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Ecology and management of endangered marsupials and wildlife management. Methods of mitigating the negative effects of roads and other developments on wildlife, including underpasses and rope bridges. My major sponsor in this field is Main Roads Western Australia.


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Bain K., Wayne A. and Bencini R. Spatial ecology of the quokka (Setonix brachyurus) in the southern forests of Western Australia: implications for the maintenance, or restoration, of functional metapopulations’ Journal of Zoology. Submitted (IF= 1.88) Rosales Nieto C., Ferguson M.B., Claire A Macleay C.A., Briegel J.R., Wood D.A., Martin G.B., Bencini R. and Thompson A.N. Milk production and composition are not related to rates of muscle and fat accumulation in one-year-old ewes. Small Ruminant Research. Submitted (IF=1.13) Bain K., Wayne A. and Bencini R. (2015). Prescribed burning as a conservation tool for management of habitat for threatened species: use of the quokka (Setonix brachyurus) as a focal species in the southern forests of Western Australia. International Journal of Wildland Fire, accepted 29.10.2015 (IF= 2.43) Bennison C., Friend T., Button T., Mills H.R., Lambert C and Bencini R. (2015). An assessment of non-target species risk: potential impacts of poison baiting for introduced house mice (Mus domesticus) on dibblers (Parantechinus apicalis) inhabiting the Jurien Bay Islands, Western Australia. Wildlife Research, accepted 4.10.2015 (IF= 1.49) Chachelle P.D., Chambers B.K., Bencini R., Maloney S.K. (2015). Western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus ocydromus) readily include fauna underpasses in their home range. Wildlife Research, accepted 23.9.2015 (IF=1.49) Miller A., Ralantoharijaona T., Misandeau C., Andriaholinirina Volasoa N.Mills H., Bencini R. A biological survey of Antsahanadraitry forest (Alan’Antanetivy corridor, Manompana) reveals the presence of the hairy-eared dwarf lemur (Allocebus trichotis). Lemur News, accepted 19.10.2015. Willers N., Bencini R., Matson P., Mawson P., Morris K. and Martin G.B. (submitted to Animals, special issue on management of unwanted wildlife; invited by Editor). Finding the balance: fertility control for the management of fragmented populations of a threatened rock-wallaby species, accepted 23.9.2015. Yokochi K., Kennington W.J. and Bencini R. A narrow artificial waterway is a barrier to gene flow in the endangered western ringtail possum, Pseudocheirus occidentalis. Plos One, accepted subject to major revision 13.10.2015. (IF= 3.23) Aryal A., Panthi S., Barraclough R.K., Adhikari B., Bencini R. and Raubenheimer D. (2015). Habitat selection and feeding ecology of Dhole (Cuon alpinus) in the Himalaya. Journal of Mammalogy. 96, 47–53. (IF= 1.84) Aryal A., Weihong J., Shreshta U.B., Bencini R. and Raubenheimer D. (2015). Conservation Conflict: Factor people into tiger plans. Nature 522, 287 (IF= 41.46) Bain K., Wayne A. and Bencini R. (2015). Risks in extrapolating habitat preferences over the geographical range of threatened taxa: a case study of the quokka (Setonix brachyurus) in the southern forests of Western Australia. Wildlife Research, 42(4). DOI:10.1071/WR14247 (IF= 1.49) Chambers B.K. and Bencini R. (2015). Factors affecting the use of fauna underpasses by bandicoots and bobtail lizard. Animal Conservation. Article first published online: 20 JAN 2015. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12189. (IF = 2.85) Rassu S.P.G., Nudda A., Carzedda C., Battacone G., Bencini R. and Pulina G. (2015). A partial suckling regime increases milk production in Sarda dairy sheep without affecting meat quality of lambs. Small Ruminant Research. 125, 15-20. (IF=1.13) Yokochi K. and Bencini R. (2015). A remarkably quick habituation and high use of a rope bridge by an endangered marsupial, the western ringtail possum. Nature Conservation. 11, 79-94 doi: 10.3897/natureconservation.11.4385 Yokochi K., Chambers B.K. and Bencini R. (2015). A road and an artificial waterway restrict movements and home ranges of a threatened arboreal marsupial. Journal of Mammalogy. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyv137 First published online: 4 September 2015. (IF= 1.84) Aryal A., Brunton D., Ji W., Karmacharya D., McCarthy T., Bencini R. and Raubenheimer D. (2014). Multipronged strategy including genetic analysis for assessing conservation options for the snow leopard in the central Himalaya. Journal of Mammalogy. 95, 871-881. (IF= 1.84) Bain K., Wayne A. and Bencini R. (2014). Overcoming the challenges of measuring the abundance of a cryptic macropod: is a qualitative approach good enough? Wildlife Research. 41, 84-93. (IF=1.49) Mayberry C., Bencini R., Mawson P.R. and Maloney S.K. (2014). Sedation of western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus ocydromus) with tiletamine-zolazepam. Animal Welfare. 23, 141-144. (IF= 1.31) Mayberry C., Maloney S.K., Mitchell J., Mawson P.R. and Bencini R. (2014). Reproductive implications of exposure to Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus ocydromus). Journal of Wildlife Disease. 50, 364–368. (IF= 1.36) Mills H.R., Bradshaw F.J., Lambert C., Bradshaw S.D. and Bencini R. (2012). Reproduction in the marsupial dibbler, Parantechinus apicalis; differences between island and mainland populations. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 178, 347-54. (IF= 2.47) Willers N., Mawson P., Morris K. and Bencini R. (2011). Biology and population dynamics of the black-flanked rock wallaby (Petrogale lateralis lateralis) in the central wheatbelt of Western Australia. Australian Mammalogy. 33, 117-127. (IF= 0.831)
