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在计算机学院招收人工智能方向学生 在医学院招收大数据精准医疗方向学生 欢迎对医学人工智能感兴趣的同学联系并报考我的研究生!(硕士/博士) 欢迎计算机、医学、药学的博后加盟! 吴健教授/博导,长江学者,于浙江大学计算机学院获得学士、博士学位,浙江大学健康医疗大数据国家研究院副院长、浙大睿医人工智能研究中心主任、浙江省151人才第二层次。研究兴趣集中在医学人工智能。近年来主持国家科技支撑项目1项、国家自然科学基金项目5项、参与国家科技支撑计划项目3项、主持“三重”重大横向项目2项。先后在国内外期刊会议发表SCI/EI收录论文100余篇,共计引用3500余次、H-index 31、i10-index 81、最高单篇引用400余次,获得2008和2009年度中国百篇最具影响国内学术论文,2017CCF优秀论文奖。2007年获教育部科技进步一等奖、2008年获浙江省科技进步一等奖、2009年获中国商业联合会科学技术特等奖、2010年获国家科技进步奖二等奖、2014年获浙江省科技进步一等奖、2018年获浙江省科技进步二等奖。 研究与成果 基于深度学习的医学影像智能分析 浙江大学教育基金会 智慧医疗技术创新示范中心 教育部科技司 基于眼底影像的智能疾病辅助诊断系统 浙江大学教育基金会 移动互联网环境下的API发现与聚合研究 国家基金委 眼底图脑卒中自动监测云服务 浙江省智慧医疗工程技术研究中心 个性化推荐系统 北京奇虎科技有限公司 杭州市“智慧劳动监察”信息系统项目 杭州市劳动保障监察支队 移动互联网中的服务发现研究 国家基金委 面向数字化设备的嵌入式软件平台 国家科技部 城市多源密集型动态运行数据呈现技术与服务系统 国家科技部 新兴电子信息产业现状和发展研究 工业和信息化部电子科学技术委员会 不确定数据环境中的服务发现与组合研究 国家基金委 银江企业服务总线200910100968.0 银江股份有限公司 智慧城市技术架构与总体方案研究 国家科技部 面向个人健康管理的服务支撑平台 国家科技部 浙江大学-淘宝网研究中心 淘宝(中国)软件有限公司 浙江省重点科技创新团队 浙江省科技厅 虚拟试验流程建模技术研究 中国航天科技集团公司第一研究院 大粒度服务的可靠组合与验证 国家科技部 面向产业集群的大型专业市场网络增值创新业务的研究与示范 浙江省科技厅 大粒度服务的可靠组合与验证(省配套) 浙江省科技厅 大粒度Web服务组合验证研究 国家基金委 金融证券行业安全责任审计与风险预警平台软件研制 恒生电子股份有限公司 基于语义网格的智能交通模型及若干关键问题研究 浙江省基金委 残疾人信息无障碍核心服务支撑平台 国家科技部 基于服务行为的Web服务合成研究 国家基金委 现代服务业共性技术支撑体系与应用示范工程 国家科技部 面向移动计算的嵌入式软件平台 北京科银京城技术有限公司 信息家电嵌入式软件平台 广东拓思软件科学园有限公司 基于模型的嵌入式软件开发环境 北京科银京城技术有限公司 面向证券行业的中间件平台核心技术 杭州恒生电子股份有限公司 手机嵌入式软件平台及产业化-1 国家科技部 授权专利 1 201810092248.3一种基于3D卷积神经网络的肺结节检测装置的建立方法 2 201811469200.6一种基于多模态分割网络的宫颈病变区域分割方法和装置 3 201811254848.1一种基于多模态的胚胎妊娠结果预测装置 4 201810097641.1一种病理切片中非常规细胞的识别方法 5 201811276300.7基于多模态注意力模型的宫颈非典型病变诊断模型和装置 6 201810378996.8一种病理切片中非常规细胞的分割方法 7 201811359760.6一种医学图像中小器官的分割方法 8 201611247218.2一种基于循环神经网络的患病风险预测方法 9 201810092245.X一种基于混合粗分割特征的3D U-Net网络的肺分割装置 10 201510178285.2一种基于聚类的移动应用下载量预测方法 11 201510423684.0一种分层式表格的自动读取方法 12 201510016018.5一种基于iBeacon设备的高效室内定位方法 13 201510205116.3一种基于可擦除编码和链式备份的分布式存储系统 14 201410850207.8基于眼底图像的动静脉视网膜血管分类方法 15 201410851671.9眼底图像的动静脉视网膜血管分割方法 16 201410266799.9一种基于无限高斯混合模型的高光图图像解混方法 17 201110440085.1一种基于标签的web服务聚类方法 18 201410848745.3眼底图像的动静脉视网膜血管视盘定位方法 19 201310737196.8检测方法及使用该检测方法检测茶叶含水量的用途 20 201310358810.X基于纹理特征加强的高光谱图像处理 21 201310236085.9一种云计算环境下虚拟机上运行的负载分类方法 22 201310338178.2面向数据密集型服务协同系统的组件服务部署方法 23 201310224694.2云环境下的敏捷弹性伸缩方法 24 201210427736.8一种高光谱特征变量选取的方法 25 201210064489.X一种有效的动态商品推荐方法及商品推荐系统 26 201310078737.0一种基于无向图修改的社交网络隐私保护方法 27 201310048664.0基于静态划分的代码Cache管理方法 28 201310222898.2基于时间戳的树型结构数据同步方法 29 201310043441.5一种基于用户聚类的sky ine在线计算方法 30 201310048645.8动态二进制翻译中代码Cache管理方法 31 201210110910.6一种基于用户地理位置信息的Web服务Qos在线预测方法 32 201210295617.1一种基于网络建模的服务推荐方法 33 201110325501.3一种面向规则执行日志的流程挖掘方法 34 201110460873.7基于C-SKY v2指令集的二进制工具集设计方法 35 201110116396.2一种基于区分服务的云存储系统QoS控制方法 36 201110325219.5一种支持分布并行处理的Web服务自动QoS组合方法 37 201110219811.7基于MMU架构的Java Card系统组件更新方法 38 201110080155.7水平分解的多类闭合分叉-汇集排队网络性能分析方法 39 201110052199.9一种基于无线传感网络的多数据流处理方法 40 201010290294.8基于反向通知的服务流程执行省时方法 41 201110073362.X水平分解的单类闭合分叉汇集排队网络性能的分析方法 42 201010229028.4一种基于Qos技术感知的动态web服务选择方法 43 201110090766.X基于映射-化简和分词及邻接排序去重方法 44 201110058676.2基于服务优先级的Web服务替换方法 45 201010613232.6一种Web服务聚类的方法 46 200810062261.0具有web服务安全控制机制的代理服务器 47 200910100968.0一种企业服务总线与外部Web服务的交互方法 48 200910153371.2一种分布式文件系统元数据分配方法 49美国13/318956PCT一种基于WordNet的语义服务注册与查询方法 50 201810359667.9一种中医病情文本相似度的计算方法 51 201410085224.7网络服务代理方法 52 201410183917.X具有QoS关联关系的服务选择方法 53 201410520142.0面向移动服务社区的服务组合选择方法 54 201410354658.2基于遗传算法的移动服务组合计算卸载方法 55 201110035211.5基于QoS的分布式web服务选择方法 56 201110177632.1一种在线的服务组合推荐系统及其推荐方法 57 201310350158.7基于分区状态表和协调节点的副本同步方法 教学与课程 2004 CMMI(硕士研究生) 2005 CMMI(硕士研究生) 2006服务科学导论(本科生) 2007服务科学导论(本科生) 2008服务科学导论(本科生) 2009服务科学导论(本科生) 2010服务科学导论(本科生) 2011服务科学导论(本科生) 2012服务科学导论(本科生) 2013服务科学导论(本科生) 2014服务科学导论(本科生) 2015服务科学导论(本科生) 2016服务科学导论(本科生) 2017服务科学导论(本科生) 出版著作 1、服务计算与技术(专著) 服务计算作为一门新兴的计算学科,代表了分布式计算的最新发展方向,是当前学术界和工业界的研究热点。