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马慧莲,博士,教授,博士生导师。1997年和2002年在浙江大学信息与电子工程学系分别获得学士和博士学位,后留校任教。2007.10-2009.5获浙江大学学术后备人才出国计划(“新星”计划)资助在日本东京大学保立&何教授研究室进行访问研究。主要研究方向为传感光子学、光纤传感技术、光纤测试技术及传感器信号处理等。作为项目负责人承担或完成多项国家级项目。已发表SCI检索论文50余篇,授权发明专利30余项。开设课程:“光电子学”、“导波光学基础”“传感器技术”“光学器件和系统的测试与测量(硕博学位课)”。 教学工作 一.本科生课堂教学 学年 学期 课程名称 选课课号 授课对象 评分等级 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 夏 夏 夏 夏 光电子学 光电子学 光电子学 光电子学 4.9530优秀 4.9450优秀 4.9930优秀 4.8390优秀 2010-2011 夏 光电子学 4.8030良好 2009-2010 秋 光电子学 4.7740优秀 2009-2010 夏 光电子学 4.8480优秀 2007-2008 夏 光电子学 4.8670优秀 2006-2007 冬 导波光学基础 4.9110优秀 2006-2007 夏 光电子学 4.9180优秀 2005-2006 冬 导波光学基础 4.7390良好 2005-2006 夏 光电子学 4.9050优秀 2004-2005 夏 光电子学 4.82优秀 2003-2004 冬 导波光学基础 4.7650优秀 二.研究生课堂教学: 光学器件和系统的测试与测量(微电子学与固体电子学专业硕士/博士研究生学位课),3学分;2010-2011秋冬,2011-2012秋冬,2012-2013秋冬,2013-2014秋冬,2014-2015秋冬,2015-2016秋冬 讲授内容: 1.Basic optical devices and systems: ①Basic principles,characteristics,parameters:optical sources,optical receivers,optical modulators,optical couplers,and etc. ②Traditional optical systems:谐振式光学陀螺(Resonant Optic Gyro,ROG),wavelength division multiplexed(WDM)fiber optic link 2.Test and measurements techniques ①Optical power measurement.Power is one of the fundamental properties of a lightwave signal.The photodetector is the most common device for measuring power. ②Optical spectrum analysis.The measurement of the wavelength of light is another fundamental lightwave property. ③Common measurement technique:using a diffraction grating as an optical filter. ④Accurate wavelength measurements(1550±0.001 nm,for example)can be made by using a Michelson interferometer ⑤Very high resolution:Heterodyne and homodyne spectrum analysis ⑥Insertion loss measurements.The measurement of the loss of multi-port optical devices is covered.Methods to resolve loss versus wavelength. ⑦Polarization.The polarization of lightwave signal is another fundamental property.The fiber medium tends to change the polarization state of a signal dramatically as light propagates down the length. ⑧Return loss measurements.The reflectivity of optical components is an important measurement.Systems are often intolerant of reflections.Total return-loss measurements and high-resolution spatially resolved measurement of reflectivity. ⑨Optical reflectometry. 光时域反射技计(Optical Time Domain Reflectometry,OTDR):One of the most important measurement areas in fiber optic communications.When a fiber is broken in a system,OTDRs are used to locate the break 3.Special topics and presentations 研究专题1:光源线宽测试技术的挑战(linewidth) 研究专题2:光源频率噪声特性测试技术(frequency or phase noise) 研究专题3:窄线宽光源技术 研究专题4:激光器稳频技术(或选取其中一种技术,如PDH) 研究专题5:(某光学元件或系统)偏振特性研究 研究专题6:反射/散射类型及其应用 研究专题7:光纤传感技术(optical fiber sensing) OFDR,OCDR,BOCDA,BOCDR,FBG….. 研究专题8:损耗测试技术 研究专题9:time delay/the differential time delay through the interferometer 研究专题10...(结合自己的研究方向,提出的其他测试与测量技术) 三.指导本科生毕业论文(设计)27人 姓名 专业 年级 何茜 电子信息工程(信电系) 200809 叶腾 电子信息工程(信电系) 200809 崔楠 电子科学与技术 200809 朱光旭 电子信息工程(信电系) 200809 赵宽 电子科学与技术 200809 任秦彬 电子科学与技术 200709 刘洋 电子科学与技术 200709 徐张立 电子科学与技术 200709 王赟 电子科学与技术 200709 胡和益 电子科学与技术 200709 于海通 电子科学与技术 200609 张翼翔 电子科学与技术 200609 张超然 电子科学与技术 200609 韩军 电子科学与技术 200609 魏骁 电子科学与技术 200609 丁立聪 电子科学与技术 200509 刘怀宇 电子科学与技术 200509 杨俊义 电子科学与技术 200509 梁静 电子科学与技术 200509 魏源 电子科学与技术 200509 俞旭辉 电子科学与技术 200409 朱兵辉 电子科学与技术 200409 熊林强 电子科学与技术 200409 赵浩 电子科学与技术 200409 陈泉 电子科学与技术 200309 马小鹏 电子科学与技术 200309 郑洪斌 电子科学与技术 200309 工作研究项目 长期从事谐振式光学陀螺研究,研究揭示了该陀螺中背向散射、偏振漂移、克尔效应、激光器频率噪声等的机理和抑制方法,取得了系列原创新性成果,有效提高了陀螺性能;在国际上首次实现了能检测到地球自转的硅基集成光学陀螺,并将微小型光源谐振式光纤陀螺的零偏稳定性提高到0.3度/小时。 在Optics Letters、Optics Express、Journal of Lightwave Technology(JLT)等重要期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇,受邀在JLT上发表谐振式光学陀螺综述论文;在29th IEEE Photonics Conference(IPC)、25th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies(ALT)、12th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim(CLEO-PR)、22nd OptoElectronics and Communications Conference(OECC)、OFSC(光纤传感大会)等重要国际/国内学术会议作邀请报告10余次;作为指导教师指导学生荣获第25届国际光纤传感大会(OFS-25)最佳论文奖、第16届IEEE国际光纤通信与网络会议(ICOCN)最佳张贴论文奖、研究生国家奖学金7人次。 