(SCI Journals) (Total: 68, First: 25, Corresponding: 21)
[1] D. Zhi, P. Xia, S. Wang, F. Gong*, W. Cao, D. Wang, T. Ueda, RBSM-based mesoscale study of mechanical properties and frost damage behaviors for recycled fine aggregate concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 416 (2024) 135136.
[2] P. Xia, S. Wang, F. Gong*, W. Cao, Y. Zhao, Rapid recognition method of red brick content in recycled brick-concrete aggregates and powder based on color segmentation, Journal of Building Engineering, 84 (2024) 108633.
[3] P. Xia, S. Wang, K. Chen, T. Meng, X. Chen, F. Gong*, A recycling approach of natural stone from crushed concrete based on freeze-thaw modification and usage of spalling mortar as recycled fine aggregate, Construction and Building Materials, 416 (2024) 135287.
[4] P. Xia, Z. Huang, S. Wang, J. Mao, L. Liu, Y. Zhao, F. Gong*, A complete thermo-poromechanical model for freeze-thaw modification of recycled coarse aggregate considering deterioration of each component, Construction and Building Materials, 421 (2024) 135626.
[5] S. Wang, P. Xia, F. Gong*, Q. Zeng, K. Chen, Y. Zhao, Multi objective optimization of recycled aggregate concrete based on explainable machine learning, Journal of Cleaner Production, 445 (2024) 141045.
[6] F. Gong, Y. Peng, Z. Wang, J. Zhu, D. Zhang, Dynamic tensile behavior of fiber reinforced materials based on fiber layering modeling, Advances in Structural Engineering, 27 (2024) 355-372.
[7] M. Atasham ul haq, P. Xia, S. Khan, M. Tahir, M. Hassam, F. Gong*, Y. Zhao, Characterizations and quantification of freeze-thaw behaviors of recycled brick aggregate concrete, Journal of Building Engineering, 86 (2024) 108821.
[8] S. Wang, P. Xia, K. Chen, F. Gong*, H. Wang, Q. Wang, Y. Zhao, W. Jin, Prediction and optimization model of sustainable concrete properties using machine learning, deep learning and swarm intelligence: A review, Journal of Building Engineering 80 (2023) 108065.
[9] P. Xia, L. Yang, S. Wang, F. Gong*, W. Cao, Y. Zhao, Improved freeze-thaw modification of recycled concrete aggregate originally from frost resistive concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites 144 (2023) 105302.
[10] Y. Wang, S. Xie, Z. Wang, X. Li, F. Gong, K. Nagai, J. Deng, T. Ueda, W. Hu, Experimental investigation on electrical response and mechanical performance of cementitious materials at low temperatures, Cement and Concrete Composites 143 (2023) 105264.
[11] F. Gong, Z. Wang, L. Yang, Y. Ning, T. Ueda, Mesoscale analysis for mortar deterioration during freeze-thaw modification of recycled coarse aggregate, Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials (2023) 1-16.
[12] F. Gong, Z. Wang, L. Yang, Q. Wu, Y. Ning, Q. Zeng, Effect of Original Mix Proportion on Rapid Removing of Attached Mortar for Recycled Concrete Aggregate Through a Freeze-thaw Approach, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 21(6) (2023) 477-491.
[13] F. Gong, Z. Wang, Y. Ning, L. Yang, Q. Zeng, Investigation on the impact of Thermo-Drying towards Freeze-Thaw cycle processing for recycled coarse aggregate, Construction and Building Materials 392 (2023) 131914.
[14] S. Wang, P. Xia, Z. Wang, T. Meng, F. Gong*, Intelligent mix design of recycled brick aggregate concrete based on swarm intelligence, Journal of Building Engineering, 71 (2023) 106508.
[15] D. Zhi, F. Gong*, Z. Wang, Y. Zhao, T. Ueda, RBSM-based mesoscale study of frost deterioration for recycled concrete considering air-entrainment in old and new mortar, Journal of Building Engineering, 68 (2023) 106210.
[16] F. Gong, L. Yang, Z. Wang, J. Jia, Y. Ning, T. Ueda, Mesoscale Discrete Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Based on Voronoi Mesh, Construction and Building Materials, 370 (2023) 130649.
[17] A. Shpak, F. Gong*, S. Jacobsen, Frost durability of high-volume fly ash concrete: Relation liquid transport - damage, Cement and Concrete Research, 163 (2023) 107017.
[18] Z. Wang, K. Maekawa, F. Gong, Space Averaging of Electric Field accompanying Corrosion of Reinforcement and its Verification by Pseudo-Concrete, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 21 (2023) 25-41.
[19] Y. Peng, F. Gong*, Z. Wang, Y. Zhao, W. Jin, T. Meng, K. Maekawa, Experimental study on time-dependent DC resistivity of cement-based material considering microstructure and ion concentration, Construction and Building Materials, 363 (2023) 129830.
[20] Y. Peng, Z. Wang, F. Gong*, Y. Zhao, T. Meng, W. Jin, K. Maekawa, Spatial characteristics of stray current corrosion of reinforcing bars in pseudo concrete, Structural Concrete, 24 (2023) 374-388.
[21] X. Yin, Y. Wang, H. Wang, K. Zhao, Y. Sun, J. Xiao, Y. Zhao, F. Gong, Y. Chen, Corrosion behavior and failure mechanism of amorphous Al2O3 coating at high-temperature LBE, Vacuum 215 (2023) 112251.
