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I am primarily interested in understanding human impacts on ecosystems and how we might ameliorate or reverse those impacts. I have a particular interest in understanding the role that restoration might play in reducing human impacts on faunal communities and developing techniques to increase and accelerate faunal return to restored sites. I am also, more broadly, interested in investigating methods of integrating conservation with resource extraction. My current project examines ways of integrating the conservation of black-cockatoos with mining logging and water catchment in the northern jarrah forest. This project focuses on how the provision of water can ameliorate some of the negative effects of resource extraction.


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Triska, M.D., Craig, M.D., Stokes, V.L., Pech, R.P. & Hobbs, R.J. in press. The relative influence of in situ and neighborhood factors on reptile recolonization in post-mining restoration sites. Restoration Ecology Doherty, T.S., Wingfield, B.N., Stokes, V.L., Craig, M.D., Lee, J.G.H., Finn, H.C. & Calver, M.C. 2016. Successional changes in feeding activity by threatened cockatoos in revegetated mine sites. Wildlife Research 43: 93-104. Moore, T.L., Ruthrof, K.X., Craig, M.D., Valentine, L.E., Hardy, G.E.St.J. & Fleming, P.A. 2016. Living (and reproducing) on the edge: reproductive phenology is impacted by rainfall and canopy decline in a Mediterranean eucalypt. Australian Journal of Botany 64: 129-141. Burgar, J.M., Craig, M.D. & Stokes, V.L. 2015. The importance of mature forest as bat roosting habitat within a production landscape. Forest Ecology and Management 356: 112-123. Craig, M.D., Stokes, V.L., Fontaine, J.B., Hardy, G.E.StJ, Grigg, A.H. & Hobbs, R.J. 2015. Do state-and-transition models derived from vegetation succession also represent avian succession in restored mine-pits? Ecological Applications 25: 1790-1806. Perring, M.P., Standish, R.J., Price, J.N., Craig, M.D., Erickson, T.E., Ruthrof, K.X., Whiteley, A.S., Valentine, L.E. & Hobbs, R.J. 2015. Advances in restoration ecology: Rising to the challenges of the coming decades. Ecosphere 6:art131. Craig, M.D., Stokes, V.L., Hardy, G.E.StJ. & Hobbs, R.J. 2015. Edge effects across boundaries between natural and restored jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forests in south-western Australia. Austral Ecology 40:186-197. Mijangos, J.L., Pacioni, C., Spencer, P.B.S. & Craig, M.D. 2015. Contribution of genetics to ecological restoration. Molecular Ecology 24: 22-37. McGregor, R.A., Stokes, V.L. & Craig, M.D. 2014. Does forest restoration in fragmented landscapes provide habitat for a wide-ranging carnivore? Animal Conservation 17: 467-475. Moore, T.L., Craig, M.D., Valentine, L.E., Hardy, G.E.StJ. & Fleming, P.A. 2014. Signs of wildlife activity and Eucalyptus wandoo condition. Australian Mammalogy 36: 146-153. Burgar, J.M., Murray, D.C., Craig, M.D., Haile, J.S., Houston, J., Stokes, V.L. & Bunce, M.A. 2014. Who’s for dinner? High-throughput sequencing reveals bat dietary differentiation in a biodiversity hotspot where prey taxonomy is largely undescribed. Molecular Ecology 23: 3605-3617. Moore, T.L., Valentine, L.E., Craig, M.D., Hardy, G.E.StJ. & Fleming, P.A 2014. Does woodland condition influence the diversity and abundance of small mammal communities? Australian Mammalogy 36: 35-44. Davis, R.A, Valentine, L.E., Craig, M.D., Wilson, B.A., Bancroft, W.J. & Mallie, M. 2014. Impact of Phytophthora-dieback on birds in Banksia woodlands in south west Western Australia. Biological Conservation 171: 136-144. Craig, M.D., Grigg, A.H., Hobbs, R.J. & Hardy, G.E. 2014. Does coarse woody debris density and volume influence the terrestrial vertebrate community in restored bauxite mines? Forest Ecology and Management 318: 142-150.