负责完成了皮星二号卫星主载荷地面测试标定系统研制和载荷标定,通过噪声和误差建模优化,提高了载荷标定精度和动态范围。该卫星作为我国“一箭二十星”任务主载荷于2015年发射入轨,成为我国某重大装备验收标定的唯一科学依据(该装备专家组评语),圆满完成预定任务。 作为项目负责人主持863项目4项、973子课题2项、总装预研基金1项、总装“十一五”和“十二五”预研项目各1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目2项(61675181,激光器频率噪声对谐振式光纤陀螺的影响机理及噪声抑制方法研究;61377101,基于倾斜波导光栅结构的高偏振消光比二氧化硅光波导谐振腔)。 http://microsat.zju.edu.cn/redir.php?catalog_id=2328 硕士/博士研究生招生 接受2020年推荐免试研究生 专业代码:080900 电子科学与技术(学硕、学博) 欢迎来自全国各高校、不同学科背景(电子科学与技术、光学工程、光电信息科学与工程、微电子、电子工程等)的同学报考硕士和博士研究生(或者申请保送、直博等),欲报考者请邮件联系。 授权发明专利(2012-2017) 基于数字相位斜波移频技术的谐振式光学陀螺ZL 201110402046.2 基于快速、高精度的频率跟踪锁定技术的谐振式光学陀螺ZL 201110410722.0 高偏振消光比的光学谐振腔ZL 201210103664.1 基于倾斜波导光栅结构的高偏振消光比的光波导谐振腔ZL 201210104133.4 谐振腔技术测试谐振式光学陀螺中背散射噪声的方法ZL 201110318796.1 一种具有温度稳定性的光波导谐振腔ZL 201210103521.0 一种高度互易的谐振式光学陀螺的检测装置及方法ZL 201210115648.4 保偏光波导环形谐振腔基本单元结构参数偏振特性测试方法及装置ZL 201410328201.4 基于马赫曾德干涉仪的激光器频率噪声功率谱密度测试系统及方法ZL 201110069373.0 基于光纤谐振腔测试激光器频率噪声功率谱密度的装置及方法Zl 201110069373.0 双路闭环的谐振式光学陀螺ZL 201110194109.X 2次90°旋转熔接的起偏光纤谐振腔ZL 20121103665.6 谐振式光学陀螺的复位锁定方法及其装置ZL 201210110119.5 光功率反馈的双路闭环谐振式光学陀螺201310602722.X 《光学器件和系统》 《光学器件和系统的测试与测量》 主要参考书: 1.Dennis Derickson,editor,Fiber optic test and measurement,1998 by Prentice-Hall,Inc.Upper Saddle River,New Jersey 07458,ISBN 0-13-534330-5 2.Polarized light in fiber optics,Edward Collett,2003 By the PolaWave Group P.O.Box 753 Lincroft,New Jersey 07738 USA,ISBN 0-9677167-1-3 3.Optoelectronics and photonics principles and practices,S.O.Kasap著,电子工业出版社,北京,2003年3月第1版,ISBN 7-5053-8577-1) 讲授内容: 1.Basic optical devices and systems: ①Basic principles,characteristics,parameters:optical sources,optical receivers,optical modulators,optical couplers,and etc. ②Traditional optical systems:谐振式光学陀螺(Resonant Optic Gyro,ROG),wavelength division multiplexed(WDM)fiber optic link 2.Test and measurements techniques ①Optical power measurement.Power is one of the fundamental properties of a lightwave signal.The photodetector is the most common device for measuring power. ②Optical spectrum analysis.The measurement of the wavelength of light is another fundamental lightwave property. ③Common measurement technique:using a diffraction grating as an optical filter. ④Accurate wavelength measurements(1550±0.001 nm,for example)can be made by using a Michelson interferometer ⑤Very high resolution:Heterodyne and homodyne spectrum analysis ⑥Insertion loss measurements.The measurement of the loss of multi-port optical devices is covered.Methods to resolve loss versus wavelength. ⑦Polarization.The polarization of lightwave signal is another fundamental property.The fiber medium tends to change the polarization state of a signal dramatically as light propagates down the length. ⑧Return loss measurements.The reflectivity of optical components is an important measurement.Systems are often intolerant of reflections.Total return-loss measurements and high-resolution spatially resolved measurement of reflectivity. ⑨Optical reflectometry. 上课时间 周四3-5节,玉泉教4-307 课件下载(保护版权,本课件及资料仅供教学参考使用,不得做他用) chapter 1 optical system and devices chapter 2 optical power measyrement chapter 3 optical spectrum analysis chapter 4 wavelength meters chapter 5 high resolution optical frequency analysis chapter 6 insertion loss measurement chapter 7 polarization measurement _chapter 8 optical fiber sensors and backscattering in resonators 停课通知: 因教师参加第四届亚太光纤传感会议(The 8th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference),11.21(周四)3-5节“光学器件与系统的测试与测量”课程暂停。 授权部分国家发明专利: 1.马慧莲,王世军,金仲和.光波导环形谐振腔基本结构参数的测试装置及其方法.ZL 2008 1 0059429.2 2.马慧莲,王世军,金仲和.无交叉点的空间型集成光学多圈环形谐振腔.ZL 2007 1 0157139.7 3.马慧莲,李牡铖,金仲和.谐振式光学陀螺数字闭环系统频率反馈跟踪锁定装置及方法.ZL 2008 1 0059114.8 4.杨志怀,马慧莲,金仲和.基于坐标旋转数字计算机算法的谐振式光纤陀螺信号检测方法.ZL 2007 1 0156179.X 5.杨志怀,马慧莲,金仲和.基于坐标旋转数字计算机算法的谐振式光纤陀螺信号检测装置.ZL 2009 1 0149274.6 6.杨志怀,马慧莲,金仲和.一种光路复用的三轴一体化谐振式光纤陀螺.ZL 2009 1 0097337.8 7.