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学习经历: 1998.07-2002.07西北工业大学工业与民用建筑学士 2002.09-2005.03西北工业大学一般力学硕士 2005.09-2012.08大连理工大学结构工程博士(中退) 2006.10-2009.09北海道大学结构工程博士 工作经历: 2009.10-2012.08北海道大学博士后研究员 2010.09-2010.10慕尼黑大学访问学者 2010.10-2010.12布伦瑞克工业大学访问学者 2012.08-今浙江大学建工学院副教授、博士生导师 张大伟博士主要围绕复合材料修复、加固钢筋混凝土结构的短期和长期性能,进行了一般大气环境和恶劣环境下复合材料加固混凝土材料、界面、构件各层次的短期和长期性能的系统研究,解决了其中的一些关键技术难题和相关的基础理论问题。先后主持了国家重点研发项目子课题、国家自然基金重点项目子课题、国家自然基金面上项目、青年项目、教育部博士点项目等的研究工作。出版英文学术专著3部,发表学术论文80余篇,包括sci收录期刊论文40余篇(含第一、通讯作者论文32篇),EI收录期刊论文25篇,大多发表于国内外结构工程领域权威期刊,授权发明专利4项,受邀国内国际会议特邀报告8次。研究成果被日本土木学会(jsce)最新出版的《复合材料加固混凝土结构设计、施工技术规程》所采用,参与国际结构混凝土协会(fib)新标准(fib mc2020)中混凝土修复、结构加固部分章节的编写。 近五年主要主持项目: 国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目子课题:基于长期性能的混凝土结构全寿命设计理论(51820105012),2019-2023,在研 国家自然科学基金委面上项目:基于力阻效应的预应力碳纤维织物增强水泥基复合材料及其加固混凝土梁长期性能研究(52078454),2021-2024,在研 国家自然科学基金委面上项目:碳纤维织物增强水泥基复材加固梁加固效率提升机理研究(51878604),2019-2022,在研 广东省重点领域研发计划项目子课题:新型ICCP-SS碳纤维复材海水海砂钢筋混凝土建筑结构关键技术研究(2019B111107002),2020-2024,在研 浙江省交通厅科技项目:大体积机制砂混凝土水化机制研究(2020033),2020-2021,在研 科技部重点研发计划项目子课题:装配式混凝土结构的长期性能及全寿命设计理论(2016YFC0701406),2016-2019,结题 国家自然科学基金青年项目:底部锚固限制抗弯加固构件混凝土保护层剥离的理论研究(51308494),2013-2016,结题 近五年主要参与项目: 科技部重点研发计划项目子课题:围护结构坠落风险评估技术(2017YFC0806102-01),2017-2020,在研 国家自然科学基金重点项目:混凝土结构全寿命周期耐久性能提升与控制的基础理论研究(51638013),2017-2021,在研 浙江省交通厅重点项目:东海海域跨海工程全寿命分析与耐久性控制关键技术研究,2018-2020,在研 浙江省交通厅重点项目:沿海高速公路桥梁结构全寿命安全评估与提升技术,(2015J02),2015-2018,结题 浙江省交通厅重点项目:基于抗腐蚀策略的沿海港混凝土结构耐久性全寿命设计与维护,2017-2020,结题 邀请/大会报告 邀请报告,第四届中国国际复合材料科技大会第42分会,2019年11月27日,珠海 邀请报告,2019纤维混凝土论坛,2019年11月9日,郑州 Invited Presentation,International Symposium for Emerging Researchers in Composites for Infrastructure(ISERCI 2019),Aug,4-5,2019,Wuhan,China Invited Presentation,Advances in the Sustainability and Maintenance Management of Concrete Structures in Japan and China,Aug,4-6,2018,Sapppro,Japan Invited Presentation,International Symposium for Emerging Researchers in Composites for Infrastructure(ISERCI 2018)July 12-13,2018,Tsinghua University,China 邀请报告,第三届中国国际复合材料科技大会第53分会,2017年10月22日,杭州 邀请报告,土木工程学院,西安建筑科技大学,2017年10月13日,西安 Invited Presentation,International Symposium for Emerging Researchers in Composites for Infrastructure(ISERCI 2017)July 10-11,2017,University of Wollongong,Australia 邀请报告,土木工程学院,深圳大学,2016年11月22日,深圳 大会报告,第九届全国混凝土耐久性学术交流会,2016年9月26日,宁波 邀请报告,第一届结构工程留日青年学者学术沙龙,2016年7月3日,南京 邀请报告,第四届建筑结构基础理论与创新实践论坛,2016年6月4日,大连 奖励荣誉 薄壁钢管混凝土和组合梁结构体系的关键技术与工程应用,浙江省科技厅,科技进步,省部一等奖,2015.02.26(金伟良;陈驹;盛晓红;俞菊虎;杨立伟;张大伟;夏晋;许晨;邢月龙;袁伟斌;傅军;赵羽习;王海龙) 沿海高速公路桥梁结构全寿命安全评估与提升技术,中国公路学会,科学技术奖,二等奖(9/10),2019.12.31. 锚固系统对CFRP加固梁早期剥离破坏的影响,第三届中国国际复合材料科技大会,大会优秀论文奖,2017.10.22 Meso-scale Mechanical Model for Mortar Deformation under Freeze Thaw Cycles,日本混凝土协会,年度优秀论文奖,2014.6.11 浸水环境下FRP-混凝土界面粘结性能的试验研究,第十二届混凝土结构基本理论及工程应用学术会议,宁波,优秀论文奖,2012年12月。 