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季葆华,浙江大学求是特聘教授,博导。于1993和1998年在西安交通大学获工学学士和博士学位。1998-2001在中国科学院力学研究所做博士后研究。2001-2004在德国马普金属研究所做博士后研究。2004/8加入清华大学航天航空学院工程力学系,任副教授。2008/11调入北京理工大学宇航学院力学系,任教授。2018/1调入浙江大学任教授至今。长期从事生物材料、细胞与分子力学等领域的研究工作。在生物材料的力学建模和设计、细胞与分子力学行为的多尺度建模和实验研究等方面取得了原创性的学术成果。在PNAS、PRL、Nat Comm、Nano Lett、JMPS和Biophys.J上共发表学术论文100余篇,研究成果被Science,Nature及其子刊大量引用和报道。 曾入选北京市科技新星计划(2006),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2009),获国家杰出青年科学基金(2010)。入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才(2016);国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才(2017)。获中国力学学会青年科技奖(2009),中国力学学会科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖(2017)。 教学与课程 《生物力学基础》、 《高等生物力学》、 《工程力学》、 《材料力学》、 《生命科学概论》 科研 主要发现: 1)A traction-distance law of the distribution of cell-matrix interaction force.We found that the traction force between cell and matrix is approximately proportional to the distance to the cell center through theoretical modeling.This finding reveals a‘secret’that cell may use its spreading shape to control the distribution of cell traction for modulating the stability of cell adhesion and thus producing driving force for cell migration. He,Shijie,Yewang Su,Baohua Ji,and Huajian Gao.2014.“Some Basic Questions on Mechanosensing in Cell–Substrate Interaction.”Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 70:116–35.doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2014.05.016. Zhong,Yuan,and Baohua Ji.2014.“How Do Cells Produce and Regulate the Driving Force in the Process of Migration?.”Eur.Phys.J.Spec.Top.223(7):1373–90.doi:10.1140/epjst/e2014-02196-8. 2)Force propagation and transfer mechanisms in cells.Effective force transfer and propagation among cells is crucial for the cooperation among cells for collective behaviors.We found that there is a characteristic length scale for the force transfer and propagation,which depends on the mechanical properties of the cell and matrix.A large characteristic length is for high efficiency of force transfer and thus high cooperation among cells,and vice versa.Moreover,the anisotropy of cell properties will influence the force transfer in the cells and cells’responses to the loading modes. Li,Xiaojun,Shijie He,Jiayi Xu,Peiliu Li,and Baohua Ji.2018.“Cooperative Contraction Behaviors of a One-Dimensional Cell Chain.”Biophysical Journal 115(3):554–64.doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2018.06.014. Wei,Fuxiang,Xiangyu Xu,Cunyu Zhang,Yawen Liao,Baohua Ji,and Ning Wang.2020.“Stress Fiber Anisotropy Contributes to Force-Mode Dependent Chromatin Stretching and Gene Upregulation in Living Cells.”Nature Communications 11:4902.doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18584-5. 3)Stress driven cell polarization and alignment.A nematic cell model is developed for predicting the collective cell polarization and alignment.We showed that the cells prefer to align along the direction of maximum principal stress,while the driving force is the in-plane maximum shear stress(or the anisotropy of the stress state). He,Shijie,Chenglin Liu,Xiaojun Li,Shaopeng Ma,Bo Huo,and Baohua Ji.2015.“Dissecting Collective Cell Behavior in Polarization and Alignment on Micropatterned Substrates.”Biophysical Journal 109(3):489–500.doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2015.06.058. He,Shijie,Yoav Green,Nima Saeidi,Xiaojun Li,Jeffrey J.Fredberg,Baohua Ji,and Len M Pismen.2020.“A Theoretical Model of Collective Cell Polarization and Alignment.”Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 137:103860.doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2019.103860. 4)Rate-independent rupture of molecular bond.We found that the rupture force of the molecular bond becomes independent of the loading rate when it is pulled at loading rate below a critical value,at which the bond rebinding becomes dominant.This finding is a timely and important supplement to the classic theories in the field. Li,Dechang,and Baohua Ji.2014.“Predicted Rupture Force of a Single Molecular Bond Becomes Rate Independent at Ultralow Loading Rates.”Physical Review Letters 112(7):078302.doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.078302. 