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Sexual selection in freshwater fishes: I use freshwater fishes as model systems to study sexual selection. Projects focus on genetic compatibility, sexual conflict, sperm competition and post-mating female choice. Sexual selection in marine broadcast spawners: This component of my work focuses on sperm competition, genetic compatibility and the benefits of polyandry in marine invertebrates. The work investigates compatibility at the gamete level and the interacting effects of male and female genotypes on fertilization success and offspring fitness.


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Cattelan, S., Evans, J.P., Pilastro, A., Gasparini, C. 2016, 'The effect of sperm production and mate availability on patterns of alternative mating tactics in the guppy', Animal Behaviour, 112, pp. 105-110. Detail Lymbery, R.A., Jason Kennington, W., Evans, J.P. 2016, 'Fluorescent sperm offer a method for tracking the real-time success of ejaculates when they compete to fertilise eggs', Scientific Reports, 6, Detail Eads, A.R., Evans, J.P., Kennington, W.J. 2016, 'Plasticity of fertilization rates under varying temperature in the broadcast spawning mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis', Ecology and Evolution, 6, 18, pp. 6578-6585. Detail Evans, J.P., Rahman, M.M., Gasparini, C. 2015, 'Genotype-by-environment interactions underlie the expression of pre- and post-copulatory sexually selected traits in guppies', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28, 4, pp. 959-972. Detail Rahman, M.M., Gasparini, C., Turchini, G.M., Evans, J.P. 2015, 'Testing the interactive effects of carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids on ejaculate traits in the guppy Poecilia reticulata (Pisces: Poeciliidae)', Journal of Fish Biology, 86, 5, pp. 1638-1643. Detail Lostrom, S., Evans, J.P., Grierson, P.F., Collin, S.P., Davies, P.M., Kelley, J.L. 2015, 'Linking stream ecology with morphological variability in a native freshwater fish from semi-arid Australia', Ecology and Evolution, 5, 16, pp. 3272-3287. Detail Devigili, A., Evans, J.P., Di Nisio, A., Pilastro, A. 2015, 'Multivariate selection drives concordant patterns of pre- and postcopulatory sexual selection in a livebearing fish', Nature Communications, 6, pp. 8291. Detail Kekalainen, J., Larma, I., Linden, M., Evans, J.P. 2015, 'Lectin staining and flow cytometry reveals female-induced sperm acrosome reaction and surface carbohydrate reorganization', Scientific Reports, 5, 15321, pp. 1-11. Detail Garcia-Gonzalez, F, Yasui, Y, Evans, J.P. 2015, 'Mating portfolios: bet-hedging, sexual selection and female multiple mating', PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 282, 1798, pp. 1-9. Detail Rahman, M.M., Gasparini, C., Turchini, G.M., Evans, J.P. 2014, 'Experimental reduction in dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids depresses sperm competitiveness', BIOLOGY LETTERS, 10, 20140623, pp. 1-5. Detail Rahman, M.M., Turchini, G.M., Gasparini, C., Norambuena, F, Evans, J.P. 2014, 'The expression of pre- and postcopulatory sexually selected traits reflects levels of dietary stress in guppies', PLOS ONE, 20140829, 10.1371, pp. 1-12. Detail Gasparini, C., Kelley, J.L., Evans, J.P. 2014, 'Sperm storage compromises sperm motility in guppies', BIOLOGY LETTERS, 10, 2014.0681, pp. 1-4. Detail Oliver, M.D., Evans, J.P. 2014, 'Chemically moderated gamete preferences predict offspring fitness in a broadcast spawning invertebrate', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281, 1784, pp. 8pp. Detail Barrett, L.T., Evans, J.P., Gasparini, C. 2014, 'The effects of perceived mating opportunities on patterns of reproductive investment by male guppies', PLOS ONE, 9, 4, pp. 1-8. Detail Fitzpatrick, L.J., Gasparini, C., Fitzpatrick, J.L., Evans, J.P. 2014, 'Male-female relatedness and patterns of male reproductive investment in guppies', Biology Letters, 10, 5, pp. 4pp. Detail Simpson, J.L., Humphries, S., Evans, J.P., Simmons, L.W., Fitzpatrick, J.L. 2014, 'Relationships between sperm length and speed differ among three internally and three externally fertilizing species', Evolution, 68, 1, pp. 92-104. Detail Fitzpatrick, J.L., Evans, J.P. 2014, 'Postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance in guppies', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27, 12, pp. 2585-2594. Detail Taylor, M.L., Evans, J.P., García-González, F. 2013, 'No Evidence for Heritability of Male Mating Latency or Copulation Duration across Social Environments in Drosophila melanogaster', PLoS ONE, 8, 10, pp. 7pp. Detail Lymbery, R.A., Evans, J.P. 2013, 'Genetic variation underlies temperature tolerance of embryos in the sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma armigera', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26, 10, pp. 2271-2282. Detail