《服务计算与技术》系统地介绍了服务计算的产生、概念、技术、方法及其工具、平台与应用。全书共12章。分为三大部分。第一部分(第1~6章)为服务计算概述与基础技术部分。重点介绍了服务计算两大基础技术。即Web服务技术和面向服务的体系架构。并阐述了服务发现、服务组合与服务验证三大重要理论问题及其解决方法。第二部分(第7~11章)服务计算支撑工具与平台部分,主要介绍了浙江大学中间件技术工程研究中心近年来在国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金和“863”计划等多个项目基金的资助下研制开发的面向现代服务业的钱塘中间件平台,详细介绍了该平台的研制背景、体系架构以及支持服务计算技术应用的关键组件和系统。第三部分(第12章)为服务计算的应用部分,主要以义乌全球网的应用为例介绍了服务计算及其相关技术、方法和平台在现代服务业电子商务行业中的应用。《服务计算与技术》可作为计算机软件、电子服务及其相关专业研发和学习人员的参考用书。 2、服务科学:基础、挑战和未来发展(译著) 本书的内容主要来自第一届德国服务科学会议,具有计算机科学、信息系统、运筹学以及社会科学等领域的知识背景的学者、企业家分别从各自莆度阐释了服务科学的内涵、外延,并展望了服务科学的美好未来。描绘了一种学术界和工业界合作的新模式。本书主要介绍了以下内容:服务科学的基础;从经济、学术、产业和教育四种视角来看服务科学:服务科学的学科建设;服务科学理论和实践的结合;对服务科学发展的展望。本书将服务科学的前沿信息呈现给读者,以激发不同学科、不同企业的科学家和从业者之间的讨论,从而将服务科学建为一个独立的学科。 奖励荣誉 1、2014年获浙江省科学技术进步奖一等奖(排名第五) 2、2010年获国家科技进步二等奖(排名第三) 3、2009年获中国商业联合会服务业科技创新特等奖(排名第三) 4、2008年获浙江省科学技术一等奖(排名第三) 5、2007年获教育部科技进步一等奖(排名第四) 6、2009年获中国百篇最具影响国内学术论文 7、2008年获中国百篇最具影响国内学术论文




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2020(International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention)2020 3 Dual-level Selective Transfer Learning for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Segmentation in Non-enhanced Abdominal CT MICCAI 2020(International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention)2020 4 An End-To-End Atlas-Guided and Boundary-Enhanced Network for Medical Image Segmentation ISBI 2020(The IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging)2020 5 A Fully 3D Cascaded Framework for Pancreas Segmentation ISBI 2020(The IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging)2020 6 SSN:A Stair-Shape Network for Real-time Polyp Segmentation in Colonoscopy Images ISBI 2020(The IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging)2020 7 LSRC:A Long-Short Range Context-Fusing Framework for Automatic 3D Vertebra Localization MICCAI 2019(International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention)2019 8 Multi-View Learning with Feature Level Fusion for Cervical Dysplasia Diagnosis MICCAI 2019(International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention)2019 9 Semi-supervised Segmentation of Liver Using Adversarial Learning with Deep Atlas Prior,International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention MICCAI 2019(International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention)2019 10 A Dual-Attention Dilated Residual Network for Liver Lesion Classification and Localization on CT Images ICIP 2019(2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing)2019 11 A Cascade Attention Network for liver lesion Classification in Weakly-Labeled Multi-phase CT Images 1st MICCAI Workshop on Domain Adaptation and Representation Transfer,DART 2019,and the 1st International Workshop on Medical Image Learning with Less Labels and Imperfect Data,MIL3ID 2019,Held in Conjunction with 22nd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted 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with Generative Adversarial Networks CVPR 2019(the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,2019)2019 18 Multi-modal Fusion Learning for Cervical Dysplasia Diagnosis ISBI 2019(2019 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging)2019 19 Multi-Modal Attention Network Learning for Semantic Source Code Retrieval ASE 2019(the 34th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering)2019 20 A Framework for Identifying Diabetic