The Third Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures(APFIS2012),Sapporo,Feb,Best research poster for FRP in strengthening of existing structures,2012 Optimum Treatment of PCM-concrete Interfaces,IA-FramMCOs7,青年学者优秀论文奖,2010.5.27 教学与课程 本科生课程:钢筋混凝土结构设计原理;创造性设计 研究生课程:高等钢筋混凝土结构;工程荷载分析与应用、土建基础设施全寿命工程(Life cycle design of infrastructures,全英文课程) 课题组动态 学术活动 2021-03-15硕士生黄文强同学在Top期刊《Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials》上发表论文《Prediction of fatigue damage in ribbed steel bars under cyclic loading with a magneto-mechanical coupling model》(DOI:10.1016/j.jmmm.2021.167943) 2021-03-12硕士生曾彧同学在《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》上发表论文《Bond properties of steel angles in concrete filled steel tubes 》(DOI:10.1016/j.jcsr.2021.106653) 2020-11-13博士生谢志禹同学赴南京参加第四届全国建筑与工程结构工业化建造技术交流会 2020-10-16博士生洪嘉鑫同学赴杭州参加极端作用下复合材料/结构力学性能研讨会(Workshop on Mechanical Properties of Composite Materials/Structures under Extreme Effect),并做报告冲击荷载作用下CFRCM及其组合构件的力学性能研究 2020-10-13博士生施海锋同学在《Structural Concrete》上发表论文《Analytical Model for Concrete Cover Separation of FRP Strengthened RC Beams with Multiple Steel Bolts》(DOI:10.1002/suco.202000326) 2020-06-12硕士生黄文强同学在Top期刊《Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials》上发表论文《Theoretical and experimental investigation on the magnetomechanical effect of steel bars subjected to cyclic load》(DOI:10.1016/j.jmmm.2020.167129) 2020-03-19硕士生曾彧同学在《Construction and Building Materials》上发表论文《Determining the service life extension of silane treated concrete structures:a probabilistic approach》(DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118802) 2020-02-22博士生施海锋同学在《Structural Concrete》上发表论文《Effect of U-shaped anchorages on concrete cover separation in CFRP-strengthened beams with notches at the sheet end》(DOI:10.1002/suco.201900388) 2019-12-20硕士生曾彧同学获第九届亚太地区青年学者和研究生论坛(YRGS2019)Best Student Presentation Reward 2019-12-19硕士生曾彧同学赴上海参加国际学术会议第九届亚太地区青年学者和研究生论坛(YRGS2019),并做报告Durability design of marine concrete structures treated with silane 2019-12-19博士生谢志禹同学赴上海参加国际学术会议第九届亚太地区青年学者和研究生论坛(YRGS2019),并做报告Experimental Study on Fatigue Damage Detection of Prefabricated Concrete Composite Beams Based on Piezomagnetic Effect 2019-10-18硕士生曾彧同学荣获2018-2019学年研究生国家奖学金 2019-10-18博士生谢志禹同学荣获2018-2019学年土木建筑规划教育基金一等奖 2019-08-08硕士生黄腾腾在《Journal of Building Engineering》上发表论文《Comprehensive appraisal of the safety of hidden frame glass curtain wall based on fuzzy theory》(DOI:10.1016/2019/100863) 2019-08-07硕士生姜璟荦同学赴武汉参加第四届基础设施复合材料国际暑期学校学习(ISSCI 2019) 2019-07-23博士生谢志禹、硕士生陈冠浩、黄文强赴日本参加Hokkaido Summer Institute(日本北海道大学暑期学院项目)(07/23-08/05) 2019-06-29硕士生陈冠浩、黄文强同学赴同济大学参加2019 JSCC Continuing Education&Advanced School on Probabilistic Theory,Risk Assessment&Structural Reliability and Probabilistic Model Code(Jun 29-Jul 4)课程学习 2019-05-06本科推免生姜璟荦同学赴长沙参加加拿大两院院士Brahim Benmokrane教授FRP配筋混凝土结构设计课程学习 2019-05-02硕士生曾彧在《Advances in Civil Engineering》上发表论文《Service Life Prediction of Precast Concrete Structures Exposed to Chloride Environment》(DOI:10.1155/2019/3216328) 2019-04-26博士生施海锋、谢志禹同学赴广州参加第一届粤港澳大湾区复材结构学术研讨会 2018-11-18硕士生陈冠浩赴加拿大多伦多大学和滑铁卢大学进行学术访问与参观交流 2018-11-03博士生谢志禹同学赴南京参加2018装配式混凝土工业化建筑技术基础理论学术会议,做特邀报告装配式混凝土T型叠合梁疲劳性能试验研究 2018-10-26博士生谢志禹同学参加国际学术会议第十五届结构工程国际研讨会(ISSE-15),并做报告Experimental Study on Fatigue Performance of Prefabricated Concrete T-shape Composite Beams 2018-10-26博士生施海锋同学参加国际学术会议第十五届结构工程国际研讨会(ISSE-15),并做报告Effect of anchorage system on the premature debonding failure of CFRP strengthened RC member 2018-10-26硕士生曾彧同学参加国际学术会议第十五届结构工程国际研讨会(ISSE-15),并做报告Service life analysis of PC structures exposed to marine environment 2018-08-27博士生施海锋同学赴荷兰参加国际学术会议72nd RILEMWEEK 2018暨The 4th International Conference on Service Life Design for Infrastructures(SLD4)、International Symposium on Concrete Modelling(CONMOD2018),做特邀报告Anchorage System for Strengthening of RC Members. 