毛慧,马慧莲,金仲和.双信号组合调制的微型谐振式光学陀螺的检测装置及方法.ZL 2009 1 0095203.2 8.任阳,马慧莲,金仲和.一种谐振式光学陀螺仿真方法.ZL 200910100456.4 9.鲍慧强,马慧莲,金仲和.一种基于CORDIC算法的数字锁相放大器.ZL 200910101089.X 10.陈妍,马慧莲,彭博,金仲和.基于外差技术测试相位调制器半波电压的装置及方法.ZL 2009 1 0153959.5 11.张顾洪,马慧莲,金仲和.基于马赫曾德干涉仪的激光器频率噪声功率谱密度测试系统及方法.ZL 201110069378.3 12.马慧莲,姚灵芝,金仲和.基于谐振腔技术测试保偏光纤耦合器偏振消光比的装置及方法.ZL 201110119844.4 13.俞旭辉,马慧莲,金仲和.基于光纤谐振腔测试激光器频率噪声功率谱密度的装置及方法.ZL 201110069373.0 14.金仲和,张顾洪,马慧莲.双路闭环的谐振式光学陀螺.ZL 201110194109.X 15.金仲和,陈妍,马慧莲.基于双路闭环锁定技术的谐振式光学陀螺.ZL 201110194116. 16.马慧莲,孙众,陈妍,金仲和.谐振腔技术测试谐振式光学陀螺中背散射噪声装置及方法.ZL 201110318796.1 17.马慧莲,卢霄,俞旭辉,金仲和.基于数字相位斜波移频技术的谐振式光学陀螺.ZL 201110402046.2 18.马慧莲,严昱超,俞旭辉,金仲和.基于快速高精度的频率跟踪锁定技术的谐振式光学陀螺.ZL 201110410722.0 19.马慧莲,陈振,金仲和.一种具有温度稳定性的光波导谐振腔.ZL 201210103521.0 20.马慧莲,陈振,金仲和.基于倾斜波导光栅结构的高偏振消光比的光波导谐振腔.ZL 201210104133.4 21.马慧莲,王文怡,金仲和.一种高度互易的谐振式光学陀螺的检测装置及方法.ZL 201210115648.4 22.马慧莲,严昱超,金仲和.高偏振消光比的光学谐振腔.ZL 201210103664.1 23.俞旭辉,金仲和,马慧莲.2次90度旋转融接的起偏光纤谐振腔.ZL 201210103665.6 24.张顾洪,金仲和,马慧莲.光功率反馈的双路闭环谐振式光学陀螺.ZL 201310602722.x 奖励荣誉 第十一届中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论文(OFSC)最佳论文奖(2019) 第25届国际光纤传感大会(OFS)最佳论文奖(2017) 第16届IEEE国际光纤通信与网络会议(ICOCN)最佳张贴论文奖(2017) 浙江大学校级先进工作者(2016) 浙江大学“皮星二号”卫星任务中作出突出贡献(2015) 2015年入选浙江大学航空航天学院高层次人才培养专项计划 浙江大学航空航天学院优秀共产党员(2014) 首届浙江大学信息学部青年教师奖获得者(2011) 浙江大学学术带头人后备人才出国研究专项计划—“新星”计划(2007-2009) 入选浙江省新世纪151人才工程(2005) 浙江省优秀毕业研究生、浙江大学优秀博士论文(2002) 浙江大学优秀毕业生标兵(1997) 实验室介绍 浙江大学微小卫星研究中心http://microsat.zju.edu.cn/ 学术交流 一、出国进修: 2007.10-2009.5,获浙江大学学术后备人才出国计划(“新星”计划)资助在日本东京大学保立教授研究室(http://www.sagnac.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/)进行访问研究,进行谐振式光学陀螺研究。 二、参加的学术会议及所作报告(2009-): 1.20th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors(OFS),Edinburgh,Scotland,UK,October 2009 参加人:马慧莲 报告人:马慧莲 报告题目:Sensitivity improvement of waveguide-type optical passive ring resonator gyroscope by carrier suppression 2.Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference:2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications,CLEO/QELS 2010,San Jose,CA,United states,May 2010 参加人:马慧莲 报告人:马慧莲 报告题目:Resonator micro-optic gyroscope based on the double phase modulation technique 3.15th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference,OECC2010,Sapporo,Japan,July 2010 参加人:马慧莲,金仲和 报告人:马慧莲 题目:Laser frequency noise limited sensitivity in a resonator optic gyroscope 4.3rd International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aeronautics and Astronautics,2010 参加人:俞旭辉 报告人:俞旭辉 题目:Resonator fiber optic gyroscope with an all digitalized system 5.2nd Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors(APOS)Conference,Guangzhou,China.June 2010 参加人:陈妍,毛慧,马慧莲 报告人:陈妍 题目:New method to measure the half-wave voltage of the phase modulator based on the resonator optic gyro 报告人:毛慧 题目:Resonator fiber optic gyroscope with an all digitalized system 6.21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors(OFS),Ottawa,Canada,May 2011 参加人:陈妍,马慧莲 报告人:陈妍 题目:Offset errors caused by the resonance asymmetry in the waveguide-type optical passive resonator gyro 报告人:马慧莲 题目:Resonator micro optic gyro with double phase modulation technique using an FPGA-based digital processor 7.3rd Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors(APOS)Conference,Jan 31-Feb 3,2012,Sydney,Australia.Paper Tu6 参加人:马慧莲 报告人:马慧莲 题目:Digital resonator fiber optic gyro based on a miniature laser source(oral) 8.CLEO/QELS 2012,May 6,2012-May 11,2012,San Jose,CA,United states, 参加人:俞旭辉 报告人:俞旭辉 题目:Digital resonator fiber optic gyro based on a miniature laser source 9.22nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors(OFS),Beijing,China,October 参加人:俞旭辉、张顾洪、应迪清、马慧莲 报告人:俞旭辉 题目:Optimization of frequency stabilization loop for resonator fiber optic gyro(poster) 报告人:张顾洪 题目:Frequency noise characteristics of a narrow-linewidth DFB semiconductor laser in resonator fiber optic gyro(poster) 10.Asia Communication and Photonics(ACP)7-10 November,2012.Guangzhou China 参加人:严昱超 报告人:严昱超 题目:Polarization-fluctuation Induced drift in resonatormicro optic gyro(poster) 11.Fifth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors(EWOFS),May 2013 Kraków,Poland. 