Retinopathy based on Anti-noise Detection and Attention-based Fusion MICCAI 2018(International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention)2018 21 Deep Active Self-paced Learning for Accurate Pulmonary Nodule Segmentation MICCAI 2018(the 21st International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention)2018 22 Improving Automatic Source Code Summarization via Deep Reinforcement Learning ASE 2018(the 33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering)2018 23 Improved Dynamic Memory Network for Dialogue Act Classification with Adversarial Training 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data(Big Data)2018 24 Sequential Recommender System based on Hierarchical Attention Networks IJCAI-ECAI 2018(the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence)2018 25 A Broad Learning Approach for Context-Aware Mobile Application Recommendation ICDM 2017(2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining)2017 26 A Novel Framework for Service Set Recommendation in Mashup Creation ICWS 2017(2017 IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2017 27 Exploiting Geographical Location for Team Formation in Social Coding Sites PAKDD 2017(The 21st Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)2017 28 Mobile Application Rating Prediction via Feature-oriented Matrix Factorization ICWS 2017(2017 IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2017 29 Meta-Path based Service Recommendation in Heterogeneous Information Networks ICSOC 2016(Service-Oriented Computing-14th International Conference)2016 30 Exploiting Heterogeneous Information for Tag Recommendation in API Management ICWS 2016(2016 IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2016 31 EARec:Leveraging Expertise and Authority for Pull-request Reviewer Recommendation in GitHub CSI-SE 2016(2016 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering)2016 32 Joint Modeling Users,Services,Mashups,and Topics for Service Recommendation ICWS 2016(the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2016 33 Collaborative deep ranking:A hybrid pair-wise recommendation algorithm with implicit feedback PAKDD 2016(The 20st Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)2016 34 Incorporating Heterogeneous Information for Mashup Discovery with Consistent Regularization The 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2016 35 Personalized API Recommendation via Implicit Preference Modeling ICSOC 2016(Service-Oriented Computing-14th International Conference)2016 36 Temporal Pattern based QoS Prediction WISE 2016(International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering)2016 37 SMS:A Framework for Service Discovery by Incorporating Social Media Information IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 2016 38 Crowdsourcing based API Search via Leveraging Twitter Lists Information ICDMW 2015(2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop(ICDMW))2015 39 CASE:A Platform for Crowdsourcing based API Search ICSOC 2015(Service-Oriented Computing-13th International Conference)2015 40 WS-HFS:A Heterogeneous Feature Selection Framework for Web Services Mining ICWS 2015(2015 IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2015 41 Time-Aware API Popularity Prediction via Heterogeneous Features ICWS 2015(2015 IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2015 42 Manifold-Learning based API Recommendation for Mashup Creation ICWS 2015(the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2015 43 Co-clustering WSDL Documents to Bootstrap Service Discovery SOCA 