2018-07-23博士生施海锋、硕士生黄腾腾、曾彧赴日本参加Hokkaido Summer Institute(日本北海道大学暑期学院项目)并皆获Japan Student Services Organization(JASSO)奖学金(07/23-08/05) 2018-06-28硕士生曾彧同学赴同济大学参加2018 JSCC Continuing Education&Advanced School on Probabilistic Theory,Risk Assessment&Structural Reliability and Probabilistic Model Code(Jun 28-Jul 3) 2018-06-01硕士生黄腾腾被《公路》期刊录用论文《基于模糊理论的混凝土桥梁耐久性综合评估》 2018-04-19硕士生练其安同学在《钢结构》发表(录用)论文《钢管混凝土内型钢与混凝土粘结性能试验研究》 2018-04-02硕士生练其安同学在《钢结构》发表(录用)论文《轴拉内配钢筋钢管混凝土粘结滑移性能试验研究》 2018-02-01博士生施海锋同学在《Engineering Structures》上发表论文《Cover separation of CFRP strengthened beam-type cantilevers with steel bolt anchorage》(DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.10.056) 2017-11-25硕士生黄腾腾赴杭州青山湖参加混凝土结构长期性能学术研讨会 2017-11-02博士生谢志禹同学在《公路》上发表论文《装配式混凝土新老界面粘接性能试验研究》 2017-10-21博士生施海锋同学获第三届中国国际复合材料科技大会(CCCM-3)优秀论文奖 2017-08-01硕士生黄腾腾在《低温建筑技术》上发表论文《箍筋锈蚀的钢筋混凝土梁抗剪性能研究》 2017-07-13博士生施海锋同学赴新加坡参加国际学术会议The 6th Asia-pacific Conference On FRP In Structures(APFIS2017),做口头报告Concrete Cover Separation Failure of CFRP Strengthened RC Beams with CFRP U-Shape Anchorage. 职业发展 2020-10-22祝贺曾彧硕士赴TU Delft(代尔夫特理工大学)攻读博士学位 2020-10-11祝贺施海锋博士入职金科地产集团股份有限公司(浙沪区域) 2019-03-31祝贺黄腾腾硕士入职中铁二院勘察设计研究院(成都) 2018-06-31祝贺练其安硕士入职浙江省杭州绿城设计院 2017-06-31祝贺李忠硕士入职湖南省湘乡市东郊乡人民政府 2016-03-31祝贺梁小雨硕士入职成都高新区规划国土建设局 欢迎土木工程相关专业的学生报考博士、硕士研究生。


钢筋混凝土结构全寿命设计理论 基于复合材料的的钢筋混凝土结构性能提升 装配式混凝土结构长期性能 城镇维护结构性能评估与寿命预测


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Zhang, D., Rashid, K., Wang B,Ueda, T. (2018). Experimental and analytical investigation of crack spacing and width for overlaid RC beams at elevated temperatures. J. Struct. Eng., ASCE. 143(12): 04017168. (ZJU Top100). Zhang, D., Shi, H., Jin W., et al. (2018). Cover separation of CFRP strengthened beam-type cantilevers with steel bolt anchorage, Engineering Structures, 156 :224-234. Zhang, D., Zhao, Y., Jin, W., et al. (2017). Shear strengthening of corroded reinforced concrete columns using pet fiber based composties. Engineering Structures. 153, 757-765. Gong, F., Wang, Y., Ueda, T., & Zhang, D. (2017). Modeling and mesoscale simulation of ice-strengthened mechanical properties of concrete at low temperatures. Journal of Engineering Mechanics,143(6), 04017022. (ZJU Top) Wang, Z., Gong, F., Zhang, D., et al. (2017). Mesoscale simulation of concrete behavior with non-uniform frost damage with verification by ct imaging. Construction & Building Materials, 157, 203-213. Gong, F., Ueda, T., Wang, Y., Zhang, D., & Wang, Z. (2017). Mesoscale simulation of fatigue behavior of concrete materials damaged by freeze-thaw cycles. Construction & Building Materials, 144, 702-716. Gong, F., Wang, Y., Ueda, T., & Zhang, D. (2017). Modeling and mesoscale simulation of