参加人:马慧莲 报告人:马慧莲 题目:Double closed-loop resonator fiber optic gyro with improved digital serrodyne modulation(poster) 12.Fourth Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference(APOS),October,Wuhan,China. 参加人:卢霄、马慧莲 报告人:卢霄 题目:Reduction of the effect of the overflow reset in resonant frequency servo loop for resonator fiber optic gyro(oral) 13.23rd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors(OFS),Santander,Spain,June 2014 参加人:马慧莲 Asia Communication and Photonics(ACP)11-14 November,2014,Shanghai China 参加人:严昱超、汪泠澜、马慧莲 报告人:严昱超、汪玲澜 题目:Digital signal processing for a closed-loop resonant fiber optic gyro(oral) Hybrid single-polarization fiber ring resonator and implications for resonant fiber optic gyro(oral) OFSC-China 22-25 September,Dalian China 参加人:严昱超、马慧莲 报告人:严昱超 题目:谐振式光纤陀螺闭环检测系统的优化设计(oral) Photonics West,7-12 February,2015,San Francisco,California,United States 参加人:马慧莲 报告人:马慧莲 题目:Resonant micro optic gyro using tens of centimeters long optical fiber coil(oral) Fifth Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference(APOS),May20-22,Jeju,Korea 参加人:严昱超、张建杰、马慧莲 报告人:严昱超、汪玲澜 题目:Performance of closed-loop resonant micro optic gyro with hybrid digital phase modulation(oral) Hybrid air-core photonic bandgap fiber ring resonator and implications for resonant fiber optic gyro(poster) Applied Optics and Photonics China(AOPC),5-7 May,2015,Beijing China 参加人:严昱超、汪玲澜 报告人:严昱超、汪玲澜 题目:Research progress of the resonant fiber optic gyro technique 已毕业研究生 陀螺队伍中的科研主力军,心中那一抹最亮丽的风景。 博士: 张建杰(2018) 严昱超(2016) 张顾洪(2013) 俞旭辉,常旭(2013——金仲和) 陈妍(2012) 任阳(2012——金仲和,王跃林) 毛慧(2011——金仲和) 杨志怀(2010——金仲和) 张旭琳(2007——金仲和) 硕士: 卢莹(2018) 在校期间所获荣誉: 浙江大学光华奖学金、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生 汪泠澜(2017) 在校期间所获荣誉: 中国航天学科奖学金(2次)、浙江大学优秀研究生干部、浙江大学优秀研究生(2次)、浙江大学三好研究生(2次)、研究生国家奖学金(2次)、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生 李学辉(2015) 在校期间所获荣誉: 浙江大学优秀研究生、浙江大学三好研究生、研究生国家奖学金 卢霄(2014) 在校期间所获荣誉: 浙江大学优秀研究生一等奖、浙江大学三好研究生(2次)、浙江大学优秀研究生、浙江大学优秀研究生干部、浙江大学信电系BCD奖学金、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生、浙江大学2014届省级优秀毕业研究生 王文怡(2013) 在校期间所获荣誉: 浙江大学优秀研究生二等奖(2次)、浙江大学三好研究生、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生 陈振(2013) 在校期间所获荣誉: 浙江大学优秀研究生一等奖、浙江大学三好研究生、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生 姚灵芝,孙众(2012) 灵芝在校期间所获荣誉: 浙江大学优秀研究生一等奖、浙江大学三好研究生、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生、浙江大学优秀研究生干部、浙江大学信电系旗舰磐石奖学金 鲍慧强,彭博(2010) 鲍:浙江大学优秀研究生一等奖、阿斯麦(ASML)奖学金、浙江大学优秀研究生奖学金、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生 彭:浙江大学优秀研究生干部、浙江大学研究生二等奖学金、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生 王世军,李牡铖(2008) 王:奇梦达专项奖学金、浙江大学研究生一等奖学金、浙江大学三好研究生浙、江大学优秀毕业研究生 李:MPS奖学金、浙江大学研究生一等奖学金、浙江大学优秀研究生干部、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生 杨雪锋(2007) 三星奖学金、浙江大学研究生一等奖学金、浙江大学优秀毕业研究生 杨桂东(2007—周柯江) 沈庆(2006-金仲和) 崔忠升(2005-金仲和) 初次就职单位: 华为(杭州、上海、武汉、深圳)、国家电网(杭州)、飞利浦(苏州)、安捷伦(上海)、AMD上海研发中心、大华(杭州)、一汽大众(长春)、公安部第三研究所(上海)、深圳大学、中船重工707(天津)、中电50(上海)、浙江移动、海康威视、Cisco、NVIDIA、等 研究生国家奖学金获得者: 俞旭辉(博士):2011-2012学年 李学辉(硕士):2013-2014学年 严昱超(博士)、张建杰(博士)、汪玲澜(硕士):2015-2016学年 张建杰(博士)、汪玲澜(硕士):2016-2017学年 研究生国家奖学金 研究生国家奖学金获得者: 2011-2012学年:俞旭辉(博士) 2013-2014学年:李学辉(硕士) 2014-2015学年:严昱超(博士)、张建杰(博士)、汪玲澜(硕士) 2015-2016学年:张建杰(博士)、汪玲澜(硕士)


光学陀螺 光纤传感技术 传感器信号处理