2014(2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications)2014 44 Data Augmented Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization for Flickr Group Recommendation Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.Springer,Cham,2014 2014 45 SLQ:A User-friendly Graph Querying System Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data 2014 46 FTCRank:Ranking Components for Building Highly Reliable Cloud Applications PAKDD 2013(Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)2013 47 A Semantic-based Dual Caching System for Nomadic Web Service PAKDD 2013(Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)2013 48 UCOS:Enhanced Online Skyline Computation by User Clustering SCC 2013(2013 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2013 49 Collaborative QoS Prediction via Matrix Factorization and Topic Model SOCA 2013(2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications)2013 50 Collaborative QoS Prediction Via Feedback-Based Trust Model SOCA 2013(2013 IEEE 6th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications)2013 51 Content-Boosted Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization for Flickr Group Recommendation 2013 Workshop on Data-Driven User Behavioral Modeling and Mining from Social Media,DUBMOD 2013,Co-located with 22nd ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management,CIKM 2013 2013 52 gIceberg:Towards Iceberg Analysis in Large Graphs ICDE 2013(2013 IEEE 29th International Conference on Data Engineering)2013 53 Full Recognition of Massive Products based on Property Set 2013 IEEE International Congress on Big Data 2013 54 iNewsBox:Modeling and Exploiting Implicit Feedback for Building Personalized News Radio CIKM 2013(22nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management)2013 55 A Novel QoS Prediction Approach based on Reversed and Cross Prediction Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)2013 56 User Clustering based Social Network Recommendation Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers 2013 57 WT-LDA:User Tagging Augmented LDA for Web Service Clustering ICSOC 2013(Service-Oriented Computing-11th International Conference)2013 58 Finding Skyline Nodes in Large Networks ICDEW 2012(2012 IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops)2012 59 MapReduce Skyline Query Processing with a New Angular Partitioning Approach IPDPSW 2012(2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops)2012 60 MapReduce based Skyline Services Selection for QoS-aware Composition IPDPSW 2012(2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops)2012 61 WSCRec:Utilizing Historical Information to Facilitate Web Service Composition ICWS 2012(2012 IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services)2012 62 Titan:A System for Effective Web Service Discovery WWW 2012(Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on World Wide Web Companion)2012 63 WST Rank:Ranking Tags to Facilitate Web Service Mining ICSOC 2012(Service-Oriented Computing-10th International Conference)2012 64 Assessing and Ranking Structural Correlations in Graphs Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data 2011 65 An Enhanced QoS Prediction Approach for Service Selection SCC 2011(2011 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2011 66 Wtcluster:Utilizing Tags for Web Services Clustering ICSOC 2011(Service-Oriented Computing-9th International Conference)2011 67 CBBCM:Clustering based Automatic Service Composition SCC 2011(2011 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2011 68 AWSP:An Automatic Web