ice-strengthened mechanical properties of concrete at low temperatures. Journal of Engineering Mechanics,143(6), 04017022. Wang, Y., Gong, F., Zhang, D., & Ueda, T. (2017). Estimation of ice formation in mortar saturated with sodium chloride solutions. Construction & Building Materials, 238, 238-251. Shrestha, J., Ueda, T., & Zhang, D. (2017). Bond-slip models for fpr-concrete interfaces subjected to moisture conditions. InternationalJournal of Ploymer Science,2017,(2017-01-18). Gong, F., Wang, Y., Ueda, T & Zhang, D., (2016).Mesoscale simulation of fatigue behavior of concrete materials damaged by freeze-thaw cycles. Construction and Building Materials, Jul 2017 Zhang, D., Zhao, Y., Ueda, T., Li, X., & Xu, Q. (2016). Cfrp strengthened rc beams with pre-strengthening non-uniform reinforcement corrosion subjected to post-strengthening wetting/drying cycles. Engineering Structures, 127, 331-343. Zhao, Y., Zhang, D., Shen, S., & Ueda, T. (2016). Axial loading capacity of concrete‐jacketed rc columns with pre‐ and post‐corrosion damage. Structural Concrete, 17(3), 355-364. Wang, Y., Gong, F., Zhang, D., & Ueda, T. (2016). Estimation of ice content in mortar based on electrical measurements under freeze-thaw cycle. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 2016, 14(2), 35-46. Rashid, K., Zhang, D., Ueda, T., & Jin, W. (2016). Investigation on concrete-PCM interface under elevated temperature: At material level and member level. Construction and Building Materials, 125: 465-478. Shrestha, J., Zhang, D., & Ueda, T. (2016). Durability performances of carbon fiber–reinforced polymer and concrete-bonded systems under moisture conditions. Journal of Composites for Construction, 20(5), 04016023. Qian Y., Zhang, D., Ueda, T., (2016). Interfacial Tensile Bond between Substrate Concrete and Repairing Mortar under Freeze-Thaw Cycles, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 14(8):421-432 . Gong, F., Zhang, D., Ueda, T., & Sicat, E. (2015). Closure to “empirical estimation of pore size distribution in cement, mortar, and concrete” by fuyuan gong, dawei zhang, evdon sicat, and tamon ueda. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 27(11), 07015008. Shrestha, J., Ueda, T., & Zhang, D. (2015). Durability of frp concrete bonds and its constituent properties under the influence of moisture conditions. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 27(2), A4014009 Gong, F., Sicat, E., Zhang, D., & Ueda, T. (2015). Stress analysis for concrete materials under multiple freeze-thaw cycles. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 13(3), 124-134. Gong, F., Wang, Y., Zhang, D., & Ueda, T. (2015). Mesoscale simulation of deformation for mortar and concrete under cyclic freezing and thawing stress. