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弓扶元博士主要从事混凝土材料冻害下孔隙力学、热力学和微观力学模型、细观离散数值模拟方法的研究,以及混凝土结构在多因素(冻害、碱骨料反应及锈蚀)耦合下耐久性的劣化机理和数值模拟。2014年至2016年入选JSPS(日本学术振兴会)特别研究员。2012年作为访问学者赴美国Princeton University进行合作研究。近五年在国际知名期刊及会议上发表论文50余篇,其中SCI论文35篇(一作/通讯23篇, 发表在包括Cement & Concrete Research, ASCE Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Structures等国际顶尖期刊上)。获得SCI期刊Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 2013年度三篇最佳论文之一,日本混凝土协会(JCI)2014年度协会奖,以及国际结构混凝土协会(The International Federation for Structural Concrete, fib)颁发的2017年度青年工程师成就奖Achievement Award for Young Engineers(每两年颁发一次,为该奖项2001年设立以来第二位亚洲获奖者)。目前担任JCI官方期刊 Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 副主编(Associate Editor)。弓扶元博士与日本东京大学,北海道大学,横滨国立大学,美国亚利桑那州立大学,挪威科技大学等保持密切合作,可为课题组成员提供诸多交换留学机会。 学习经历 2007.09 - 2011.07 清华大学,水利水电工程系,学士(经济学二学位) 2011.10 - 2013.03 日本北海道大学,土木工程系,硕士 2013.04 - 2015.09 日本北海道大学,土木工程系,博士 工作经历 2012.08 - 2012.10 美国普林斯顿大学,访问学者 2014.04 - 2016.03 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员 2015.10 - 2018.03 日本东京大学,博士后研究员 2018.04 - 2018.09 日本横滨国立大学,助理教授 2018.09 - 至今 浙江大学建筑工程学院,计划研究员,博士生导师 2020.04 - 至今 日本横滨国立大学,先端科学高等研究院,兼职教授 招生计划 2021-2022年 拟招收博士生1-2名 2021-2022年 拟招收硕士生2名 请感兴趣的同学发送个人简历至gongfy@zju.edu.cn,欢迎咨询交流。 奖励荣誉 国际结构混凝土协会奖 (fib Achievement Award for Young Engineers), EPFL, Switzerland, 2017 日本学术振兴会(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science),特别研究员科研奖励金, 2014-2016 日本混凝土工学会(Japan Concrete Institute, JCI)学会奖(论文类)2014 JCI Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology (SCI) 年度三篇最佳论文之一, 2013


混凝土结构耐久性 建筑固废资源化利用 材料结构多尺度计算 寿命预测及智能运维


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(SCI Journals) (Total: 68, First: 25, Corresponding: 21) [1] D. Zhi, P. Xia, S. Wang, F. Gong*, W. Cao, D. Wang, T. Ueda, RBSM-based mesoscale study of mechanical properties and frost damage behaviors for recycled fine aggregate concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 416 (2024) 135136. [2] P. Xia, S. Wang, F. Gong*, W. Cao, Y. Zhao, Rapid recognition method of red brick content in recycled brick-concrete aggregates and powder based on color segmentation, Journal of Building Engineering, 84 (2024) 108633. [3] P. Xia, S. Wang, K. Chen, T. Meng, X. Chen, F. Gong*, A recycling approach of natural stone from crushed concrete based on freeze-thaw modification and usage of spalling mortar as recycled fine aggregate, Construction and Building Materials, 416 (2024) 135287. [4] P. Xia, Z. Huang, S. Wang, J. Mao, L. Liu, Y. Zhao, F. Gong*, A complete thermo-poromechanical model for freeze-thaw modification of recycled coarse aggregate considering deterioration of each component, Construction and Building Materials, 421 (2024) 135626. [5] S. Wang, P. Xia, F. Gong*, Q. Zeng, K. Chen, Y. Zhao, Multi objective optimization of recycled aggregate concrete based on explainable machine learning, Journal of Cleaner Production, 445 (2024) 141045. [6] F. Gong, Y. Peng, Z. Wang, J. Zhu, D. Zhang, Dynamic tensile behavior of fiber reinforced materials based on fiber layering modeling, Advances in Structural Engineering, 27 (2024) 355-372. [7] M. Atasham ul haq, P. Xia, S. Khan, M. Tahir, M. Hassam, F. Gong*, Y. Zhao, Characterizations and quantification of freeze-thaw behaviors of recycled brick aggregate concrete, Journal of Building Engineering, 86 (2024) 108821. [8] S. Wang, P. Xia, K. Chen, F. Gong*, H. Wang, Q. Wang, Y. Zhao, W. Jin, Prediction and optimization model of sustainable concrete properties using machine learning, deep learning and swarm intelligence: A review, Journal of Building Engineering 80 (2023) 108065. [9] P. Xia, L. Yang, S. Wang, F. Gong*, W. Cao, Y. Zhao, Improved freeze-thaw modification of recycled concrete aggregate originally from frost resistive concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites 144 (2023) 105302. [10] Y. Wang, S. Xie, Z. Wang, X. Li, F. Gong, K. Nagai, J. Deng, T. Ueda, W. Hu, Experimental