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Simoes, B.F., Sampaio, F.L., Loew, E.R., Sanders, K.L., Fisher, R.N., Hart, N.S., Hunt, D.M., Partridge, J.C., Gower, D.J. 2016, 'Multiple rod–cone and cone–rod photoreceptor transmutations in snakes: evidence from visual opsin gene expression', PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 283, 1823, pp. 1-8. Detail Maxwell, D.J., Partridge, J.C., Roberts, N.W., Boonham, N., Foster, G.D. 2016, 'The effects of plant virus infection on polarization reflection from leaves', PLoS ONE, 11, 4, Detail Crowe-Riddell, J.M., Snelling, E.P., Watson, A.P., Suh, A.K., Partridge, J.C., Sanders, K.L. 2016, 'The evolution of scale sensilla in the transition from land to sea in elapid snakes', Open Biology, 6, 6, Detail Daly, I.M., How, M.J., Partridge, J.C., Temple, S.E., Marshall, N.J., Cronin, T.W., Roberts, N.W. 2016, 'Dynamic polarization vision in mantis shrimps', Nature Communications, 7, Detail Porter, M.L., Roberts, N.W., Partridge, J.C. 2016, 'Evolution under pressure and the adaptation of visual pigment compressibility in deep-sea environments', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 105, pp. 160-165. Detail Simões, B.F., Sampaio, F.L., Jared, C., Antoniazzi, M.M., Loew, E.R., Bowmaker, J.K., Rodriguez, A., Hart, N.S., Hunt, D.M., Partridge, J.C., Gower, D.J. 2015, 'Visual system evolution and the nature of the ancestral snake', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28, 7, pp. 1309-1320. Detail Sharkey, C.R., Partridge, J.C., Roberts, N.W. 2015, 'Polarization sensitivity as a visual contrast enhancer in the Emperor dragonfly larva, Anax imperator', JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY, 218, pp. 3399-3405. Detail Foster, J.J., Sharkey, C.R., Gaworska, A.V.A., Roberts, N.W., Whitney, H.M., Partridge, J.C. 2014, 'Bumblebees learn polarization patterns', Current Biology, 24, 12, pp. 1415-1420. Detail Partridge, J.C., Douglas, R.H., Marshall, N.J., Chung, W., Jordan, T.M., Wagner, H.J. 2014, 'Reflecting optics in the diverticular eye of a deep-sea barreleye fish (Rhynchohyalus natalensis)', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281, 1782, pp. 9pp. Detail Claes, J.M., Partridge, J.C., Hart, N.S., Garza-Gisholt, E., Ho, H., Mallefet, J., Collin, S.P. 2014, 'Photon hunting in the twilight zone: Visual features of mesopelagic bioluminescent sharks', PLOS ONE, 9, 8, pp. 13. Detail Jordan, T.M., Partridge, J.C., Roberts, N.W. 2014, 'Disordered animal multilayer reflectors and the localization of light', JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE, 11, 20140948, pp. 13. Detail Jordan, T.M., Partridge, J.C., Roberts, N.W. 2013, 'Suppression of Brewster delocalization anomalies in an alternating isotropic-birefringent random layered medium', PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 88, 4, pp. 041105-1 - 041105-5. Detail Jordan, T.M., Partridge, J.C., Roberts, N.W. 2012, 'Non-polarizing broadband multilayer reflectors in fish', NATURE PHOTONICS, 6, 11, pp. 759-763. Detail Wearmouth, V.J., Southall, E.J., Morritt, D., Thompson, R.C., Cuthill, I.C., Partridge, J.C., Sims, D.W. 2012, 'Year-round sexual harassment as a behavioral mediator of vertebrate population dynamics', ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS, 82, 3, pp. 351-366. Detail Stephenson, J.F., Partridge, J.C., Whitlock, K.E. 2012, 'Food and Conspecific Chemical Cues Modify Visual Behavior of Zebrafish, Danio rerio', ZEBRAFISH, 9, 2, pp. 68-73. Detail Stephenson, J.F., Whitlock, K.E., Partridge, J.C. 2011, 'Zebrafish Preference for Light or Dark Is Dependent on Ambient Light Levels and Olfactory Stimulation', ZEBRAFISH, 8, 1, pp. 17-22. Detail McHugh, M., Sims, D.W., Partridge, J.C., Genner, M.J. 2011, 'A century later: Long-term change of an inshore temperate marine fish assemblage', JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH, 65, 2, pp. 187-194. Detail Archard, G.A., Cuthill, I.C., Partridge, J.C. 2009, 'Light environment and mating behavior in Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata)', BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY, 64, 2, pp. 169-182. Detail Hastad, O.E., Partridge, J.C., Odeen, A. 2009, 'Ultraviolet photopigment sensitivity and ocular media transmittance in gulls, with an evolutionary perspective', JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A-NEUROETHOLOGY SENSORY NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY, 585-590, 195, pp. 6. Detail Turner, J.R., White, E.M., Collins, M.A., Partridge, J.C., Douglas, R.H. 2009, 'Vision in lanternfish (Myctophidae): adaptations for viewing bioluminescence in the deep sea', DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS, 56, 6, pp. 1003-1017. Detail