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 13(6), 291-304. Rashid, K., Ueda, T., Zhang, D., Miyaguchi, K., & Nakai, H. (2015). Experimental and analytical investigations on the behavior of interface between concrete and polymer cement mortar under hygrothermal conditions. Construction & Building Materials, 94, 414-425. Zhang, D., Shen, S., Zhao, Y., Jin, W., & Ueda, T. (2015). Cracking behavior of cfrp laminate-strengthened rc beams with premechanical and postmechanical environmental damage. Journal of Composites for Construction, 19(4), 04014066. Chen, J., Zhang, D. W., & Jin, W. L. (2015). Concrete-filled steel and steel tubular t-joints under cyclic in-plane bending. Advances in Structural Engineering, 18(12), 2207-2216. Wang, Y., Gong, F., Ueda, T., & Zhang, D. (2014). Theoretical model for estimation of ice content of concrete by using electrical measurements . Procedia Engineering, 95, 366-375. Sicat, E., Gong, F., Ueda, T., & Zhang, D. (2014). Experimental investigation of the deformational behavior of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) in concrete during freezing and thawing cycles. Construction and Building Materials, 65, 122-131. (4) Sicat, E., Gong, F., Zhang, D., & Ueda, T. (2013). Change of the coefficient of thermal expansion of mortar due to damage by freeze thaw cycles. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 11(12), 333-346. Jirawattanasomkul, T., Dai, J. G., Zhang, D., Senda, M., & Ueda, T. (2013). Experimental study on shear behavior of reinforced-concrete members fully wrapped with large rupture-strain FRP composites. Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 18(3), A4013009. Gong, F., Zhang, D., Sicat, E., & Ueda, T. (2013). Empirical estimation of pore size distribution in cement, mortar, and concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 26(7), 04014023. Jirawattanasomkul, T., Dawei, Z., & Ueda, T. (2013). Prediction of the post-peak behavior of reinforced concrete columns with and without FRP-jacketing. Engineering Structures, 56, 1511-1526. Zhang, D., Ueda, T., & Furuuchi, H. (2012). A design proposal for concrete cover separation in beams strengthened by various externally bonded tension reinforcements. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 10(9), 285-300. Zhang, D., Ueda, T., & Furuuchi, H. (2012). Concrete cover separation failure of overlay-strengthened reinforced concrete beams. Construction and Building Materials, 26(1), 735-745. .Zhang, D., Ueda, T., & Furuuchi, H. (2012). Fracture mechanisms of polymer cement mortar: concrete interfaces. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE,139(2), 167-176. Zhang, D., Ueda, T., & Furuuchi, H. (2011). Average crack spacing of overlay-strengthened RC beams. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 23(10), 1460-1472. Zhang, D., Ueda, T., & Furuuchi, H. (2011). Intermediate crack debonding of polymer cement mortar overlay-strengthened RC beam. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 23(6), 857-865. Zhang, D., Furuuchi, H., Hori, A., & Ueda, T. (2009). Fatigue degradation properties of PCM-concrete interface. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 7(3), 425-438.


中国复合材料学会土木工程复合材料分会委员; 中国土木工程学会纤维增强复合材料(FRP)及工程应用专业委员会理事; 全国纤维增强塑料标准化技术委员会委员; 日本土木学会混凝土加固设计、施工技术委员会委员; 国际结构混凝土协会COM3 Existing concrete structures:T3.4 Selection and implementation of interventions委员; 十余个土木工程结构领域内知名SCI国际期刊审稿人。