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2017 1.Huilian Ma,*Jianjie Zhang,Linglan Wang and Zhonghe Jin.Development and Evaluation of Optical Passive Resonant Gyroscopes.J.of Lightwave Technology,2017,35(16),3546-3554(Invited Paper)(ZJU TOP) 2.Jianjie Zhang,Huilian Ma,*Hanzhao Li and Zhonghe Jin.Single-polarization fiber-pigtailed high-finesse silica waveguide ring resonator for a resonant micro-optic gyroscope.Optics Letters,2015,42(18),3658-3661(ZJU 100) 3.Linglan Wang,Hanzhao Li,Jianjie Zhang,Huilian Ma,*and Zhonghe.Optimization of the sinusoidal phase modulation technique in resonant fiber optic gyro.Optics Communications,2017,387,18–23(ZJU TOP) 2016 4.Hanzhao Li,Jianjie Zhang,Linglan Wang,Huilian Ma,*and Zhonghe Jin.Measurement of the reflection and loss of the hybrid air-core photonic-bandgap fiber ring resonator.Applied Optics,2016,55(32):9329-9333(ZJUTOP) 5.Linglan Wang,Yuchao Yan,Huilian Ma,*and Zhonghe Jin Resonant fiber optic gyro based on a sinusoidal wave modulation and square wave demodulation technique.Applied Optics,2016,55(12):3274-3278(ZJUTOP) 2015 6.Huilian Ma,*Jianjie Zhang,Linglan Wang,et al.Resonant micro-optic gyro using a short and high-finesse fiber ring resonator.Optics Letters,2015,40(24),5862-5865(ZJU 100) 7.Yuchao Yan,Huilian Ma,*Linglan Wang,Hanzhao Li,and Zhonghe Jin.Effect of Fresnel reflections in a hybrid air-core photonic-bandgap fiber ring-resonator gyro.Optics Express,2015,23(24),31384-31392.(ZJU TOP) 8.Huilian Ma*,Jianjie Zhang,Zhen Chen,and Zhonghe Jin.Tilted waveguide gratings and implications for optical waveguide ring resonator.J.of Lightwave Technology,2015,33(19),4176-4183(ZJU TOP) 9.Huilian Ma*,Jianjie Zhang,Linglan Wang,and Zhonghe Jin.Double closed-loop resonant micro optic gyro using hybrid digital phase modulation technique.Optics Express,2015,23(12),15088-15097(ZJU TOP) 10.Huilian Ma*,Yuchao Yan,Linglan Wang,Xu Chang,and Zhonghe Jin.Laser frequency noise induced error in resonant fiber optic gyro due to an intermodulation effect.Optics Express,2015,23(20),25474-25486(ZJU TOP) 11.Yuchao Yan,Huilian Ma*,and Zhonghe Jin.Reducing polarization-fluctuation induced drift in resonant fiber optic gyro by using single polarization fiber.Optics Express,2015,23(3):2002-2009(ZJU TOP) 2014 12.Huilian Ma,Yuchao Yan,Xiao Lu,and Zhonghe Jin*.Eliminating bias drift error in lock-in frequency for a resonant fiber optic gyro.Applied Optics,2014,53(16):3399-3403(ZJU TOP) 13.Huilian Ma,Xuehui Li,Guhong Zhang,and Zhonghe Jin*.Reduction of optical Kerr-effect induced error in a resonant micro-optic gyro by light-intensity feedback technique.Applied Optics,2014,53(16):3465-3472(ZJU TOP) 14.Xuehui Li,Jianjie Zhang,Huilian Ma*,and Zhonghe Jin.Test and analysis of the optical Kerr-effect in resonant micro-optic gyros IEEE Photonics Journal,2014,6(5):6601007. 15.Huilian Ma*,Zhen Chen,and Zhonghe Jin.Single-Polarization Coupler Based on Air-core Photonic Bandgap Fibers and Implications for Resonant Fiber Optic Gyro.J.of Lightwave Technology,2014,32(1):46-54(ZJU TOP) 2013 16.Huilian Ma,Xiao Lu,and Zhonghe Jin*.Reduction of reset pulse in resonant frequency servo loop for resonant fiber-optic gyro by an auto-controlled reset technique.Applied Optics,2013,52(36):8771-8778(ZJU TOP) 17.Zhonghe Jin,Xuhui Yu,and Huilian Ma*.Closed loop resonant fiber optic gyro with an improved digital serrodyne modulation.Optics Express,2013,21(22):26578-26588(ZJU TOP) 18.Xuhui Yu,Huilian Ma,*and Zhonghe Jin.Improving thermal stability of a resonator fiber optic gyro employing a polarizing resonator.Optics Express,2013,21(1):358-369(ZJU TOP) 19.Huilian Ma,*Wenyi Wang,Yang Ren,and Zhonghe Jin.Low-noise,low-delay digital signal processor for resonant micro optic gyro.IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,2013,25(2):198-201(ZJU TOP) 2012 20.Huilian Ma,*Zhen Chen,Zhihuai Yang,Xuhui Yu,and Zhonghe Jin.Polarization-induced noise in resonator fiber optic gyro.Applied Optics,2012,51(28):6708-6717(ZJU TOP) 21.Huilian Ma,*Yuchao Yan,Yan Chen,and Zhonghe Jin.Improving long-term stability of a Resonant micro-optic gyro by reducing polarization fluctuation.IEEE Photonics Journal,2012,4(6):2372-2381. 