Service Planner based on Heuristic State Space Search ICWS 2011(2011 IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2011 69 Data-Dependency Aware Trust Evaluation for Service Choreography ICWS 2011(2011 IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2011 70 Locality Sensitive Hashing based Service Classification MASS 2011(2011 International Conference on Management and Service Science)2011 71 QoS-based Distributed Service Selection in Large-scale Web Services SCC 2011(2011 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2011 72 Reference Models for SaaS Oriented Business Workflow Management Systems SCC 2011(2011 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2011 73 Skyline Web Service Selection with Mapreduce CSSS 2011(2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Service System)2011 74 Recommendation on Uncertain Services ICWS 2010(2010 IEEE 8th International Conference on Web Services)2010 75 A C_net-based Verification of Web Service Compositions/A C-net-based Verification of Web Service Compositions ICSS 2010(2010 International Conference on Service Sciences)2010 76 Analyzing Behavioral Substitution of Web Services based on Pi-calculus ICWS 2010(2010 IEEE 8th International Conference on Web Services)2010 77 A CAN-based Protocol for Reliability Testing of Embedded Software ICFCC 2010(Proceedings of the 2010 2nd International Conference on Future Computer and Communication)2010 78 AUTOSAR based Automatic GUI Generation ISORC 2010(2010 13th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing)2010 79 A Linear Logic based Approach for Generating Deadlock Adapters APSCC 2010(2010 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference)2010 80 Automatic Composition of Semantic Web Services An Enhanced State Space Search Approach ICSS 2010(2010 International Conference on Service Sciences)2010 81 Improve Service Interface Adaptation Using Sub-ontology Extraction SCC 2010(2010 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2010 82 Service Recommendation:Similarity-based Representative Skyline 2010 6th World Congress on Services 2010 83 The Modeling and Algorithm of Dynamic Traffic Information Collecting System based On RFID 2009 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2009 84 Load Rebalancing in Large-Scale Distributed File System ICISE 2009(2009 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering)2009 85 Variable Message Sign and Dynamic Regional Traffic Guidance IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 2009 86 Bayesian Network based Services Recommendation APSCC 2009(2009 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference)2009 87 Improving Scalability of Software Cloud for Composite Web Services 2009 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing 2009 88 Ontology Alignment based Service Interface Adaptation SCC 2009(2009 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2009 89 Towards Adaptation of Service Interface Semantics ICWS 2009(2009 IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2009 90 Simulation Study of Public Goods Experiment KES-AMSTA 2009(Agent and Multi-Agent Systems:Technologies and Applications-Third KES International Symposium)2009 91 Service Behavioral Adaptation based on DependencyGraph APSCC 2008(2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference)2008 92 An EfficientTwo-phase Service Discovery Mechanism WWW 2008(Proceeding of the 17th International Conference on World Wide Web)2008 93 Facilitating the Flexible Modeling of Human-driven Workflow in BPEL AINA 