[22] M. Atasham ul haq, W. Xu, M. Abid, F. Gong*, Prediction of Progressive Frost Damage Development of Concrete Using Machine-Learning Algorithms, Buildings 13(10) (2023) 2451.
[23] F. Gong, S. Jacobsen, P. Li, Z. Wang, K. Maekawa, M. Koniorczyk, Modeling of path-dependent phase change in sorption and freezing of pore water for cementitious materials, Journal of Building Engineering, (2022) 104969.
[24] F. Gong, D. Zhi, Y. Zhou, Q. Zeng, Z. Wang, Empirical modeling of pore size distribution for rock materials with its impact on pore water freezing, Cold Regions Science and Technology, (2022) 103619.
[25] F. Gong, Z. Wang, Y. Zhou, J. Wang, L. Yang, T. Ueda, Mesoscale simulation of frost damage to rock material based on Rigid Body Spring Method, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 201 (2022) 103621.
[26] F. Gong, D. Zhi, J. Jia, Z. Wang, Y. Ning, B. Zhang, T. Ueda, Data-Based Statistical Analysis of Laboratory Experiments on Concrete Frost Damage and Its Implications on Service Life Prediction, Materials, 15 (2022) 6282.
[27] J. Jiang, D. Zhang, F. Gong*, D. Zhi, Prediction of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity for Cement, Mortar, and Concrete through a Multiscale Homogenization Approach, Materials, 15 (2022) 3241.
[28] Q. Wu, F. Gong*, D. Zhi, Y. Zhao, Removing attached mortar from recycled aggregate by the combined freeze–thaw cycles and high-temperature drying, Structural Concrete, 23 (2022) 3126-3139.
[29] Z. Wang, K. Maekawa, H. Takeda, F. Gong, Multi-ion kinetics in pseudo-concrete electrolyte associated with macro-cell corrosion, Cement and Concrete Composites, (2022) 104690.
[30] H. Lin, Y. Han, S. Liang, F. Gong, S. Han, C. Shi, P. Feng, Effects of low temperatures and cryogenic freeze-thaw cycles on concrete mechanical properties: A literature review, Construction and Building Materials, 345 (2022) 128287.
[31] Q. Zeng, N. Jike, C. Xu, R. Yang, Y. Peng, J. Wang, F. Gong, M. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Total recycling of low-quality urban-fringe construction and demolition waste towards the development of sustainable cement-free pervious concrete: The proof of concept, Journal of Cleaner Production, 352 (2022) 131464.
[32] Y. Wang, Y. Zhao, F. Gong, J. Dong, K. Maekawa, Developing a three-dimensional finite element analysis approach to simulate corrosion-induced concrete cracking in reinforced concrete beams, Engineering Structures, 257 (2022) 114072.
[33] B. Zeng, Y. Wang, F. Gong, K. Maekawa, Corrosion-Induced Cracking Pattern Analysis of RC Beam under Sustained Load Considering the Poromechanical Characteristics of Corrosion Products, Buildings, 12 (2022) 2256.
[34] B. Zeng, Y. Yang, F. Gong, K. Maekawa, Corrosion Crack Morphology and Creep Analysis of Members Based on Meso-Scale Corrosion Penetration, Materials, 15 (2022) 7338.
[35] F. Gong, Z. Wang, J. Xia, K. Maekawa, Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of reinforced concrete beams under the effect of frost damage and sustained load, Structural Concrete, 22 (2021) 3430-3445.
[36] W. Huang, F. Gong*, W. Jin, K. Maekawa, Numerical analysis of high and low-cycle flexural fatigue for reinforced concrete beams under full-range of varying amplitudes, Structural Concrete, 22 (2021) 2167-2183.
[37] Z. Wang, K. Maekawa, H. Takeda, F. Gong, Numerical simulation and experiment on the coupled effects of macro-cell corrosion and multi-ion equilibrium with pseudo structural concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, 123 (2021) 104181.
[38] Z. Wang, F. Gong, T. Ueda, Modeling and Simulation on Static and Fatigue Behaviors of Intact and Frost Damaged Concrete with Ice-strengthening Effects, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 19(4) (2021) 346-358.
[39] D. Zhang, Y. Zeng, J. Chen, F. Gong, C. Liu, Bond properties of steel angles in concrete filled steel tubes, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 182 (2021) 106653.
[40] Z. Wang, D. Zhang, F. Gong, S. Mehrpay, T. Ueda, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Ice-Strengthening Effects in Mesocracks of Saturated Frost-Damaged Concrete under Freezing Temperature, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33(2) (2021) 04020443.
[41] F. Gong, Y. Takahashi, I. Segawa and K. Maekawa. Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Smeared Cracking by Alkali-silica Reaction and Freeze-thaw Cycles, Cement and Concrete Composites 111 (2020) 103623 (SCI)
[42] Y. Wang, T. Ueda, F. Gong, D. Zhang, Z. Wang, Experimental Examination of Electrical Characteristics for Portland Cement Mortar Frost Damage Evaluation, Materials, 13 (2020) 1258 (SCI)
[43] Z. Wang, H. Hayashida, D. Zhang, F. Gong* and T. Ueda. Structural Behaviors Evaluation of RC Beam under Frost Damage – A Methodology with Meso-macro Material/bond Simulation and Integrating into Structural Analysis, Engineering Structures, 206 (2020) (SCI)