22.Huilian Ma,*Xuhui Yu,and Zhonghe Jin.Reduction of polarization-fluctuation induced drift in resonator fiber optic gyro by a resonator integrating in-line polarizers.Optics Letters,2012,37(16):3342-3344(ZJU 100) 23.Huilian Ma,*Xiao Lu,linzhi Yao,Xuhui Yu,and Zhonghe Jin.Full investigation of the resonant frequency servo loop for resonator fiber optic gyro.Applied Optics,2012,51(21):178–5185(ZJU TOP) 24.Yan Chen,Huilian Ma,*and Zhonghe Jin.Resonance asymmetry induced bias errors in waveguide type optical passive resonator gyro.Applied Optics,2012,51(13):2373-2378(ZJU TOP) 25.Zhonghe Jin,Xuhui Yu,and Huilian Ma.Resonator fiber optic gyro employing a semiconductor laser.Applied Optics,2012,51(15):2856-2864(ZJU TOP) 26.Zhonghe Jin,Guhong Zhang,Hui Mao,and Huilian Ma.Resonator micro optic gyro with double phase modulation technique using an FPGA-based digital processor.Optics Communications,2012,285(5):645-649.(ZJU TOP) 27.Xu Chang,Huilian Ma,*and Zhonghe Jin.Resonance asymmetry phenomenon in waveguide-type optical ring resonator gyro.Optics Communications,2012,285(6):1134-1139(ZJU TOP) 2006-2011 28.Huilian Ma,*Zuyuan He,and Kazuo Hotate.Reduction of backscattering induced noise by carrier suppression in waveguide-type optical ring resonator gyro.J.of Lightwave Technology,2011,29(1):85-90(ZJU TOP) 29.Hui Mao,Huilian Ma,*Zhonghe Jin.Polarization maintaining silica waveguide resonator optic gyro using double phase modulation technique.Optics Express,2011,19(5):4632-4643(ZJU TOP) 30.Yang Ren,Zhonghe Jin,*Yan Chen,and Huilian Ma.Optimization of the resonant frequency servo loop technique in the resonator micro optic gyro.J.of Zhejiang University-Science C,2011,12(11):942-950. 31.Huilian Ma,*Xu Chang,Zhihuai Yang,and Zhonghe Jin.Full investigation of the backscattering in resonator fiber optic gyro.Optics Communications,2011,284(19):4480-4484(ZJU TOP) 32.Huilian Ma,*Yan Chen,Mucheng Li,Zhonghe Jin.Transient response of a resonator fiber optic gyro with triangular wave phase modulation.Applied Optics,2010,49(32):6253-6263(ZJU TOP) 33.Huilian Ma,*Guhong Zhang,Mucheng Li,Zhonghe Jin.Zero-deviation effect in a resonator optic gyro caused by nonideal digital ramp phase modulation.Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2010,48(10):933-939. 34.Diqing Ying,Huilian Ma,*Zhonghe Jin.Dynamic resonance characteristic analysis of fiber ring resonator.Optical Fiber Technology,2009.1,15(1);15-20. 35.Zhihuai Yang,Xiaojun Jin,*Huilian Ma,Zhonghe Jin.CORDIC algorithm based digital detection technique applied in resonator fiber optic gyroscope,Optical Fiber Technology 2009,15(3):328-331. 36.Huilian Ma,*Shijun Wang,Zhonghe Jin.Measurements of excess loss of the crossed waveguide using optical waveguide ring resonators.Optics Communications,2008.12,281(24),6016-6018(ZJU TOP) 37.Huilian Ma,*Shijun Wang,Zhonghe Jin.Silica waveguide ring resonators with multi-turn structure.Optics Communications,2008.5,281(9),2509-2512(ZJU TOP) 38.Diqing Ying,Huilian Ma,*Zhonghe Jin.Resonator fiber optic gyro using the triangle wave phase modulation technique.Optics Communications,2008,281(4):580-586(ZJU TOP) 39.Diqing Ying,Huilian Ma,*Zhonghe Jin.Dynamic characteristics of R-FOG based on the triangle wave phase modulation technique.Optics Communications,2008,281(21):5340-5343(ZJU TOP) 40.Wang Huiquan,Jin Zhonghe,Zheng Yangming,Ma Huilian,Li Tie,Wang Yuelin,Selective etching of n-type silicon in pn junction structure in hydrofluoric acid and its application in silicon nanowire fabrication,Nanotechnology,19(17),175307,2008(ZJU TOP) 41.Zhonghe Jin,Zhihuai Yang,Huilian Ma,*Diqing Ying.Open-loop experiments in a resonator fiber-optic gyro using digital triangle wave phase modulation.IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,2007,19(20):1685-1687(ZJU TOP) 42.Diqing Ying,Huilian Ma,*and Zhonghe Jin.Ringing phenomenon of the fiber ring resonator.Applied Optics,2007,46(22):4890-4895(ZJU TOP) 43.Xulin Zhang,Huilian Ma,*Kejiang Zhou,Zhonghe Jin.Experiments by PM spectroscopy in resonator fiber optic gyro.Optical Fiber Technology,2007,13,(2):135-138. 