investigation on electrical response and mechanical performance of cementitious materials at low temperatures, Cement and Concrete Composites 143 (2023) 105264. [11] F. Gong, Z. Wang, L. Yang, Y. Ning, T. Ueda, Mesoscale analysis for mortar deterioration during freeze-thaw modification of recycled coarse aggregate, Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials (2023) 1-16. [12] F. Gong, Z. Wang, L. Yang, Q. Wu, Y. Ning, Q. Zeng, Effect of Original Mix Proportion on Rapid Removing of Attached Mortar for Recycled Concrete Aggregate Through a Freeze-thaw Approach, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 21(6) (2023) 477-491. [13] F. Gong, Z. Wang, Y. Ning, L. Yang, Q. Zeng, Investigation on the impact of Thermo-Drying towards Freeze-Thaw cycle processing for recycled coarse aggregate, Construction and Building Materials 392 (2023) 131914. [14] S. Wang, P. Xia, Z. Wang, T. Meng, F. Gong*, Intelligent mix design of recycled brick aggregate concrete based on swarm intelligence, Journal of Building Engineering, 71 (2023) 106508. [15] D. Zhi, F. Gong*, Z. Wang, Y. Zhao, T. Ueda, RBSM-based mesoscale study of frost deterioration for recycled concrete considering air-entrainment in old and new mortar, Journal of Building Engineering, 68 (2023) 106210. [16] F. Gong, L. Yang, Z. Wang, J. Jia, Y. Ning, T. Ueda, Mesoscale Discrete Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Based on Voronoi Mesh, Construction and Building Materials, 370 (2023) 130649. [17] A. Shpak, F. Gong*, S. Jacobsen, Frost durability of high-volume fly ash concrete: Relation liquid transport - damage, Cement and Concrete Research, 163 (2023) 107017. [18] Z. Wang, K. Maekawa, F. Gong, Space Averaging of Electric Field accompanying Corrosion of Reinforcement and its Verification by Pseudo-Concrete, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 21 (2023) 25-41. [19] Y. Peng, F. Gong*, Z. Wang, Y. Zhao, W. Jin, T. Meng, K. Maekawa, Experimental study on time-dependent DC resistivity of cement-based material considering microstructure and ion concentration, Construction and Building Materials, 363 (2023) 129830. [20] Y. Peng, Z. Wang, F. Gong*, Y. Zhao, T. Meng, W. Jin, K. Maekawa, Spatial characteristics of stray current corrosion of reinforcing bars in pseudo concrete, Structural Concrete, 24 (2023) 374-388. [21] X. Yin, Y. Wang, H. Wang, K. Zhao, Y. Sun, J. Xiao, Y. Zhao, F. Gong, Y. Chen, Corrosion behavior and failure mechanism of amorphous Al2O3 coating at high-temperature LBE, Vacuum 215 (2023) 112251. [22] M. Atasham ul haq, W. Xu, M. Abid, F. Gong*, Prediction of Progressive Frost Damage Development of Concrete Using Machine-Learning Algorithms, Buildings 13(10) (2023) 2451. [23] F. Gong, S. Jacobsen, P. Li, Z. Wang, K. Maekawa, M. Koniorczyk, Modeling of path-dependent phase change in sorption and freezing of pore water for cementitious materials, Journal of Building Engineering, (2022) 104969. [24] F. Gong, D. Zhi, Y. Zhou, Q. Zeng, Z. Wang, Empirical modeling of pore size distribution for rock materials with its impact on pore water freezing, Cold Regions Science and Technology, (2022) 103619. [25] F. Gong, Z. Wang, Y. Zhou, J. Wang, L. Yang, T. Ueda, Mesoscale simulation of frost damage to rock material based on Rigid Body Spring Method, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 201 (2022) 103621. [26] F. Gong, D. Zhi, J. Jia, Z. Wang, Y. Ning, B. Zhang, T. Ueda, Data-Based Statistical Analysis of Laboratory Experiments on Concrete Frost Damage and Its Implications on Service Life Prediction, Materials, 15 (2022) 6282. [27] J. Jiang, D. Zhang, F. Gong*, D. Zhi, Prediction of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity for Cement, Mortar, and Concrete through a Multiscale Homogenization Approach, Materials, 15 (2022) 3241. [28] Q. Wu, F. Gong*, D. Zhi, Y. Zhao, Removing