2008(22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications-Workshops)2008 94 Modeling and Design of Regional Traffic Dynamic Guidance Algorithm ITSC 2008(2008 11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems)2008 95 Proxy-based Web Service Security APSCC 2008(2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference)2008 96 Automating Service Matchmaking using Type Theory SCC 2007(IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2007 97 Exploring Dependency Between Interfaces in Service Matchmaking SCC 2007(IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2007 98 Inverted Indexing for Composition-Oriented Service Discovery ICWS 2007(2007 IEEE International Conference on Web Services)2007 99 Ontology-based Transportation Information Integration ITS 2007(14th World Congress on International Transport Systrms(第十四届智能交通世界大会))2007 100 Using Improved FOAF to Enhance BPEL-extracted RBAC Capability WI 2007(IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence)2007 101 MBIO:An New Active Queue Management Algorithm for DiffServ Network ICNSC 2006(2006 IEEE International Conference on Networking,Sensing and Control)2006 102 Consideration of Operation Composition in Semantic Service Matchmaking SCC 2006(2006 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2006 103 Describing and Verifying Web Service Using Type Theory CSCWD 2006(2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design)2006 104 Exploring The Flexible Workflow Technology to Automate Service Composition ASWC 2006(Asian Semantic Web Conference.Springer,Berlin,Heidelberg,2006)2006 105 ITSGrid:A Novel Integrated Intelligent Transportation Information and Service Platform SCC 2006(2006 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2006 106 Intelligent Transportation Information Sharing and Service Integration in Semantic Grid Environment WI 2006(2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence)2006 107 Modeling Service Compatibility with pi-calculus for Choreography 25th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling-ER 2006 2006 108 Service Classification Using Adaptive Back-Propagation Neural Network and Semantic Similarity CSCWD 2006(2006 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design)2006 109 Service Matchmaking based on Semantics and Interface Dependencies WAIM 2006(7th International Conference on Advances in Web-Age Information Management)2006 110 Using State Machine to Integrate Human Activity into BPEL in Dartflow 2006 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing(SCC'06),2006 111 DART-Man:A Management Platform for Web Services based on Semantic Web Technologies 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design 2005 112 Exploring Semantic Technologies in Service Matchmaking ECOWS 2005(Third European Conference on Web Services)2005 113 Similarity-based Web Service Matchmaking SCC 2005(2005 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing)2005 114 DartGrid II:A Semantic Grid Platform for ITS IEEE Intelligent Systems 2005 115 Expressing Service and Query Behavior Usingπ-Calculus for Matchmaking WI 2006(2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence)2006 116 QoS-driven Dynamic Reconfiguration of the SOA based Software 2010 International Conference on Service Sciences 2010 117 PGRank:Personalized Geographical Ranking for Point-of-interest Recommendation WWWI 2016(Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web)2016 118 Machine Learning-based Cardiovascular Event Prediction for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ACC 2019(American College of Cardiology)2019


