aluminum Foam Filled Energy Absorption Connectors, International Journal of Steel Structures, 2018 pp 1–14, DOI: 10.1007/s13296-018-0113-z.pdf Zhai Ximei, Wang yonghui, Wang Heng. Stability of reticulated shell with steel panel as the bracing and time-varying structure for LNG tank during concrete dome casting, International Journal of Steel Structures,2017, 17(3):1145-1156. Yonghui Wang, Ximei Zhai, Wei Wang. Numerical studies of aluminum foam filled energy absorption connectors under quasi-static compression loading, Thin-Walled Structures, 2017, 116: 225–233. Yonghui Wang, Ximei Zhai, Siew Chin Lee, Wei Wang. Responses of curved steel-concrete-steel sandwich shells subjected to blast loading, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 108, November 2016, Pages 185–192. ZHAO Yuanzheng, ZHAI Ximei, SUN Lijuan. Test and Design Method for The Buckling Behaviors of 6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy Columns with Box-type and L-type Sections under Eccentric Compression, Thin-Walled Structures, 2016, 100: 62–80. Ximei ZHAI, Yonghui WANG, Heng WANG. Thermal stress analysis of concrete wall of LNG tank during construction period, Materials and Structures, 2016, 49 (6) :1-14. Ximei ZHAI, Wenbo HU. Experimental study of Seismic performance of precast Fabricated Integration shear wall. Applied Mechanics and Material, 2015, Vols. 744-746: 105-112. 国内EI及核心期刊 翟希梅,孟令钊,王建皓. 泡沫铝填充6082-T6铝合金圆管轴压力学性能. 哈尔滨工业大学, 2021, 53(4): 80-88, DOI: 10.11918/202009001 苏倩倩,翟希梅. K8型单层球面网壳爆炸动力响应的简化计算方法研究, 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(5): 213-220. 翟希梅,戚仁平,赵远征. 6082-T6 铝合金构件受弯承载力的计算方法,哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2018,50 (6):192-198. 严辰,翟希梅,王永辉. 冲击荷载作用下大型LNG储罐混凝土外罐的数值模拟, 哈尔滨工程大学学报. 2018, 39(9):1517-1525. 翟希梅, 赵新宇. 液化天然气储罐混凝土的穹顶破坏模式与机理. 爆炸与冲击,2018, 38(5): 966-976. 翟希梅, 王雪明. 预制夹芯墙体中新型复合式连接件受力性能试验研究, 建筑结构, 2018, 48(7):72-77. 翟希梅,苏倩倩. 防爆墙设置对单层球面网壳结构抗爆性能的影响. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2016, 48(12):76-82. 胡文博,翟希梅,姜洪斌. 预制装配式钢筋混凝土一体化剪力墙抗震性能研究及构造方案优化, 建筑结构学报. 2016, 37(8):1-10. 翟希梅,王恒. 160 000 m3大型LNG储罐混凝土外罐施工全过程温度作用分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2016, 48(6):92-97. 翟希梅,王雪明.预制混凝土夹心墙连接件拉拔性能试验. 武汉大学学报,2015, 48(增刊):78-84. 翟希梅,王恒.LNG储罐穹顶带钢板网壳施工阶段全过程稳定分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2015, 47(4):682-687. 翟希梅,高嵩.风荷载作用下LNG储罐混凝土外罐力学性能分析.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2015, 47(6):9-14. 翟希梅,孙丽娟,赵远征.6082-T6铝合金箱型与L型截面压弯构件稳定承载力研究. 建筑结构学报,2015, 36(9): 72-82. 翟希梅,孙丽娟,赵远征.6082-T6铝合金压弯构件稳定承载力中欧规范计算方法对比. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2015, 47(12):1-8. 翟希梅,王雪明.预制混凝土夹心墙连接件拉拔性能试验. 武汉大学学报,2015, 48(增刊):78-84. 翟希梅,王恒.LNG储罐穹顶带钢板网壳施工阶段全过程稳定分析. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2015, 47(4): 682-687. 翟希梅,高嵩.风荷载作用下LNG储罐混凝土外罐力学性能分析.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2015, 47(6):9-14. 翟希梅,孙丽娟,赵远征.6082-T6铝合金箱型与L型截面压弯构件稳定承载力研究. 建筑结构学报,2015, 36(9): 72-82. 翟希梅,孙丽娟,赵远征.6082-T6铝合金压弯构件稳定承载力中欧规范计算方法对比. 哈尔滨工业大学学报,2015, 47(12):1-8. 