44.Wu C.J.,Ma H.L.,Jin Z.H.,*Wang Y.L.,Sacrificial Layer Etching in Bubble Structure,Sensors and Actuators A-Physical,2007,136(2):710-716 45.Wu C.J.,Jin Z.H.,Wang H.Q.,Ma H.L.,Wang Y.L.,Design and Fabrication of Nanofluidic Channel by Selective Thermal Oxidation and Etching Back of Silicon Dioxide Made on Silicon Substrate,Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,2007,17:2393-2397(ZJU TOP) 46.Jin Z.H.,*Wu C.J.,Ma H.L.,Xu N.N.,and Wang Y.L.,The effects of HF diffusion coefficient on the etching process of sacrificial oxide layers,Thin Solid Films,2007,515(5):3065-3072 47.Huilian Ma,*Xulin Zhang,Zhonghe Jin,Chun Ding.Waveguide-type Optical Passive Ring Resonator Gyro Using Phase Modulation Spectroscopy Technique.Optical Engineering,2006,45(8):P080506-1--P080506-3 48.Wu C.J.,Jin Z.H.,Ma H.L.,*Lin S.F.,Wang Y.L.,Sacrificial Layer Etching in Joint Channels,Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,2006,16(11):2323-2329.(ZJU TOP) 49.Xu-lin Zhang,Hui-lian Ma,Zhong-he Jin,*Chun Ding(2006),Open-loop operation experiments in a resonator fiber optic gyro using the phase modulation spectroscopy technique.Applied Optics,2006,45(31):7961-7965.(ZJU TOP) Invited Talks: 1.The 25th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies(ALT),Busan,Korea,September 11 to 15,2017 2.The 12th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rin(CLEO-PR),the 22nd OptoElectronics and Communications Conference(OECC)and The 5th Photonics Global Conference(PGC),Singapore,31 July-4 August,2017. 3.The 16th International Conference on Optical Communications&Networks(ICOCN),Wuzhen,China,August 7-10,2017. 4.The annual International Conference on Manipulation,Auto-Motion and Robotics at Small Scales,in Montreal,Canada,17 to 21 July,2017. 5.IEEE Photonics Conference,29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics,Hawaii,USA,2-6 October,2016. 6.The 2ND International Conference on Ultrasonic-Based Applications:From Analysis to Synthesis,Caparica,Portugal,6-8 June,2016. 7.Energy Material Nanotechnology Conference,Beijing,China,April 22-25,2016. 8.中国惯性技术学会光电技术专业委员会第十二次学术会议(大会报告),长沙,2016.9 9.第九届中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛(OFSC),深圳,2016.10 10.第139届浙江大学西湖学术论坛,杭州,2016 国际会议: 1.Jianjie Zhang,Hanzhao Li,Huilian Ma*,and Zhonghe Jin.High Finesse Silica Waveguide Ring Resonators for Resonant Micro-Optic Gyroscopes.In Proc.OFS-25,April 24-28 2017,Jeju,Korea(Best student Paper Award) 2.Hanzhao Li,Yi Lin,Sen Ye,Huilian Ma,*and Zhonghe Jin.Loss reduction of hybrid single-polarization fiber ring resonator by white light interferometer.16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks(ICOCN'2017)August 8-10,2017,Wuzhen,China(Best Poster Paper Award) 3.Sen Ye,Yi Lin,Hanzhao Li,Huilian Ma*,and Zhonghe Jin.Reduction of High-Frequency Laser Noise in Resonant Fiber Optic Gyroscope with a Phase-Modulated Feedback Loop 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks(ICOCN'2017)August 8-10,2017,Wuzhen,China 4.Linglan WANG,Hanzhao Li,Huilian MA*,and Zhonghe JIN.Resonant Fiber Optic Gyro Based on Total Internal Reflection Photonic Crystal Fiber Ring Resonator.Sixth Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference(APOS),11-14 October,2016,Shanghai,China. 5.Ying Lu,Jianjie Zhang,Huilian Ma*,and Zhonghe Jin.High-frequency Pound-Drever-Hall Sensing of A Short and High-finesse Fiber Ring Resonator.15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks(ICOCN'2016)Sep 24-27,2016 Hangzhou China 6.Yuchao Yan,Linglan Wang,Huilian Ma*,Diqing Ying,Zhonghe Jin.Hybrid Air-core photonic bandgap fiber ring resonator and implications for resonant fiber optic gyro.Fifth Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference.In Proc.of SPIE Vol.9655,96550I,May 20-22,2015,Jeju,Kore. 7.Jianjie Zhang,Linglan Wang,Huilian Ma*,and Zhonghe Jin.Performance of closed-loop resonant micro optic gyro with hybrid.Fifth Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference.In Proc.of SPIE Vol.9655,965505,2015,May 