attached mortar from recycled aggregate by the combined freeze–thaw cycles and high-temperature drying, Structural Concrete, 23 (2022) 3126-3139. [29] Z. Wang, K. Maekawa, H. Takeda, F. Gong, Multi-ion kinetics in pseudo-concrete electrolyte associated with macro-cell corrosion, Cement and Concrete Composites, (2022) 104690. [30] H. Lin, Y. Han, S. Liang, F. Gong, S. Han, C. Shi, P. Feng, Effects of low temperatures and cryogenic freeze-thaw cycles on concrete mechanical properties: A literature review, Construction and Building Materials, 345 (2022) 128287. [31] Q. Zeng, N. Jike, C. Xu, R. Yang, Y. Peng, J. Wang, F. Gong, M. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Total recycling of low-quality urban-fringe construction and demolition waste towards the development of sustainable cement-free pervious concrete: The proof of concept, Journal of Cleaner Production, 352 (2022) 131464. [32] Y. Wang, Y. Zhao, F. Gong, J. Dong, K. Maekawa, Developing a three-dimensional finite element analysis approach to simulate corrosion-induced concrete cracking in reinforced concrete beams, Engineering Structures, 257 (2022) 114072. [33] B. Zeng, Y. Wang, F. Gong, K. Maekawa, Corrosion-Induced Cracking Pattern Analysis of RC Beam under Sustained Load Considering the Poromechanical Characteristics of Corrosion Products, Buildings, 12 (2022) 2256. [34] B. Zeng, Y. Yang, F. Gong, K. Maekawa, Corrosion Crack Morphology and Creep Analysis of Members Based on Meso-Scale Corrosion Penetration, Materials, 15 (2022) 7338. [35] F. Gong, Z. Wang, J. Xia, K. Maekawa, Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of reinforced concrete beams under the effect of frost damage and sustained load, Structural Concrete, 22 (2021) 3430-3445. [36] W. Huang, F. Gong*, W. Jin, K. Maekawa, Numerical analysis of high and low-cycle flexural fatigue for reinforced concrete beams under full-range of varying amplitudes, Structural Concrete, 22 (2021) 2167-2183. [37] Z. Wang, K. Maekawa, H. Takeda, F. Gong, Numerical simulation and experiment on the coupled effects of macro-cell corrosion and multi-ion equilibrium with pseudo structural concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, 123 (2021) 104181. [38] Z. Wang, F. Gong, T. Ueda, Modeling and Simulation on Static and Fatigue Behaviors of Intact and Frost Damaged Concrete with Ice-strengthening Effects, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 19(4) (2021) 346-358. [39] D. Zhang, Y. Zeng, J. Chen, F. Gong, C. Liu, Bond properties of steel angles in concrete filled steel tubes, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 182 (2021) 106653. [40] Z. Wang, D. Zhang, F. Gong, S. Mehrpay, T. Ueda, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Ice-Strengthening Effects in Mesocracks of Saturated Frost-Damaged Concrete under Freezing Temperature, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33(2) (2021) 04020443. [41] F. Gong, Y. Takahashi, I. Segawa and K. Maekawa. Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Smeared Cracking by Alkali-silica Reaction and Freeze-thaw Cycles, Cement and Concrete Composites 111 (2020) 103623 (SCI) [42] Y. Wang, T. Ueda, F. Gong, D. Zhang, Z. Wang, Experimental Examination of Electrical Characteristics for Portland Cement Mortar Frost Damage Evaluation, Materials, 13 (2020) 1258 (SCI) [43] Z. Wang, H. Hayashida, D. Zhang, F. Gong* and T. Ueda. Structural Behaviors Evaluation of RC Beam under Frost Damage – A Methodology with Meso-macro Material/bond Simulation and Integrating into Structural Analysis, Engineering Structures, 206 (2020) (SCI)


日本混凝土协会Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology (SCI) 副主编(Associate Editor) International Journal of Structural Engineering,副主编(Associate Editor) Journal of Intelligent Construction, 副主编(Associate Editor) Buildings (SCI),编委(Editorial Board Member)