5)New strengthening mechanism of ultralong silkβ‑Sheet Nanocrystallites.We found that multiple interface microcracks nucleate and stack at the interface,dividing the interchain interface into small segments,by which the silk protein can achieve a high strength even with the ultralong chains.This is a new strategy of microstructure design of soft matter that could avoid the“larger is weaker”fate due to the increase of the chain length. Dechang Li,Qianchun Wang,Changjian Xu,Yuan Cheng,Yong-Wei Zhang,and Baohua Ji.2020.“How Does Nature Evade the“Larger is Weaker”Fate of Ultralong Silkβ-Sheet Nanocrystallites”,Nano Letters,https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c02968 6)Mechanical role of the nano and hierarchical structure.We found that the nano and hierarchical structure are so crucial to the superior mechanical properties of biological nanocomposites and superhydrophobicity of biological surface materials.These findings have made a huge impact to the field and have stimulated much researches on developing novel man-made,bio-inspired materials. Su,Yewang,Baohua Ji,Kai Zhang,Huajian Gao,Yonggang Huang,and Kehchih Hwang.2010.“Nano to Micro Structural Hierarchy Is Crucial for Stable Superhydrophobic and Water-Repellent Surfaces.”Langmuir 26(7):4984–89.doi:10.1021/la9036452. Su,Yewang,Baohua Ji,Yonggang Huang,and Keh-Chih Hwang.2010.“Nature’s Design of Hierarchical Superhydrophobic Surfaces of a Water Strider for Low Adhesion and Low-Energy Dissipation.”Langmuir 26(24):18926–37.doi:10.1021/la103442b. 近期代表论著: Dechang Li,Qianchun Wang,Changjian Xu,Yuan Cheng,Yong-Wei Zhang,and Baohua Ji*.2020.“How Does Nature Evade the“Larger is Weaker”Fate of Ultralong Silkβ-Sheet Nanocrystallites”,Nano Letters,https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c02968 He,Shijie,Yoav Green,Nima Saeidi,Xiaojun Li,Jeffrey J.Fredberg,Baohua Ji*,and Len M Pismen.2020.“A Theoretical Model of Collective Cell Polarization and Alignment.”Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 137:103860.doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2019.103860. Li,Xiaojun,Shijie He,Jiayi Xu,Peiliu Li,and Baohua Ji*.2018.“Cooperative Contraction Behaviors of a One-Dimensional Cell Chain.”Biophysical Journal 115(3):554–64.doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2018.06.014. He,Shijie,Chenglin Liu,Xiaojun Li,Shaopeng Ma,Bo Huo,and Baohua Ji*.2015.“Dissecting Collective Cell Behavior in Polarization and Alignment on Micropatterned Substrates.”Biophysical Journal 109(3):489–500.doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2015.06.058. Li,Dechang,and Baohua Ji*.2014.“Predicted Rupture Force of a Single Molecular Bond Becomes Rate Independent at Ultralow Loading Rates.”Physical Review Letters 112(7):078302.doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.078302. He,Shijie,Yewang Su,Baohua Ji*,and Huajian Gao.2014.“Some Basic Questions on Mechanosensing in Cell–Substrate Interaction.”Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 70:116–35.doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2014.05.016. Su,Yewang,Baohua Ji*,Kai Zhang,Huajian Gao,Yonggang Huang,and Kehchih Hwang.2010.“Nano to Micro Structural Hierarchy Is Crucial for Stable Superhydrophobic and Water-Repellent Surfaces.”Langmuir 26(7):4984–89.doi:10.1021/la9036452. Su,Yewang,Baohua Ji*,Yonggang Huang,and Keh-Chih Hwang.2010.“Nature’s Design of Hierarchical Superhydrophobic Surfaces of a Water Strider for Low Adhesion and Low-Energy Dissipation.”Langmuir 26(24):18926–37.doi:10.1021/la103442b. 全部论文列表 ORCID ID My ResearcherID Google Scholar 获奖及荣誉: 1.国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才(2017) 2.中国力学学会科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖(2017) 3.科技部中青年科技领军人才(2016) 4.北京理工大学“十一五优秀科技工作者”(2011) 5.国家杰出青年科学基金(2010) 6.教育部新世纪优秀人才(2009) 7.中国力学学会青年科技奖(2009) 8.北京市科技新星(2006) 招聘信息 诚招博士后及科研助理 一、岗位要求: 1.具有或即将获得国内外知名大学力学、生医工程、生物物理、医学、材料、机械等学科博士学位(科研助理要求已获得或即将获得相关硕士学位),具有生物力学、固体力学、生物材料等相关领域研究经验; 2.在细胞与分子力学、生物材料、组织工程等方向的实验研究/理论建模/计算仿真某一方面具有较好的研究基础。 3.热爱科研工作,有较强的独立科研能力;有开放的思维,具有较好的沟通能力和团队协作精神;有较强的英文论文写作能力。 二、博士后薪资与待遇 按照《浙江大学关于进一步加强博士后队伍建设的若干意见》中有关博士后薪金的规定,世界排名前100名高校的博士毕业生或其他特别优秀的博士生税前年薪为28-30万/年;海外知名高校及国家“双一流”高校或学科的博士毕业生为16-20万/年;其它高校博士为10-14万/年;科研助理为6-8万/年。其他待遇(如租住博士后公寓,子女入托入学等)可参考浙江大学统一标准。课题组负责提供研究工作所需的充足经费和工作条件,并可根据具体情况提供绩效奖金。对优秀博士后可提供赴海外一流大学进行合作研究的机会。博士后出站优秀者可竞聘浙江大学正式编制教职。 四、联系方式 请将简历、1-3篇代表作以及两位推荐人的联系方式等信息合并为一个PDF文件发送至。 邮件标题请注明“博士后/科研助理应聘-姓名”


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现为现为中国力学学会生物材料与仿生力学专业组组长;中国力学学会生物力学专业委员会副主任;中国材料学会材料生物力学分会副主任;中国生物医学工程学会理事,担任国际期刊《Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics》副主编。
