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I am the lead author in 60% of my peer-reviewed publications. I have led several research projects and delivered timely results according to set milestones. As a principal investigator I have attracted grants from different agencies for a total of $0.7M and participated as a collaborator in GRDC-funded grants for a total of $1.5M. I am currently the Activity Leader of an ACIAR (Australia Centre for International Agronomic Research) small R&D grant to study weedy rice issues and management in Asia which has the potential to develop into a full research proposal for a 5-year grant.


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1)Busi R, and Powles SB. Transgenic glyphosate-resistant canola (Brassica napus) can persist outside agricultural fields Agric Ecos & Envi. 2)Busi R and Powles SB. Cross-resistance to pyroxasulfone and prosulfocarb selected by either herbicide in Lolium rigidum. Pest Mgt Sci. 3)Busi, R, Girotto, M, Powles, SB. 2015. Response to low-dose herbicide selection in self-pollinated Avena fatua Pest Management Science Article in Press 2015/5/1. 4)Goh, SS, Vila-Aiub, MM, Busi, R, Powles, SB. 2015. Glyphosate resistance in Echinochloa colona: Phenotypic characterisation and quantification of selection intensity. Pest Management Science Article in Press 2015/4/1. 5)Ward, SM, Cousens, RD, Bagavathiannan M, Barney JN, Beckie HJ, Busi R, Davis AS, Dukes JS, Forcella F, Freckleton RF, Gallandt ER, Hall LM, Jasieniuk M, Lawton-Rauh A, Lehnhoff EA, Liebman M, Maxwell BD, Mesgaran M, Murray JV, Neve P, Nunez MA, Pauchard A, Queenborough SA, Webber BL. 2014. Agricultural weed research: a critique and two proposals. Weed Science, 2014 Weed Science 62 (4), pp. 672-678 6)Gaines, T, Lorentz, L; Figge, A; Herrmann, J; Maiwald, F; Ott, M; Han, H; Busi, R; Yu, Q; Powles, S; Beffa, R. 2014. RNA-Seq transcriptome analysis to identify genes involved in metabolism-based diclofop resistance in Lolium rigidum. The Plant Journal, 78 (5), 865-876. 7)Renton M, Busi, R; Neve, P; Thornby, D; & Vila-Aiub, M. 2014 Herbicide resistance modelling: past, present and future. Pest Management Science, 70: 1394-1404. 8)Neve, Vila-Aiub, Busi R & Renton. 2014. Expanding the eco-evolutionary context in herbicide resistance evolution and management. Pest Management Science, 70: 1385-1393. 9)Busi R, Resistance to herbicides inhibiting the biosynthesis of Very Long Chain Fatty Acids. 2014. Pest Management Science, 70:1378-84. 10)Busi R, Gaines T, Vila-Aiub MM & Powles SB. 2014. Inheritance of evolved resistance to a novel herbicide for L. rigidum control. Plant Science, 217, 127-134. 11)Vila-Aiub M M., Goh S.S., Gaines T.A., Han H., Busi R, Yu Q, and Powles S.B. No fitness cost of glyphosate resistance endowed by massive EPSPS gene amplification in Amaranthus palmeri. Planta, 239(4):793-801. 12)Busi, R. Vila-Aiub M.M., et al. & Powles SB. 2013. Herbicide-resistant weeds: from research and knowledge to future needs. Evolutionary Applications: 6(8):1218-1221. 13)Busi, R. and Powles SB. 2013. Cross-resistance to prosulfocarb and triallate in pyroxasulfone-resistant Lolium rigidum. Pest Management Science: 69(12):1379-1384. 14)Busi, R, P. Neve, and Powles SB. 2013. Evolved polygenic herbicide resistance in Lolium rigidum by low-dose herbicide selection within standing genetic variation. Evolutionary Applications: 6 (2) 231-242. 15)Busi, R, T. A. Gaines, M.J. Walsh, and Powles S. B. 2012. Understanding the potential for resistance evolution to the new herbicide pyroxasulfone: field selection at high doses versus recurrent selection at low doses. Weed Research 52, 489-499. 16)Manalil S., Renton M., Diggle A., Busi R and Powles SB. 2012. Simulation modelling identifies polygenic basis of herbicide resistance in a weed population and predicts rapid evolution of herbicide resistance at low herbicide rates. Crop Protection, 40, 114-120. 17)Manalil S., Busi R., Renton M. and S. B. Powles 2012. A Herbicide Susceptible Rigid Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) Population Made Even More Herbicide Susceptible Weed Science, 60 (1) 101-105. 18)Busi R, Michel S., Powles S. B., Delye C. 2011. Gene flow increases the initial frequency of herbicide resistance alleles in unselected Lolium rigidum populations. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 142 (3-4) 403-409. 19)Busi R, and Powles SB 2011. Reduced sensitivity to paraquat evolves under low dose glyphosate selection in Lolium rigidum. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 31 (3),525-531. 20)Busi R, Vila-Aiub MM, Powles SB 2011. Genetic control of cytochrome P450-based enhanced herbicide metabolism in a Lolium rigidum population. Heredity 106, 817-824.