20-22,2015,Jeju,Kore. 8.Linglan WANG,Yuchao YAN,Huilian MA*,Zhonghe JIN.Research progress of the resonant fiber optic gyroscope technology.AOPC 2015:Optical Fiber Sensors and Applications.In Proc.of SPIE Vol.9679 967906-1,May 5-7,2015,Beijing China 9.Huilian Ma*,Jianjie Zhang,Linglan Wang,and Zhonghe Jin.Resonant micro optic gyro using tens of centimeters long optical fiber coil.In Proc.of SPIE Vol.9375,93750X,7-12 February 2015,San Francisco,California,United States 10.Linglan Wang,Yuchao Yan,Xiao Lu,Huilian Ma,*and Zhonghe Jin.Digital Signal Processing for a Closed-Loop Resonant Fiber Optic Gyro.Asia Communication and Photonics,(ACP)2014,paper AF1I.7,11-14 November,2014.Shanghai,China. 11.Yuchao Yan,Linglan Wang,Huilian Ma,*and Zhonghe Jin.Hybrid single-polarization fiber ring resonator and implications for resonant fiber optic gyro.Asia Communication and Photonics,(ACP)2014,paper AW3D.3,11-14 November,2014.Shanghai,China. 12.Huilian Ma*,Xuhui Yu,and Zhonghe Jin.Double closed-loop resonator fiber optic gyro with improved digital serrodyne modulation.In Proc.SPIE,Vol.8794,pp.87940S-1-87940S-5.Fifth European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors(EWOFS),19–22 May 2013 Kraków,Poland. 13.Xiao Lu,Xuhui Yu,Huilian Ma*,and Zhonghe Jin.Reduction of the effect of the overflow reset in resonant frequency servo loop for resonator fiber optic gyro.In Proc.SPIE,Vol.8924,pp.89240P-1-89240P-5,Fourth Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference(APOS),15-18 October,2013,Wuhan,China. 14.Huilian Ma,Xuhui Yu,and Zhonghe Jin.Digital resonator fiber optic gyro based on a miniature laser source.3rd Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors(APOS)Conference,Jan 31-Feb 3,2012,Sydney,Australia.Paper Tu6 15.Xuhui Yu,Huilian Ma,and Zhonghe Jin.Laser frequency noise reduction in resonator fiber optic gyro.CLEO/QELS 2012,May 6,2012-May 11,2012,San Jose,CA,United states,Article number 16.Xuhui Yu,Huilian Ma,and Zhonghe Jin.Optimization of frequency stabilization loop for resonator fiber optic gyro.In Proc.OFS-22 2012,Beijing,Paper 493. 17.Guhong Zhang,Huilian Ma,and Zhonghe Jin.Frequency noise characteristics of a narrow-linewidth DFB semiconductor laser in resonator fiber optic gyro.In Proc.OFS-22 2012,Beijing,Paper 488. 18.Yuchao Yan,Yan Chen,Huilian Ma*,and Zhonghe Jin.Polarization-fluctuation Induced drift in resonatormicro optic gyro.Asia Communication and Photonics,(ACP)2012,paper AF 4B.16,7-10 November,2012.Guangzhou China. 19.Huilian Ma,Hui Mao,Yan Chen,Zhonghe Jin.Resonator micro optic gyro with double phase modulation technique using an FPGA-based digital processor.Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering,Vol.7753,21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors,Ottawa,Canada,May 15,2011-May 19,2011,Article number 77531H. 20.Yan Chen,Huilian Ma,Zhonghe Jin.Offset errors caused by the resonance asymmetry in the waveguide-type optical passive resonator gyro.Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering,Vol.7753,21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors,Ottawa,Canada,May 15,2011-May 19,2011,Article number 77531K. 21.Mao Hui,Ma Huilian,Jin Zhonghe.Resonator micro-optic gyroscope based on the double phase modulation technique.Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference:2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications,CLEO/QELS 2010,May 16,2010-May 21,2010,San Jose,CA,United states,Article number 5499809 22.Ma Huilian,Chang Xu,Mao Hui,Jin Zhonghe.Laser frequency noise limited sensitivity in a resonator optic gyroscope.15th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference,OECC2010,Sapporo,Japan,July 5,2010-July 9,2010,pp.706-707,2010 23.Yu Xuhui,Ma Huilian,Jin Zhonghe.Resonator fiber optic gyroscope with an all digitalized system.ISSCAA2010-3rd International Symposium on Systems and Control 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