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Molecular Biology applied to Aquatic Biosecurity, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Wildlife Conservation


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Dias PJ, Simpson T, Hitchen Y, Lukehurst S, Snow M and Kennington WJ (in press) Isolation and characterization of 17 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the widespread ascidian Didemnum perlucidum (Tunicata, Ascidiacea). Management of Biological Invasions Short Communication Dias P. J., Wakefield C. B., Fairclough D. V., Jackson G., Travers M. J., Snow M. (in press) Real-time PCR validation of visually identified snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Sparidae) eggs. Journal of Fish Biology Bertram A, Dias PJ, Lukehurst S, Kennington WJ, Fairclough D, Norriss J and Jackson G (2015) Isolation and characterisation of 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci for bight redfish, Centroberyx gerrardi (Actinopterygii : Berycidae), and cross-amplification in two other Centroberyx species. Australian Journal of Zoology Short communication http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/ZO15026 Dias PJ, Munoz J, Huisman J, McDonald JI (2015) Biosecurity monitoring of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) species in Western Australian waters: first confirmed record of Alexandrium catenella (Dinophyceae). BioInvasions Records (2015) Volume 4, Issue x: xxx–xxx http://www.reabic.net/journals/bir/2015/Accepted/BIR_2015_Dias_etal_correctedproof.pdf Guildea C, Hitchen Y, Duffy R, Dias PJ, Ledger JM, Snow M, Kennington WJ (2015) Introgression Threatens the Survival of the Critically Endangered Freshwater Crayfish Cherax tenuimanus (Decapoda: Parastacidae) in the Wild. PLOs One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0121075 Duffy R, Ledger J, Dias J, Snow M (2014) The critically endangered hairy marron, Cherax tenuimanus Smith, 1912: A review of current knowledge and actions required to prevent extinction of a species. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 97: 297–306 Kennington W. J., Guildea C., Lukehurst S. S., Hitchen Y., Gardner M. G., Duffy R., Dias P. J., LedgerJ. M., Snow M. (2014). Isolation and characterization of 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the smooth Cherax cainii and hairy marron C. tenuimanus (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Conservation of Genetic Resources 6 (2), 337-339. Dias P. J., Fotedar S., Snow M. (2013). Characterisation of mussel (Mytilus sp.) populations in Western Australia and evaluation of potential genetic impacts of mussel spat translocation from interstate. Marine and Freshwater Research 64, 1-11. Dias P.J., Fotedar S., Gardner J. P. A., Snow M. (2013). Development of sensitive and specific molecular tools for the efficient detection and discrimination of potential invasive mussel species of the genus Perna. Management of Biological Invasions 4 (2), 155-165. Kennington W. J., Guildea C., Lukehurst S. S., Hitchen Y., Gardner M. G., Duffy R., Dias P. J., Ledger J. M., Snow M. (2014). Isolation and characterization of 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the smooth Cherax cainii and hairy marron C. tenuimanus (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Conservation of Genetic Resources 6 (2), 337-339. Dias P. J., Fotedar S., Snow M. (2013). Characterisation of mussel (Mytilus sp.) populations in Western Australia and evaluation of potential genetic impacts of mussel spat translocation from interstate. Marine and Freshwater Research 64, 1-11. Dias P.J., Fotedar S., Gardner J. P. A., Snow M. (2013). Development of sensitive and specific molecular tools for the efficient detection and discrimination of potential invasive mussel species of the genus Perna. Management of Biological Invasions 4 (2), 155-165. Dias P.J., Piertney S., Davies I.M., Snow M. (2011). Survey and management of mussels Mytilus species in Scotland. Hydrobiologia 670 (1), 127-140. Dias, P.J., Malgrange, B., Snow, M., Davies, I.M. (2011). Performance of mussels Mytilus edulis, M. trossulus and their hybrids in cultivation at three Scottish lochs. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 42 (1), 111-121 Dias, P.J., Batista, F.M., Shanks, A.M., Beaumont, A.R., Davies, I.M., Snow, M. (2009). Gametogenic asynchrony of mussels Mytilus in a mixed-species area: implications for management. Aquaculture 295, 175-182 P. Joana Dias, Aurelien Dordor, David Tulett, Stuart Piertney, Ian Davies, Michael Snow (2009). Survey of mussel (Mytilus) species at Scottish shellfish farms. Aquaculture Research, 40, 1715-1722 Dias P. J., Bland M., Shanks A. M., Beaumont A., Piertney S. B., Davies I. M., Snow M. (2009). Mytilus species under rope culture in Scotland: implications for management. Aquaculture International, 17 (5), 437-448 Dias P. J., Sollelis L., Cook E. J., Piertney S. B., Davies I. M., Snow M. (2008). Development of a real-time PCR assay for detection of Mytilus species specific alleles: Application to a sampling survey in Scotland. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 367 (2), 253-258 Dias, P. J., Eiras, J. C., Davies, A.J. (2005) A six-month duration, follow-up study of Haemogregarina bigemina at Foz do Douro, North Portugal, between ten and twenty years on. Bull. of the Eur. Ass. of Fish Pathol., 25(4), 161-165