国际会议 Ximei Zhai, Lingzhao Meng, Xiaoxue Shen, Guangming Cui. Experimental investigation on the stability of aluminum foam-f lled 6082-T6 aluminum alloy circular tube under axial compression. The 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures and the Annual Symposium of the IASS, 2021, August, 23-27. Lingzhao Meng, Ximei Zhai, Zhaohui Zhou. Dynamic response research of aluminum foam-filled 6082-T6 aluminum circular tube under lateral impact. The 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures and the Annual Symposium of the IASS, 2021, August, 23-27. ZHAI Ximei, WANG Jianhao. Study on buckling performance of high-strength aluminum alloy columns with H-type section under compression. Energy, Materials and Nanotechnology (EMN) Meeting. May, 13-17, 2019, Rome, Italy. Ximei Zhai, Lingzhao Meng, Yonghui Wang and Chen Yan. Numerical And Analytical Study of Curved Steel-Concrete-Steel Sandwich Shells under Concentrated Load,13th international Conference on shock & Impact loads on Structures, 14-15 December 2019, Guangzhou, China. Ximei ZHAI, Qianqian SU. Analysis model for calculating the dynamic response of K8 single layer reticulated shell under blast loading, Proceedings of the IASS (International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures) Symposium, July 16-20, 2018, MIT, Boston, USA. Ximei ZHAI, Yuanzheneg ZHAO. Investigation on the 6082-T6 aluminum alloy columns under eccentric compression, Proceedings of the IASS (International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures) Symposium, July 16-20, 2018, MIT, Boston, USA. Ximei ZHAI, Yonghui WANG, Zhenyu SUN. Damage type and damage index for K8 single-layer reticulated domes under exterior blast loading, 5th International Conference on Protective Structures Poznan, Poland, August 20-24, 2018. Chen Yan, Ximei Zhai, Yonghui Wang. Experimental research on performance of steel-concrete-steel sandwich composite shells under patch loading by a hemi-spherical head, 5th International Conference on Protective Structures Poznan, Poland, August 20-24, 2018. Yonghui Wang, Ximei Zhai. Development of dimensionless P-I diagram for curved steel-concrete-steel sandwich shell, 5th International Conference on Protective Structures Poznan, Poland, August 20-24, 2018. Ximei Zhai, Chen Yan, Yonghui Wang. Numerical simulation on dynamic response of the 160000m3 LNG tank's external concrete wall under impact loading, 12th International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures 14-16 June, 2017, Singapore. Zhai Ximei, Zhao Xinyu. Damage modes and failure mechanism of the 160000m3 LNG outer concrete tank under impact loading. The ninth international structural engineering and construction conference, Valencia, Spain, 2017 Jul 24-Jul 29. Zhai Ximei, Ying Wenjian, Wang Xueming. Experimental study on shear performance of composite connector for precast concrete sandwich panel. The ninth international structural engineering and construction conference, Valencia, Spain, 2017 Jul 24-Jul 29. ZHAI Ximei, SU Qianqian. Effect of explosion-protection wall on antiknock performance of single-layer reticulated shell, 4th International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS4). Beijing, China, 18-21 October 2016. Ximei ZHAI, Wenbo HU. Comparison of seismic performance of RC precast fabricated shear wall with different infilled opening, the 2015 world congress on advances structural engineering and mechanics, Incheon, South Korea, August 25-29, 2015 ZHAI Ximei, SUN Zhenyu. Numerical simulation of a single layer reticulated dome in response to exterior blast loading. 3rd International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS3), Newcastle, Australia, 3-6 February 2015.


中国建筑金属结构协会铝结构分会 常务理事 中国工程建设标准化协会砌体结构委员会 委员 International Masonry Society (IMS) Member International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Member
